Chapter 11

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"Dad you never just want to see me. You always have something you want." By this point Kelly had joined Shelby at the door to see who she was talking to.

"I wanted to apologize for not believing you when you told me Eric was a bad guy and that he hurt you." Shelby just stared at her dad in disbelief. This was just like him.

"Seriously dad? You always do this crap . You never believe me when I tell you something is wrong. You always jump to the conclusion that it was my fault!" Shelby crossed her arms across her chest and stared daggers back at her dad.

"Commissioner Davis I think it is best if you leave." 

Shelbys dad turned his attention to Kelly. "This is a conversation between my daughter and I. I came to apologize."

"Well you apologized. Have a good night commissioner." Kelly tried to close the door but her dad put his hand out.

"I need my daughter back in my life. I screwed up big time and I know that. Shelby please?"

Shelby knew she had to be tough. Her dad always did this. "I'm sorry dad. I can't forgive you and let you back in my life. Kelly asked you to leave and I suggest you do. Or I will call the police."

"Fine have it your way. You've always been a spoiled ungrateful brat." Shelbys turned around and left.

Kelly closed the door and wrapped her in a hug. Kelly felt her start to sob. He picked her up and carried her over to the couch and sat down. Holding her. "Shhh it's okay."

"He always does this! He thinks it's okay to tear me down and then apologize when he wants me back in his life." Shelby curled into Kelly's chest and just cried.

"Not anymore. You have a family and people who truly care about you. We have your back."

3 Months Later

Shelbys life was finally getting back to normal. She was enjoying her time on Ambulance 61 with Brett. Hermann had become a father figure for her. And her relationship with Kelly was blossoming into something very real.

Everyone was sitting around in the common room. When Jay and Erin walked.

"Hey Guys."

"Hey Kelly. Can we talk to Shelby and you?"

"Uh sure?" Kelly got Shelbys attention and signaled for her to follow them. They went into the conference room and closed the door.

"What's going on?" Shelby leaned against one of the tables.

Jay and Erin exchanged looks. Erin then took a step forward. "What exactly do you remember happening to your mother?"

"My mom? She was just gone one day. I haven't heard from her." Shelby was confused as to what this was about.

"Not once?"

"No Erin not even once. She was just gone one day and my dad told me she split. Now will someone tell me what's going on?" Shelby was starting to get concerned. She had always wondered what had happened to her mother.

"Can you walk us through the day your father told you your mom was gone?"

Shelby Sighed. "Fine but then you need to tell me what's going on..."


It was the morning of Shelbys 12 birthday. She got out of bed and quickly got dressed. She was suppose to spend the day shopping with her mom and go to a nice dinner with her dad once he was off work.

She got dressed quickly and ran downstairs. She came into the kitchen looking for her mom. "Mom?"

Shelbys dad walked in from the garage. He looked like he hadn't slept all night.

"Dad where's mom?"

"Come sit down sweetie." Her dad led her over to the couch and they took a seat. "You mother is gone. I was out all night looking for her."

"What?" Shelby didn't believe her dad. Would her mother really just up and leave?

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." Her dad wrapped her in a hug. Shelby quickly shoved her dad away.

"Your lying!" Shelby jumped up and ran out the door. She just started running not knowing where she would end up.

End Flashback

" will you tell me what's going on?"

"The detectives in New York believe your father may have murdered her." Shelbys eyes grew real wide. Kelly went over and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"What do you mean they 'think' he may have killed her?"

"They found her body inside of her car at the bottom of lake." Erin took a deep breath before continuing. "Her hands were zip tied to the steering wheel."

Shelbys stomach started to turn. "I think i'm gonna be sick." Shelby ran to the closest trash can and began to puke up her breakfast. Kelly came over and held her hair. After she was done she turned back to Jay and Erin using the back of her hand to wipe her mouth. "How do they know it's my mom?"

"They confirmed with dental records."

"This can not be happening."

"We are so sorry we were the ones to deliver this news. The NY DA wants to know if you will testify and tell a jury how your father was acting up till and after the disappearance of your mom?"

"She has just started to get her life on track."

"I'll do it." Kelly looked at Shelby in disbelief. "Kelly I need to do this. If he killed my mom he needs to rot. I need this chapter of my life closed."

Kelly gave her a nod. "Alright but I'm coming to New York with you. I don't want you to go through this alone."

"Thank you." Shelby gave Kelly a hug.

"We will call the New York DA and let them know your decision. They will be in touch to tell you when you will be needed i. New York."

"Have they arrested him yet?"

"They are heading to his office this afternoon to make the arrest." Shelby nodded. Jay walked closer and put his hands on both her shoulders. "We are here. Whatever you need call us."

"Thank you Jay." Shelby gave him a quick smile. Jay and Erin then left to head back to district 21.

"Kelly I think i'm going to go lay down."

"Go to my quarters. You can close the door for some privacy."

"Thank you." Shelby gave him a quick kiss and then headed to Kelly's quarters to lay down.

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