Chapter 31

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Casey and Dawson had just gotten their blood work done to see if either of them was a match for Shelby. They decided to go up and visit with Kelly and Shelby.

They had little Emily with them. They knocked on Shelby's door.

"come in." Kelly said from the other side.

The couple opened the door and stepped inside. "Hey Severide."

"Hey guys." Kelly was still laying in the bed next to Shelby. She was asleep. "You guys brought Emily?"

"Of course." Dawson sat the baby carrier on the couch. She got Emily out of the carrier and handed her to Kelly.

Kelly cradled the little girl in his arms. She was looking right up at Kelly. "Hey princess." She started making cooing noises at Kelly.

Shelby must of heard her because she started to wake up.

"Hey babe. Look who is here."

Shelby opened her eyes to see sweet little Emily in Kelly's arms. "Awe hi sweetpea." Shelby smiled at the little girl. She then noticed Casey and Dawson. "Hey guys."

"Hey girl. How you feeling?" Dawson and Casey stepped up to the side of her bed.

"Like a million bucks."

Everyone laughed at her comment. Shelby was looking even more weak and was becoming more yellow. "We just did our blood test. So hopefully one of us is a match."

"Thank you guys but you didn't have too."

Matt grabbed ahold of her hand and give it a squeeze. "Of course we did. You are family."

Shelby could feel the tears starting to form again. She never felt like she had a family when she was younger but now here she is, on deaths door and surrounded by people who love her.

"I'm sorry guys. This is all my fault." Shelby started crying.

"Hey hey. No it's not it's okay." Dawson hugged her best friend.

"If I would of been stronger. And not turned to drugs."

"Hey." Dawson made Shelby look at her. "You are the strongest person I know. Anyone else who has gone through what you have would of given up a long time ago. You got sober and you got clean."

There was a knock at Shelby's door and then Dr. Halstead stepped into her room. "Hey Shelby."

"Hey Will."

Will closed the door and then turned to face her. He had his serious face on. "Shelby I'm sorry. But everyone we have tested is not a match."

"What how can that be?" Kelly was in shock. This couldn't be happening. Not after everyone he called.

"It's just how it is sometimes. Not everyone is a match and sometimes it can take years to find one. I am sorry."

"Thank You Will."

"But don't think I have given up. We will keep looking."

"I understand."

Will nodded and then left the room. Shelby was coming to terms with what was happening but Kelly didn't want to believe it. He was still trying to think of everything that could be done.

Kelly, Casey, and Dawson were having a conversation all on there own. Shelby was just sitting there in silence.

"I want to go home."

The three of them stopped talking and looked at Shelby. "What?"

"I want to go home. I don't want to sit here and wait to die."

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