TVD: S3E57 - Bringing Out The Dead

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Alexis' POV

Bonnie had found her mum and they'll be unlocking the magically sealed coffin today. Speaking of coffins. Klaus got back three of them. But really wants the locked one back. I am curious as to who is inside. Maybe a past lover? Or an unknown sibling? The possibilities are endless.

Anyway I'm cleaning my apartment listening to Pink. When I hear a knock at the door. I turn down the music and go answer it. To see Elijah standing there in a black & blue suit. "Elijah!" I cheer and hug him tightly. "I've missed you so much, I thought Klaus still had you daggered" I state as I pull away.

"Damon undaggered me, so that we can plat against Klaus together" he tells me.

"Sounds like Damon" I say smiling. "Come in" I tell him and he does so. "Are any of the others awake?" I ask him curious.

"No, I intend to wake them tonight" he tells me.

"Well I look forward to meeting your other brothers" I tell him. "And apologizing to Rebekah for my sister stabbing her in the back latterly" I add.

"Pregnancy suits you" he tells me.

"Thanks, but I am ready for it to be over" I tell him. "I'm due soon" I add.

"I remember when Tatia gave birth to her child, it was the happiest moment of her life" he tells me.

"Tatia, to original Petrova?" I ask and he nods his head. "What was she like?" I ask him curious.

"A lot like you, or should I say you're a lot like her. More so then any doppelganger" he tells me. "Down to your pregnancy, aside from the werewolf father" he states.

"Really?" I say surprised.

"Yes, I could never understand why there were two of you this time around" he tells me.

"Right this is there first time there's been two doppelgangers in a thousand years" I say.

"But that's the thing Alexis, I don't believe you're a doppelganger" he tells me. He puts a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Then what am I?" I ask him confused.

"A reincarnation of Tatia" he tells me looking into my eyes. "You are a reincarnation of my first love and I feel drawn to you as I did to her. But I fear repeating the past" he explains.

"I feel connected to you too and this explains a lot. But I'm not her Elijah and I don't want to be her. I just want to be me and raise my daughter" I tell him.

"You'll be an amazing mother" he tells me. "I have to go meet Damon, I'll be in touch" he assures me. He caresses my stomach and kisses my forehead before disappearing. I sigh and go back to cleaning my apartment. Thinking about Elijah. Do I only like him because Tatia did? I want to know more about her. I'll ask him next time I see him.

I look at the time and curse. I was suppose to meet Caroline at the hospital. Also I have my thirty-seven week check up. I go downstairs and get into my car. I drive to the hospital. I arrive and see Caroline talking to Meredith. "Sorry, I'm late Care. Is your dad ready?" I ask her.

"I signed his discharge papers late last night, just to shut him up" Meredith tells us.

"Oh, I...he didn't call or anything" Care says.

"That's gotta be hard. When your dad hates the one thing you can't change about yourself" Meredith says. We look at her surprised. "I make it my business, to know who the vampires are in this town. Medical curiosity. I don't blab" she assures us.

"Yeah, we've had our ups and downs" Care tells her.

"Tell your dad I said You're welcome" Meredith tells her. Caroline thanks her and leaves. "You ready for your check up?" she asks me. I nod my head and we go to her office. "So how are you feeling?" she asks me.

"Back hurts, feet are always swollen and can hardly sleep. Adrianna turns a lot" I tell her.

"May I?" she asks and I nod my head. She feels my stomach and then listens to my babies heartbeat. "Everything appears to be going well, anymore braxton hicks?" she asks me. I shake my head. She leaves to go get the ultrasound and Elijah appears.

"Elijah, hey. What are you doing here?" I ask him curious.

"I didn't feel like seeing Klaus again yet" he tells me. "I hope you don't mind me being here" he says as he stands beside me.

"Of course not, I always enjoy your company. Besides Elena was going to be here, but she has other things to attend too" I tell him. Meredith returns and looks at Elijah surprised. "Meredith, this is my good friend Elijah. I invited him to stay for the ultrasound" I tell her.

"Pleasure" Elijah says shaking her hand. She sets up the equipment and I left my shirt. Elijah looks away and I chuckle.

"It's just my stomach Elijah" I tell him smirking. Meredith places the gel on it and moves the wand over my stomach.

"There she is" Meredith says smiling showing us the screen.

"Wow" Elijah says looking at the screen in awe

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"Wow" Elijah says looking at the screen in awe.

"I know right, she's perfect" I tell him smiling.

"She is perfectly healthy and on track to be born on time. She may even come a week early" Meredith tells me as she wipes my stomach clean. "Do you have any questions?" she asks me.

"No, thank you for being my doctor" I tell her. She smiles and hands me several photos. I hand one to Elijah. "For you, as a thank you for being here today" I tell him smiling. He walks me to my car and opens the door for me. "Good luck with your siblings tonight, I hope it goes well. But I was wondering if we can catch up some time? I want to ask more questions about Tatia" I tell him.

"I'll be in touch with you soon about catching up" he assures me. He kisses my hand and disappears. I sigh and drive back to my apartment. When I arrive Caroline calls.

"Hey Care, did you find your dad?" I ask her curious.

"Guess you could say that" she says sniffling. "He died with vampire blood in his system and refuses to complete the transition" she tells me.

"Oh Caroline, I'm so sorry" I tell her. "Can I talk to him?" I ask her.

"Yes" she says and I hear her pass the phone to someone.

"Alexis" Bill says.

"I heard, I'm so sorry this is happening to you" I tell him sadly.

"Just watch over Caroline for me, don't let Tyler near her, you or your daughter until he's broken his sire bond" he tells me.

"I won't, I can come over" I tell him.

"No, I don't want to risk hurting you" he tells me. "You were always like a second daughter to me. Please take care of yourself and your daughter. Find a nice man and have the life you deserve" he tells me.

"I will, say hi to my parents and aunt for me" I tell him.

"I will, goodbye Alexis" he says.

"Good bye Bill" I say and hang up. I wipe lone tear from my cheek. I take a deep calming breath and decide to distract myself with school work. I want to try get as much of it done as possible before Adrianna is born.


Picture above of Elijah and on the external link of Alexis.

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