TVD: S3E51 - Ghost World

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Alexis' POV

Today volunteers are helping set up for the 'Night of Illuminations'. Elena and I volunteered, but are running late. "Not my fault, blame your niece" I tell her.

"It's not Adrianna's fault you slept in" she tells me.

"She's the one that wakes me up at an ungodly hour" I retort.

"There's Jeremy" she says changing the subject. I sigh and we join him. "Hey, sorry we're late. What did we miss?" she asks him.

"You guys didn't miss anything" Jeremy assures us. Tobias Fell steps onto stage to give his speech.

"The first illumination was held in celebration with the newfound prosperity that Mystic Falls enjoyed after the war" Tobias states. Jeremy laughs. Elena and I look at him.

"What's so funny?" I ask him and he doesn't answer. Just focusing on Tobias Fell and his speech.

"The founders, they placed lanterns over the doors to indicate that it was safe for their neighbors to come outside again. That night was an opportunity for the community of Mystic Falls to come together, a chance to strengthen ties with neighbors, business owners, and the town" Tobias explains. We're split into teams and start to set up.

I was hanging lanterns when Stefan appears. "Where's Elena?" he asks me.

"The grill I think, why?" I ask him.

"Just doing my rounds" he states and leaves. I roll my eyes and finish my task. I went to my car and was about to start it when something weird happened.

"Hello Alexis" a guy says and I turn to see Mason Lockwood. I nearly have a heart attack. "Deep breaths" he tells me.

"How the hell are you here?" I ask him.

"Long story" he tells me. "But I'm here to help you and Tyler. Congrats on the baby by the way and thank you" he says.

"You're welcome" I say. "I'm sorry about what Damon did" I add.

"Water under the bridge, can you find out where he is for me?" he asks me.

"Why?" I ask him unsure.

"I'm not gonna hurt him, I already got my revenge for him killing me" he states.

"Fine" I tell him and call Damon. "Hey Damon, where are you?" I ask him.

"The grill with Alaric, why?" he asks me.

"No reason, Stefan is heading there. Make sure he doesn't annoy Elena to much" I tell him before hanging up. "He's at the grill with Alaric" I tell Masen.

"Thank you, I hope all goes well with my great niece" Masen says smiling. He leaves and I drive home. Once there I start to pack my things for my move. I was half way through my clothes when my phone rings.

"What's up Elena?" I ask her as I sit on the bed resting my feet.

"Ghosts are walking around town" she tells me.

"I know, I saw Masen Lockwood" I tell her.

"Bonnie is going to fix things, but I think you should stay home until then" she tells me.

"I'm packing Elena, I wasn't really planning on going anywhere" I tell her.

"Lexi?" I hear her say.

"Elena is Lexi there?" I ask her excited.

"Yes" she says.

"Hi Lexis, congrats on the baby" Lexi says.

"Thanks, take care of Elena for me" I tell her.

"Of course, I'm taking her for ripper detox 101" she states.

"I'll see you later Alexis" Elena assures me before hanging up. Just then Jules appears and I glare at her.

"Great, what do you want?" I ask her.

"To apologize" she states.

"For what? For taking the father of my child away when I needed him? Or for trying to kill my twin? Or for torturing one of my friends? Should I continue?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry for all of it" she tells me. "I was only trying to do what I thought was best for Tyler" she states. "Speaking of, you need to break his sire bond with Klaus" she tells me.

"I open to any ideas" I tell her.

"He needs to shift until he doesn't feel pain" she states.

"Are you serious? He's have to break every bone in his body over a hundred times. I'm not going to let him put himself through that pain" I tell her.

"He'd do it for Adrianna, do you really want him around her while he's sired to Klaus?" she asks me.

"Of course not" I tell her appalled by the very thought.

"Then convince him" she tells me. "Tell Caroline and she can help you" she adds.

"I'll try, I want him free of Klaus more then anything. I'm sorry Klaus killed you" I add.

"It was better then your baby losing her father before she was even born" she states. "I have to go" she tells me. "Tell Tyler I said hi" she says before disappearing. I go have a relaxing shower and change into my pjs. I call it a night.


Future chapters season three:

TVD: S3E52 - Ordinary People

TVD: S3E53 - Homecoming

TVD: S3E54 - The New Deal

TVD: S3E55 - Our Town

TVD: S3E56 - Ties That Bind Us

TVD: S3E57 - Bring Out The Dead

TVD: S3E58 - Dangerous Liasons

TVD: S3E59 - All My Children

TVD: S3E60 - Break On Through

TVD: S3E61 - The Murder of One

TVD: S3E61 - Adriana's Birth

TVD: S3E62 - Heart of Darkness

TVD: S3E63 Do Not Go Gentle

TVD: S3E64 - Before Sunset

TVD: S3E65 - The Departed

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