Chapter 22

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The trucks pulled up to a factory. There were people running in every direction. Casey walked over to Chief Boden.

"What is this place Chief?"

"Mattress Factory. Everything in that building is highly flammable." Chief grabbed his radio. "Main this battalion 25. I am going to need more alarms and an EMS plan 2."

"Copy Battalion 25. More companies on the way."

Chief Boden turned to Sylvie and Shelby. "You guys need to set up 61 to be the main triage." They jumped into action and started to set up. "Casey Severide get me an idea of what we are dealing with in there."

"Copy Chief." Severide turned to his men. "Alright stick close together we are going in to asses the situation and begin pulling people out. Tony hang back just in case we need something."

"Copy Lieutenant."

Shelby and Kelly got one finale look at one another before Kelly disappeared into the building.

More companies started showing up and began to fight the fire from the outside. 51 and Squad 3 where pulling people out of the basement. Suddenly something sounded like it exploded.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned there attention to the warehouse doors. Waiting for someone to emerge or say something.

"Mayday Mayday firefighter down. Firefighter down!"

Shelby recognized the voice as Cruz. Her heart stopped what if it was Kelly? Other firefighters headed into the building to help their trapped brothers.

Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. A few figures were emerging from the smoke. They were carrying someone. Sylvie and Shelby got the gurney ready for whoever it was.

The guys brought the firefighter over and laid him down. It was Otis. Shelby and Sylvie jump into action. Trying to save Otis. They get him stable enough to be moved. Sylvie was crying and trying to save Otis.

Shelby drove while Sylvie and Cruz were in the back. Trying to stop the bleeding and getting Otis to breath.

Shelby pulled into the ambulance entrance at Chicago med. She threw 61 into park and jumped out running to the back. She flung the doors open. They pulled Otis out of the ambulance as the medical team was coming out of the ER.

Sylvie relayed the information they would need to know and rushed Otis into a trauma room. They were quickly moved out of the room while the doctors got to work on Otis.

They stood and watched for what felt like forever till Maggie spoke.

"Guys I know he's one of your own but I'll need you to sit in the waiting room."

"Right sorry Maggie."  Shelby pulled Cruz and Sylvie and into the waiting room. They sat and waited.

A short while later the rest of 51 showed up. They all walked in and took a seat. Kelly sat down next to Shelby wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Dr. Halstead finally came out of the ER and walked over to the Chief.

"Chief Boden?"

Chief raised his head up and then stood up when he realized who it was. "How is Otis?"

"It's not good Chief. We got him comfortable but his body suffered 3rd degree burns and smoke inhalation. If you pray now is the time."

"Thanks Doc." Halstead gave a nod and walked off.

The waiting room was so quiet you could hear a pen drop. Cruz and Sylvie headed back so they could see their best friend and roommate.

Everyone else just sat and waited. Not wanting to leave. Praying he would get better.


Sylvie and Cruz came back out into the waiting room with this dead look on their faces.

Shelby jumped up and walked over to them. "Brett what happened?"

The tears were starting to form in the corners of Bretts eyes. "He's... He's gone." Shelby immediately embraces Sylvie in a hug. They both start to sob.

Kelly walks over and pulls Cruz into a hug. Cruz and Otis were best friends since day one at firehouse 51.

Casey wrapped Gabby in a hug as she began to cry. Hermann went and called Otis girlfriend to tell her the news.

It was a very dark day for the firefighters of firehouse 51. They had lost one of their own. They lost a best friend. They lost a brother.

It was the day of Otis' funeral. Kelly and Shelby had pulled out there dress blues and were getting ready. They both were silent. Firefighter funerals were always difficult and never got any easier.

The two finished getting ready and headed downstairs to Kelly's car. They climbed in and headed to the firehouse. Kelly reached over and grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze.

Shelby was daydreaming watching out the window. Kelly squeezing her hand brought her out of her thoughts. She looked over and gave Kelly a small smile. He returned the smile.

Everyone had went to Molly's after the funeral. No one really spoke. They all sat there drinking a beer.

Hermann broke the silence. "Otis was one of a kind. He would give the shirt off his own back if someone needed it." Everyone was listening to Hermann speak. "He would always have your back rather that was fighting fires or running Molly's. We will all miss you Brian. To Brian!"

Everyone raised their glasses. "To Brian." They then took a drink.

After a few more beers, Kelly and Shelby decided to head home. It had been a very long day and both of them just wanted to lay down.

Kelly was helping Shelby out of his car when they both noticed this blonde walking towards them. Shelby had stepped out of the car and Kelly closed the door.

Shelby was the first to speak. "Can we help you?"

"Uh yeah." She looked nervous. "Do you remember me?" She was looking directly at Kelly. Shelby was so confused.

Kelly stared back trying to place who this girl was. Then it hit him. This was the girl he took home that night he told Shelby to get out. "Emily right?" Shelby was looking at Kelly confused. Who the hell was this Emily.

"That's right. Can we talk?"

"Listen sweetheart whatever it is you want from Kelly it's not going to happen. He's got a girlfriend." Shelby was getting defensive and a little jealous. She was finally happy with Kelly and now this Emily comes out of nowhere.

"I'm Pregnant." Shelby's heart dropped to her stomach. Did this girl really say she was pregnant. "And it's yours Kelly."

Kelly just stood there with this deer in headlights look on his face.

"Here is my number. I'll let you process this. Call me when your ready to talk about it." She handed Kelly a piece of paper. She then walked off and got in her car. Kelly hadn't moved or spoken since she said she was pregnant.

Shelby headed inside the apartment. Leaving Kelly there standing on the sidewalk.

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