Chapter 32

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It was the day of Shelby's funeral. Kelly was standing in their apartment in his dress blues. Sweet Emily was asleep in her room.

Casey and Dawson were over at the apartment helping Kelly with whatever he needed. Dawson went to go start getting a emily ready.

Casey went and stood next to Kelly. "She's always with you Severide."

"I know." Kelly didn't stop staring out the apartment window.

"She loved you and Emily more than anything in this world. She was finally happy."

"Then why did she give up?"

"Severide, she didn't give up. She weighted the odds and decided to save a little boy instead of herself. It was she does. It was in her DNA."

Kelly knew Casey was right but he wasn't ready to accept it just yet. Dawson came out of Emily's room.

"We ready to go?"

"Yeah." Casey went over and took Emily from Dawson's arms. The four of them headed out and to the funeral.


Everyone had began giving speeches and telling stories of Shelby and when they knew her. Even some of her coworkers from New York came to town.

It was Kelly's turn to speak. He walked up to the front and stood in front of the mic. Kelly looked out over the crowd and then too the picture of Shelby that was next to him.

"Where do I began?" Kelly paused for a moment. "Shelby was a great paramedic, a friend, a girlfriend, and a mother. She had her demons but she fought. And she fought hard. She overcame everything life threw at her. She took in little Emily and treated her as her own. Shelby loved her with all her heart." Kelly choked back a sob. "I didn't understand the day she died and why she died. The night before she was given the news that there was a possible match. But the liver also matched with a 6 year old little boy who was just below her on the list."

Kelly looked out at all of his friends and family. "She made a choice. One that would save the little boy but would end up killing her. I was angry and sad at her for this decision. But now I stand here and understand why she did it... Casey said something to me just earlier today and it help me come to terms with her decision. She weighted the odds and decided to save the little boy. It's what she does. Saving lives is in her DNA."

Kelly turned to look at her photo again. "Well hun you did. You saved that little boys life and he will get to live a long happy life. I love you and we will see each other again."

Kelly wiped the tears from his face as everyone began to clap. Kelly smiled and then went and sat back down. He took Emily into his arms and just held onto her.

"I will not let anything happen to you. My sweet Princess." The little girl smiled up at Kelly.

It was just them now and Kelly was going to be there for her no matter what.

The End.

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