Chapter 12

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It has been a few months since they arrested commissioner Davis. Shelby was getting all kinds of phone calls and texts. Some encouraging some not. It was finally the day Kelly and her were leaving for New York.

Shelby was packing her bag when Kelly came into their room. "You're still packing?"

"I keep thinking of things I may need." Shelby was running around the room like a crazy person. Kelly just walked over and hugged her.

"Baby you have to stop. Everything is going to be alright. We are only there a few days and then we will be right back here." Shelby snuggled into Kelly's chest feeling safe.

"Thanks Kelly."

"Always." Kelly took two fingers and lifted up her chin to give her a kiss. When they broke apart Kelly was looking into her eyes. "Come on we are going to miss our flight."

Shelby nodded and grabbed her bag. Kelly grabbed his and they headed out to the cab. Kelly got their bags loaded and Shelby got in the back. Kelly soon joined her and they were off to the airport.

The cab dropped them off at terminal and helped them unload their bags. Kelly payed the cabbie and then they headed into the Airport. It was only 5am but you would never know that with how many people where in the airport.

They got checked in and through security. They finally took a seat at their gate to wait for them to start boarding their flight.

"Am I doing the right thing?"

Kelly turned his head to look at her. "You are doing the right thing." He took her hand on his and gave it a squeeze. "You are so incredibly strong."

Shelby laid her head on Kelly's shoulder. "Thanks Kelly."

"I love you." Shelby lifted her head to look at Kelly. They had never said I love you to one another yet. It felt so unreal. "I'm sorry..."

"Kelly stop. I love you too." They leaned in for a quick kiss. Shelby then went back to laying her head on shoulder while they waited to board.

Around 6:45am they started calling for passengers to start boarding the plane. Shelby and Kelly made their way onto the plane. They found their seats and Kelly put their carry on bags in the overhead bins.

Shelby took the seat next to the window and Kelly sat next to her. "The last time I was on a plane was when I was running from New York."

Kelly took her hand. "It's all going to be okay."

"I hope so." Shelby leaned her head back against the headrest. The plane soon departed the airport and headed for New York. Thankfully they had a direct flight so no lay overs.

About 2 hours later they were starting their decent on tarmac. The plane taxied over to the gate. And the polite came on the loud speaker telling everyone they could disembark the plane.

Shelby took a deep breath and stood up. Kelly grabbed their carry on bags and they headed off the plane. They went to baggage claim and got their other bags.

They headed to exit the airport. When they got closer to the doors Shelby could see the media outside. She knew this was going to happen because her father so well loved and praised as hero during 9/11.

Kelly took her hand because he could tell she was nervous. "I'm right here with you."

"Thanks Kelly." Shelby closed her eyes and took a deep breath. They then walked outside. It didn't take long for the media to jump on them and start asking questions.

"Why do you hate your father so much?"

"Did you know what he was capable of?"

"Do you really think he would do this?"

"Is he being framed?"

Kelly shielded the best he could but it was a circus. Then a couple detectives broke through the media crowd.

"Alright folks step aside. Let them through." They helped get Kelly and Shelby into a car. Once the door was closed the driver started to head out of the terminal. A short hair brown women was sitting upfront. She turned around to face them.

"Capitan Bensom. Hank Voight from intelligence called me and said you guys may need some assistance." She stuck out her hand so they both could shake it.

"Thank you. We really appreciate it." Shelby then shot off a quick text to Jay telling him to thank Voight for sending Captain Benson.

"Let's get you two to your hotel so you can relax. We have a back entrance we are going to take you through." Benson then turned around to face the front while they drove to their hotel.

They pulled up to the Hotel 50 brewery which was close to the court house. They went in the back entrance. Shelby and Kelly waited in the car while Benson went to check them in.

"This is all just so crazy."

"I am right here with you every step." Kelly was holding her hand. He brought up to his lips and kissed the back of her hand.

A few minutes later Bentsen came back with their room key. They got their bags and headed up to their room. Bentsen gave them her phone number before leaving.

Shelby collapsed on the couch and just sighed. "I just want this to be over."

Kelly walked over to the couch and motioned for her to sit up a bit. He then sat down and let her put her head on his lap. "It will be before you know it . Then we can be back in Chicago together. Getting to do normal things that couples do." Kelly was stroking her hair to comfort her.

"I tried to reach out to my old firehouse and they won't even talk to me."

"I'm sorry love."

"People who use to always have my back have turned on me." Shelby started to cry softly. New York was her hometown and where she grew up but she felt like a stranger that nobody wanted there.

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