Chapter 24

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The next morning Kelly and Shelby woke up tangled in each other's arms. Kelly placed a kiss to her forehead. "Good morning Beautiful."

Shelby blushed. "Good morning love." Shelby snuggled up even closer to Kelly. "I'm so sorry about last night."

Kelly started rubbing her back. "It's okay. All that matters is you came back." Kelly squeezed her and placed another kiss to her forehead. "Let's get up and eat."

"Alright if you insist." They both crawl out of bed. Kelly slips on his sweatpants. Shelby grabs one of Kelly's shirts and puts it on. They head out to the kitchen to begin cooking breakfast.

Kelly makes the coffee and Shelby begins to make the eggs and bacon. Kelly pours her a cup and sets it next to her. He then wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and sets his chin on her shoulder. "I love it when you wear my shirts." Kelly placed a single kiss to her neck.

Shelby giggles. "I hope this is finally the start to us having a normal relationship."

"As normal as we can be." Kelly kissed her cheek and then went to pull out plates and silverware.

Shelby dished out the food. Each of them grabbing a plate, their coffee and sitting down on the couch to eat. "Have you talked to
Emily since last night?"

"No not yet." Kelly took a bite of egg.

"Okay." They finished their breakfast in silence. Kelly grabbed both of their plates and took them to the kitchen. "Kel you know this isn't just going to go away right?"

Kelly dropped the plates into the sink causing Shelby to jump. "I know. I'm well aware." Kelly had both hands on the counter, leaning forward with his head down.

Shelby sat her coffee cup down and went to wrap her arms around Kelly. "I'm here Kel. I'm going to stand beside you just like you have stood beside me through all of my drama."

Kelly turned around to wrap her in hug. She rested her head on his bare chest. "Thank you. I'm gonna call her and see if we can meet up or something."

"Okay Kel. I'll clean up while you do that." Kelly placed a kiss to her forehead and then headed to the bedroom to call Emily.

Shelby began to clean up the kitchen from breakfast that morning. She was just finishing up when Kelly came back out of the bedroom.

"How'd it go?"

"She's going to stop by in about an hour." Kelly looked stressed and worried.

"Kelly it's all going to be okay." Kelly just nodded. Shelby picked up the apartment a little before Emily was suppose to arrive.

About an hour later there was a knock on the door. Kelly went and answered it.

"Hey Emily."

"Hey Kelly." He stepped aside allowing her to enter the apartment. Kelly closed the door.

"We can sit in the living room." Emily nodded and followed Kelly to the living room. She sat in one of the chairs while Kelly took a seat next to Shelby on the couch.

"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't of just shown up like that"

"Emily it's fine. I'm glad you at least came to find me and tell me."

Emily gave a nervous nod. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

"To be fair the night we met, Shelby and I had split up."

"Oh okay." Emily was playing with her hands in her lap. "Look I'm not looking for anything from you. I just thought you would want to know."

"Emily I want to be apart of the babies life." A look of shock came across her face. She wasn't expecting that response at all. "I grew up with an absent father and I don't want this baby to go through what I did."

"I haven't fully decided what I was going to do yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if I want to keep it. I was thinking of putting the baby up for adoption."

Shelby could sense Kelly didn't know how to respond to what Emily had just said. "Why not just give the baby to us?" Kelly turned his head to look at Shelby not sure if he heard her right.

"I... I don't know."

"Just think about it. You don't have to make a decision right this very second." Emily nodded her head.

Kelly took a deep breath. "Emily forgive me for asking but is there a chance it is not mine?"

"Honestly the night we met I had just ended a two year relationship. So there is a possibility."

"Okay thank you for being honest with me."

"I want to be upfront with you in all of this Kelly. As soon as we can do a DNA test I will." Kelly nodded. "Well I should be going. I just wanted to talk to you after he initial shock wore off."

Kelly walked her to the door and said goodbye. He closed the door and went and sat back on the couch with Shelby. "You would seriously consider taking in the baby if she decides she doesn't want to be apart of their life?"

"Of course Kelly. That baby will also be half your DNA as well. It doesn't matter to me who the mother is. I know how much you want to be apart of the babies life."

A smile came across Kelly's face. "You are amazing you know that?"

"Only for you." Shelby had this big goofy grin on her face. Kelly leaned over and gave her a kiss. He was falling more in love with this women ever single day they spent together.

"I love you."

"I love you too Kelly." The two of them curled up on the couch and watched movies and ordered pizza for the remainder of their day off.

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