Chapter 29

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Shelby had stayed home from work this past shift. She was exhausted and tired all the time. The nanny still took Emily so Shelby could try and rest without interruptions.

Kelly came home from shift and dropped his bag off at the front door and headed to their bedroom. He opened the door and she was fast asleep.

Kelly kicked off his boots and then went laid down next to Shelby in bed. The sudden movement caused Shelby to stir.

"i'm sorry hun. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine but shouldn't you be at work?"

"No I just got home from shift." Kelly was confused. "Have you been asleep this whole time?"

"I guess I have. Didn't realize how tired I was." Shelby started to stretch to wake up.

"Your starting to worry me babe. Are you sure everything is alright?" Kelly placed a hand on her cheek. He looked into her eyes. This women made him so happy.

"I'm fine Kelly." Shelby took his hand off her cheek and placed a kiss on it.

Kelly smiled. "Alright. I'm gonna go make breakfast."

"Alright I'm going to take a shower and then I'll be out."

Kelly placed a kiss to her forehead and then got up and headed to the kitchen. Kelly waited till he heard the shower running and then he called Dawson.

"Hey Severide."

"Hey Dawson. I have a question."


"It's Shelby. You know how she's been absolutely exhausted lately?"


"She slept the entire time I was at shift. And when she woke up she thought I should still be at work."

"Kelly she's a new mom. She's just probably tired."

"I don't know Dawson. I feel like there is something wrong."

"Try and get her to go see a doctor?"

"I may have to. Or at least convince her to go to med to get checked out."

"Well let Casey or me know if you guys need anything."

"Will do. Thanks Dawson." Kelly hung up the phone and continued to make breakfast.

Kelly was done making breakfast and the shower was still on. He decided he should go check on Shelby and see how much longer she was going to be.

Kelly entered their bedroom and then crossed the room to the bathroom. Kelly opened the door and steam came pouring out of the bathroom.

"Shelby?" Kelly couldn't see to much yet. He walked forward towards the shower. The steam started to disappear. As he got closer he could make something out in the the shower.

Kelly opened the shower door and Shelby was laying on the shower floor. "Shelby!?" Kelly turned off the water and bent down on the ground. He picked her up and moved her out of the shower.

He listened to her chest and she was barely breathing. Kelly pulled out his phone and called 911

"911 what's your emergency?"

"This is lieutenant Kelly Severide with the Chicago fire department. I have a unconscious female."

"Where are you?"

Kelly gave the operate the address and they dispatched paramedics. Durning the time Kelly was waiting for paramedics Shelby had stopped breathing.

Kelly started CPR. He heard the paramedics enter the apartment. "In here!"

The paramedics came running into their bathroom.

"How long has she not been breathing?"

"About 5 minutes." Kelly was in tears he couldn't do this without her. "Chout please save her."

"Severide we are doing to do everything we can." Chout took over for Kelly while his partner bagged her. Kelly grabbed a towel and dried her off the best he could.

They attached the pads to her chest. "Everyone stand back." Chout charged the machine. "Clear." A shock was delivered to Shelby's body.

A few seconds later her heart started again. Alright let's move. They got Shelby loaded up and headed straight for med. Kelly was holding her hand the whole way.

Once they arrived at med Kelly ran inside with the paramedics. Will Halstead was standing at the doors when they arrived.

"Kelly what happened?"

"I found her in the shower. I don't know what happened. She has been really tired lately."

"Alright we got her Kelly." They took Shelby into a trauma room.

A nurse held Kelly back so the doctors could do their job. The nurse then showed Kelly to a waiting room while the doctors ran test trying to figure out what had happened.

Kelly called Casey.

"Hey Severide."

"Casey?" Casey could hear something was wrong in Kelly's voice.

"Where are you?"

"Chicago Med."

"We will be right there." Casey hung up the phone and grabbed Dawson. They headed straight for med. Dawson called the nanny and told her something was wrong and asked if she could watch Emily. The nanny of course said yes.

Dawson and Casey arrived at med and ran inside. They looked around the waiting room until their eyes fell on Severide. They jogged over to him.

"Kelly what happened?"

"I don't know. She collapsed in the shower. She stopped breathing. We got her back but I haven't been told anything."

Dawson and Casey both took a seat on either side of Kelly. "Alright we are here with you. I already called the nanny and asked her to keep Emily and she said that was fine."

"Thank You Dawson."

"Anytime Kelly."

Casey and Dawson sat with Kelly waiting to hear what was going on with Shelby. Hoping it was nothing serious.

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