TVD: S3E63 - Heart of Darkness

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Alexis' POV

I'm finally allow to go home with y baby girl after three days. Tyler is due back today and Elena is going to Denver with Damon to get Jeremy. As Klaus knows where he is and he is no longer safe. Alaric has been locked in the Salvatore cellar as his alter ego has hidden his white oak stake. That can kill one original and their entire blood line. So we can't kill Klaus or the father of my baby will die and I am not ok with that. Neither is Caroline ok with it.

Caroline picks me up and we head for the school. As she wants to check on the preparations for the next decade dance. "You will be going right?" she asks me.

"I don't know Caroline, Adrianna will only be eight days old" I tell her.

"It'll only be for a couple of hours" she tells me.

"I don't even have an outfit" I tell her.

"I got you one" she says smiling.

"Ok, but only an hour. I'll have Carol look after Adrianna" I tell her.

"Great" she says smiling. She parks the car and I take Adrianna out of her car seat. We head for the gym. I look around the room in confusion. People are decorating for the "Roaring 20s" decade dance. We walk over to Matt. "What is this?" she demands.

"It's the decade dance. Remember, you made us sign up to help?" Matt tells her.

"No. This. The 20s. We're doing the 70s" Care reminds him.

"Too flashy, people. It's supposed to be speakeasy, not the World Fair" Rebekah tells the people. "Ah, good, you both are here. Adorable baby" she says looking at Adrianna. "I need help setting up the tables so, get to it" she tells Caroline.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask her confused.

"Somebody has to be in charge" she states smugly.

"Yeah, me. I'm the chair of the Dance Committee. The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s" Caroline tells her.

"So, you'd rather dress in tacky colors with bad hair. Than be a classic flapper from the jazz age? Honestly, I don't know what my brother sees in you" Rebekah tells her.

"Maybe he sees a challenge. See, unlike some other people, I don't sleep with everyone I make eye contact with" Care snaps.

"Maybe we can do both decades?" Matt suggests.

"No" Care and Rebekah tells him. Making me giggle.

"Go on, Matt, don't be a coward. You know you loved my 20s idea when I presented it to the group" Rebekah tells him.

"Traitor!" Care exclaims Adrianna whimpers.

"It's ok darling, mama is here" I say in a soothing tone as I rock her gently.

"Bell bottoms and disco? I don't know, this just seemed cooler" Matt tells Care.

"I agree and not just because I love Jazz music" I add smiling sheepishly at her.

"Whatever. Have fun at your stupid dance" she states and storms off. Matt runs after her.

"Sorry about that" I tell Rebekah.

"It's fine, she is adorable by the way" she tells me smiling at Adrianna.

"I know" I say smiling at my baby girl. "Anyway love the 20s idea, do you have anything I could wear?" I ask her.

"I think I have the perfect outfit for you" she tells me smiling. "I'll drop it off later" she states.

"Thank you Rebekah, see you later" I say as I head for the door. I pass Matt. I see Caroline has left and roll my eyes. I walk to Tyler's house and Carol lets me in. She takes Adrianna for a cuddle.

"Tyler is going to love her" she says cooing.

"He sure will" I say with a smile. "Speaking of Adrianna, can you watch her watch her Friday night?" I ask her.

"Why?" she asks me confused.

"Caroline convinced me to go the the decade dance, it'll only be an hour. Two max" I assure her.

"Of course I will" she assures me and I smile. "So where's Elena?" she asks me.

"She's gone to get Jeremy from Denver" I tell her. We decide to have tea while Adrianna has a nap. She sleeps  in a ring of pillows on the L couch. With a soft wool blanket.

(Lockwood cellar) Third Persons POV

Caroline is lying on Tyler's chest. They're both naked. There are lit candles in the cellar. "Did I mention I miss you? Bad?" he asks Caroline as she giggles kissing his chest.

"Mm, at some point we are going to do this in an actual bed, right?" she asks him.

"Yes, I promise. Once I've meet my daughter and figure out how to deal with Klaus" he assures her.

"Oh she is so adorable, you're going to love her" Care tells him. "As for Klaus. Tell him to suck it. You broke his sire bond, you won't have to deal with him anymore" she states.

"It's easier said than done. Besides, I won't know if it's broken for sure until I test it" Tyler tells her. She sits up looking at him.

"Wait, I thought you said that's why you were coming back, because you said you felt different" she says looking confused.

"I do feel different. I feel freer. Way more myself. All I know is I just turned about a hundred times in the Appalachian Mountains. If I can get through that, I can get through anything" he tells her. "Especially with my little girl" he adds smiling.

"Good. Because Klaus might not be our only problem" Care tells him.

"What else did I miss?" he asks her confused.

"Matt killed an Original and then every vampire that Original had ever turned mysteriously died. Right now, Damon is desperate to figure out which Original created our vampire bloodline. If he finds out it wasn't Klaus, they're all gonna kill him" Caroline explains.

"But Klaus turned me. So if he dies, I die" he states.

"I know that. They know that. The difference is Damon doesn't care and no one has told Alexis that yet" Care tells him. "Anyway lets go to my house and I'll text Lexis" she suggests. He nods his head and they get dressed after she texts Alexis.

(Forbes house) Alexis' POV

I'm sitting with Liz as we wait for Caroline. Who apparently has a surprise for Adrianna and I. "She looks just like you and Elena, from when you were babies" Liz states.

"Everyone says that" I tell her with a chuckle. Just then the door opens and I turn to see Caroline with Tyler. I smile brightly and hold Adrianna up. He zooms over and looks at her in awe. "Want to hold our daughter?" I ask him and he nods his head. I hand her to him and he holds her close not taking his eyes off of her. She gurgles happily trying to touch his face. He leans down and she grabs her nose.

"She's perfect, thank you Lexis. I can never repay you for this amazing gift" he tells me.

"I should be thanking you" I tell him smiling as I give him a hug. "She's ours and no one will take her away" I state. He nods his head in agreement. I stay for dinner before going home with Adrianna. I place feed her and place her in her nursery. I sit in the rocking chair and decide to watch her for awhile. But I end up falling asleep.


Picture above of Alexis with Adrianna and gif on the external link of Caroline saying "no" with Rebekah..

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