Chapter 4

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Kelly woke up to the sounds of someone screaming. He sat straight up trying to figure out what was going on. He then realized it was Shelby. He jumped up and ran into the bedroom turning on the light as he ran through the door.
Kelly started to shake her. "Shelby? Shelby wake up!!"
Her eyes flew open. "Kelly?" She wrapped her arms around his neck and started crying. She was so scared. The dream felt so real. Eric was chasing her and trying to attack her again.
Kelly wrapped his arms around her and began rubbing her back. "Hey. Shhh it's okay. It was just a bad dream."
Shelby finally stopped crying but she wouldn't let go of Kelly. She had her head rested against Kelly's Chest. "Please don't go anywhere."
"I'm right here. I'm not leaving." Kelly placed a kiss to the top of her head. "Want to come sit in the living room with me?" Kelly felt her nod her head against his chest.
He picked her up bridal style and carried her out to the living room. He sat down on the couch and placed her on his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder and he flipped on the Blackhawks game.
Shelby did not let go of him for the entire game. She was so scared that Eric was going to come after her again.
Once the game was over Kelly turned off the the TV. "You want to talk about it?"
"Not really." The physical pain was starting to come back. "My medication is wearing off."
"Alright I'll get them but your gonna have to let go so I can." She reluctantly let go of him and moved off his lap. She pulled her knees up to her chest.
Kelly got up and grabbed her pain pills and a water bottle. He came back and sat down and handed them too her.
"Thank you." She took two more pills. "Will you stay with me tonight?"
Kelly looked into her eyes. He could see the pain and fear she was feeling. "Of course."
They headed back to Kelly's room to lay down. Kelly stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed next to her. He pulled her close so her back was against his chest. He felt her relax and under his touch. He kissed her shoulder. "I've got you. Goodnight Shelby." Kelly tightened his grip and made sure to hold her tight and close.
"Goodnight Kelly." She wiggled her butt a bit and backed further into kelly. She couldn't get any closer even if she tried.
Kelly had to bite back a groan from the feeling of her pushing back against him. He was starting to develop feelings for her. She was so beautiful. Kelly soon fell asleep thinking about her and how much he wanted to keep her safe.
When they woke the next morning Shelby had rolled over and was now facing him. He brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes. He was admiring her beauty and how peaceful she looked.
Shelby opened her eyes to find Kelly looking at her. "Good morning Kelly." She started smiling.
Kelly could feel her breath against his lips. "Good morning Shelby." They were staring at each other inches apart. They both had licked their lips. Wondering who would make the first move.
But then Shelbys phone started ring. "Ugh" Shelby rolled over and picked it up. "Hello?... Jay do you know what time it is?... Okay thank you." Shelby hung up her phone and laid down on her back looking up at the ceiling.
"What did Jay want?"
"They finished with my apartment last night and wanted to let me know I could go back their if I wanted."
"Whatcha thinking?" Kelly could see the gears in her head turning.
"I just don't know if I want to go back there."
Kelly draped one arm across her waist and propped his head up with his other arm. "You don't have too."
Shelby turned her head to look at him. "But where would I go?"
"I have an extra room. Then you wouldn't have to be alone."
"You don't mind?"
"Of course not."
Shelby was getting lost in his eyes and that smile of his was just amazing. She was getting butterflies in her stomach. She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
When she pulled back Kelly just looked at her. "What was that for?" That kiss felt so real and amazing. It was nothing like Kelly have ever experienced before. It was as if fireworks were going off.
"For being the most amazing guy I've ever met." Kelly was smiling at her. "Now let's get some food. I'm starving."
Kelly let out a little laugh. "Okay let's go." Kelly put on some sweatpants. Shelby followed Kelly out of his room. She was admiring his muscles and how good he looked without a shirt.
Shelby sat at the island while Kelly pulled out some eggs and bacon. "So Kelly Severide can cook?"
"Shh it's our little secret. I don't want to have to cook at the firehouse."
Shelby laughed "Your secrets safe with me." Kelly began cooking.
After breakfast Kelly was cleaning the kitchen and Shelby went to go grab her pain meds. She was suppose to only take 2 but decided this time she would take 3. The pain was starting to increase. She was feeling it both mentally and physically.
"So do you want to go pack up your old place this afternoon?" Kelly shouted from the kitchen.
Shelby walked back into the kitchen. "Sure."
"I can call Matt and get him to come help?"
"Sure that sounds great."
Kelly called Casey after he finished cleaning the kitchen. And asked him to meet them at Shelby's apartment.
"Casey said he would be there in an hour. So why don't we go ahead and go over assess the apartment."
"Sounds good." They walked to the front door. Kelly helped her put on her coat and then he put on his. They left the apartment and headed for Shelbys.
Once they arrived Shelby unlocked the door and they went inside. The apartment was almost empty. It looked as though even after evidence was collected the intelligence team stayed back and cleaned up the rest.
"I can't believe almost everything I had was destroyed." Shelby began to walk around and see what was even left to take. A lot of her furniture was trashed. "I don't think there is much to take. Almost everything is just going to be thrown out."
Shelby was starting to feel the affects of the pain meds. She felt as though she was floating on cloud 9. She needed this. Needed to feel happy and okay. She started to make piles of what was trash and what was keep. After an hour, there was a knock on the door. Kelly Opened the door. "Hey Casey."
"Hey Severide. How's she doing?" Casey stepped through the door and Kelly closed it.
"She's alright. Petty much everything was cut or torn apart. "
Shelby came out of her room holding a few items that had not been destroyed. "Casey it's so good to see you." Shelby placed the items down and went to give Casey a hug.
"It's good to see you too Davis." Casey returned the hug.
She pointed to the pile in the living room. "So that pile over there just needs to be thrown away."
"Okay we will get started." The guys got to work taking out a lot of the damage items to the trash. Once that was done they started loading her stuff up in the cars. Her bed was loaded into Casey's truck.
They were taking one last look around the apartment. She couldn't believe her first place on her own and someone destroyed it. "Let's go."
The guys followed her out and they went back to Kelly's. Shelby was staring out the window thinking back to the night she had been attacked. Thinking of how Eric could show back up at any moment.
Kelly's voice drew her out of her thoughts. She turned her head to face him. "Yeah?"
"You okay?"
"I will be." She went back to looking out the window.
Once they got back to Kelly's apartment. The guys carried everything in. They wouldn't let her carry anything. She just sat on the couch watching them.
Once they were done they came and sat down. "So I was thinking I would take Casey over to your place to grab your car?"
"That sounds good."
"You going to be alright by yourself?"
"I'll be fine Kelly. You guys will be gone maybe 30 minutes."
Kelly gave her a nod and they left to grab her car.
Once she was sure they were gone, she went and grabbed her meds and took a couple more pain pills even though it wasn't time. She needed to escape. Escape all the pain she was feeling. Rather it was physical or emotional pain. She just needed it.
Later that night Kelly popped into her room. "Hey let's go to Molly's. Everyone wants to see you."
Shelby was just laying in her bed scrolling through her phone. "Kelly I don't know."
"Just for an hour. I think it would lift your spirits." Kelly gave her his dazzling smile that no girl could resist.
She just rolled her eyes. "Fine. Let's go." Shelby had found a few items of clothing that had not been destroyed. She put on a pair of jeans and a black v-neck. And they headed to Molly's.
When they walked in everyone was there. "There's our girl!" Hermann shouted while coming out from behind the bar to give her a hug.
"Hey Hermann."
"How are you doing?"
"Better." Shelby gave him a smile.
"Good. Come sit down." Shelby and Kelly walked over to the bar and took a seat. "You guys both want beers?"
Shelby held up her hand. "Just a coke for me. I'm on some heavy pain killers." Hermann nodded. He came back and placed a beer in front of Kelly and Coke in front of Shelby.
About 30 minutes in Hermann called to get everyone's attention. "Alright everyone listen up!" Everyone stopped and looked at Hermann. Hermann then turned his attention to Shelby. "Shelby you have become a big part of this family. And we are always going to be there to protect you and help you. Kelly told us what happened so we decided something needed to be done." Hermann reached down and pulled out the boot. "Everyone chipped in to Help you to be able to replace some of your things."
Shelby had tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't believe what they had done for her. "You guys didn't have too." She had never felt this loved in a long time. Her father rarely showed her affection. Only the mornings after he had beat her up did he show her any affection.
"You are family and family helps family."
"Well thank you. I really appreciate all of you guys." Kelly wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gave her a hug.
Everyone started clapping and cheering.
About and hour later Kelly took Shelby home. "Kelly you guys didn't have to do this for me."
"Like Hermann said you are family. We help family."
Shelby walked over to Kelly and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well thank you. I appreciate it." Shelby leaned up and gave Kelly a kiss.
It was suppose to be a quick one but it felt so right. Kelly's hands came to rest on her hips. He pulled her against him. They both groaned into the kiss.
They finally broke apart bother trying to catch their breath. "That was" Shelby couldn't even explain it.
"Yeah." They just stared at each other. Then as if they both were thinking the same thing. Their lips collided for another feverish kiss.
Kelly put a hand under butt and Shelby jumped wrapping her legs around his waist. Kelly carried them to his bedroom. Never breaking the kiss.
He laid her down and crawled on top. Their lips came together for another kiss. They started to shed clothes as fast as they could.
They wanted each other. They needed each other. Kelly lined himself up with her opening. He thrusted into. Shelby moaned in pure pleasure. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head .
She rocked her hips up into Kelly. Kelly got the hint and began sliding in and out of her. His pace quicken and soon their bodies finding a rhythm. Kelly Slammed into her
"Kelly!!" She shouted his name as she came. The sound of her shouting his name pushed him over the edge. They rode out they orgasm high together.
Kelly then collapsed beside her on the bed. "That. That was amazing"
"Yeah it was." Shelby curled up into Kelly and laid her head on his chest. Kelly wrapped his arm around her waist. "Goodnight Kelly."
"Goodnight Shelby." Kelly placed a kiss to her forehead and they both drifted off to sleep.
1 Month later
Kelly and Shelby were living together. Shelby had gone and bought all new clothes and a few things for Kelly and hers apartment.
Some nights Kelly would end up in her room because she would have a nightmare. They hadn't had sex since that night after Molly's. Neither of them had brought up what it meant or if it was just something they both needed at that moment.
It was Shelbys first day back. Kelly had insisted on driving her. He pulled up to the firehouse and turned off the car. "You ready for this?"
Shelby let out a breath "Yeah let's go." They got out of the car and walked into 51. Everyone immediately went over and gave her a hug welcoming her back. "It's good to be back. I was going crazy sitting at home."
"Well this place hasn't been the same since you have been out." Hermann just gave her a smile. He felt like her surrogate father.
"Thanks Hermann. I'm gonna go put my stuff in my locker." Shelby left and went to the locker room.
Once She was out of ear shot. Everyone started asking Kelly questions. "How is she truly doing Severide?"
"To be honest guys she's still having nightmares almost every night. She is constantly looking over her shoulder waiting for Eric to show."
"Antonio is looking everywhere for Eric but so far no leads. They believe he went back to New York."
"I don't care where he went as lo mg as he's out of Chicago." Kelly then headed in towards the locker room.
Shelby opened her locker and sat down on the bench. She looked around to make sure she was alone. She then pulled out the pill bottle and took 4 pain pills.
When she heard the door open. She quickly threw them back in bag. Kelly came around the corner. "Hey you doing okay?"
"Yeah everything's good. Just happy to be back working." Shelby got up and closed her locker and left to get something to eat.

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