Chapter 27

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Over the next several months Kelly and Shelby were trying to have a baby but so far no luck. Every test she took was negative. This morning was no different. She walked out of the bathroom with a frown on her face.

Kelly knew immediately because he had seen this same look before. "We will keep trying." Shelby nodded her head and got ready for work.

When they got to the firehouse Shelby went and laid down in her bunk. Kelly was sitting at the squad table. Dawson and Brett walked over to Kelly.

"Hey Severide."

"Hey girls."

"How is she doing?" They both knew that they were trying to have a baby and could sense it wasn't working since Shelby had been so distant lately.

Kelly sighed. The rest of squad got up and went inside leaving Severide alone with Brett and Dawson. "She got another negative test this morning. She's beating herself up over all of this."

"Want me to try and talk to her?"

"Dawson that would be great. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime Kelly." Dawson was getting ready to go talk to Shelby when a call came in.

Ambulance 61 Squad 3 Truck 81 Car Crash.

Everyone jumped into action and headed towards the crash. Shelby and Brett were the first on the scene. They ran over to one of the cars to check on the driver. Shelby got to the drivers window and looks inside.

Her heart drops. "Emily?" She didn't respond. Shelby felt for a pulse and found one. She breathed a sigh of relief. She got on her radio. "Squad what's your ETA?"

"5 Minutes."

Shelby took a deep breath. "We've got a pregnant women. She is barely holding on."

"We will be right there."

Shelby thought for a second rather or not she should tell Kelly who it was. But she knew she had too. "Severide... It's Emily."

Kelly didn't respond. He just stared out the window of the squad truck. Even though the baby wasn't his. Emily had become a good friend of theirs. They were helping her navigate becoming a mother. Since her ex split once she told him it was his.

Squad arrived on scene. They all jogged over to the car Shelby was standing next too.

"Has she said anything?" Shelby shook her head no. "Capp Cruz I won't that door off now!"

Capp and Cruz got to work getting the door off.  Once the door was free Shelby got the neck brace on Emily. They then slid the backboard underneath her. Kelly cut the seat belt. They removed Emily from the vehicle.

They got her loaded up and headed for med. Shelby was in the back with Emily and Brett was driving.

Emily was holding on. Shelby was watching the monitor making sure her heart kept going. Shelby felt something grabbed her hand. She looked down to see Emily awake.

Shelby smiled. Happy to see her awake "Hey girl. We got you just hold on."

Emily took the oxygen mask off her face and signaled for Shelby to come closer. "If anything happens to me. I want Kelly and you to take care of my baby."

"Emily you are going to be fine. Don't talk like that."

"Shelby promise me?"

Shelby looked into the eyes of the women she consider a friend. "Alright I promise." Shelby placed the mask back on Emily's face.

Brett pulled into Med. They got the doors to 61 open and rolled Emily into the ER. Dr. Halstead met them at the doors.

"What we got?"

"30 year old female. Her name is Emily. She was unconscious on scene but came too on the way here. She is 7 months pregnant."

"Alright. Someone page OB and let's get a CT." They rolled Emily into a trauma room. They transferred her over to the hospital bed.

Shelby had called Chief and he had given her permission to stay at the hospital. Squad showed up at the hospital a little while later with Dawson.

Dawson took over Shelby's spot on 61 and Cruz became acting Lieutenant so Kelly could sit at the hospital with Shelby.

It had been several hours since they had brought in Emily. Shelby had her head on Kelly's shoulder. She was fast asleep.

Dr. Halstead came out into the waiting room and walked over to them. "Severide?"

Kelly looked up at Dr. Halstead. "How is Emily? How's the baby?"

"Come with me."

Kelly woke Shelby up and told her Will needed them to follow him. Shelby got up and they followed Will to a conference room.

"Dr. Halstead what is going on? How is Emily? How's the baby?" Will closed the door and motioned for the two of them to take a seat.

Kelly and Shelby sat down together wondering what all of this was about. Emily was awake and talking when they arrived.

"I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but Emily didn't make it."

Shelby was shocked. She thought for sure Emily was fine. "How? Is the baby okay?"

"She was bleeding internally and the baby had come detached." Kelly and Shelby both sat in silence neither of them knowing what to say. "The baby is in the NICU."

Shelby snapped out of it and looked at Dr. Halstead. "Wait the baby made it?"

"Yes she did. She is going to be in the NICU for a while but we expect her to make it. Now that brings me to the next thing I need to tell you guys." Will opened a folder that was sitting on the table and pulled out a piece of paper and slid it across the table to the couple. "Emily signed something stating she wants you guys to be the parents of her baby."

"Wait what?"

"She filled this out with a lawyer a few months back and it's official. You two just have to sign some paperwork and you will be the parents of her baby."

This was all so much for the both of them. They couldn't believe it was happening. Kelly was the first to speak. "Where do we sign?"

Will smiled and slid over a stack of papers. "Every sticker needs a signature."

Kelly started sighing and then passed it to Shelby who signed her portion. They then handed the papers back to Will.

"Would you two like to go see her now?" They both nodded and followed Will out of the conference room.

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