Chapter 17

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It was the end of another shift. Shelby was leaving the firehouse and headed back to Mikes once again. She had yet to find her own place. She honestly didn't know if she wanted too and Mike was not in a hurry for her to leave.

Shelby heard footsteps behind her. she stopped and turned around to find Hermann walking towards her.

"Hey kid."

"Hey Hermann. Is there something you need?"

"I just wanted to check in. See how your doing?"

"I'm doing just fine."

"Are you sure because you've been different since the trial."

"How am I suppose to act? My father murdered my mother." The withdrawal symptoms had started to set in. She had been managing to not take any pills while at the firehouse but it was becoming increasingly more difficult each shift.

"We are all here for you. We are a family."

"No offense Hermann but family doesn't mean anything to me. All they ever do is abandon me." Shelby turned around and got in her car.

She started driving away from the firehouse before she reached into her center console looking for the bottle. She found it and quickly opened it. She took a few and then put the bottle back.

Kelly had walked up to Herman after he saw Shelby leave. "Is she okay Hermann?"

"No Severide. She's not okay." Hermann headed towards his vehicle and left to head home. Kelly did the same.

Once Shelby reached Mikes. She grabbed her bag and headed inside. Mike was still in the same spot he was when she left for work yesterday. "Have you even moved?"

"A few times."

Shelby sat down next to him. "Thanks again for letting me stay here."

"Don't mention it."

"I am looking for a place just can't seem to find anything."

"No worries." Shelby could tell he was out of it because of how vague his responses were. She decided to go to her room and take a nap.

Later that Night

Kelly walked into Molly's. Everyone else was already there. He grabbed a beer and then took a seat across from Matt and Gabby. "Hey guys." Kelly took a drink of his beer.

"Hey Severide." Matt and Gabby exchanged a look.

Kelly raised an eyebrow "What was that about?"

"Well Hermann told us about the conversation he had with Shelby outside the firehouse today."

Kelly rolled his eyes. "And?"

"Severide she feels like everyone has abandoned her. She doesn't trust that anyone who says they are family will stick around."

"She pushed me away. I would of stayed..."

Gabby cut him off. "Severide, get your head out of your ass. Clearly there is something wrong with her. She barely socializes with anyone, I never see her eat at the firehouse, Brett said they don't even talk anymore."

"What am I suppose to do Dawson?"

"Corner her. Make her listen. Try to find out what's going on."

"Why does it have to be me?"

"Because you are the only one she will listen too."

"You really think she will listen to me?"

"Yes." Gabby and Matt both said at the same time.

"Fine. I'll try but I do not promise anything." Kelly finished his beer and got another one.

The Next Night

Shelby woke up in her room. She looked at her phone and realized she had been asleep since she got home yesterday. She rolled out of bed and on to her feet. She walked out to the living room and their Mike was still awake and still in the same spot. "Have you slept?"

"A little."

Shelby rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen to find something to eat. She was looking through the cabinet when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and almost smacked right into Mike because he was so close.

"Mike what ar..." Mike crashed his lips onto hers. He backed her up to where her back was against the counter. Shelby quickly pushed him away. "What the hell Mike!?!"

"Come on. Just want to have a little fun." Mike pinned her back against the counter.

"What the hell are you on??" Mike didn't responded he just slammed his lips back onto hers. She pushed him away again. She started to walk away from him but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

When he pulled her back she turned and went face first into the counter smashing her head on the counter. She fell to the floor. It took her a second to realized what had happened. she stood up and grabbed a pan that was on the counter.

She swung the pan and hit Mike right in the face. He hit the floor and was knocked out. She dropped the pan and quickly went and grab all of her things and then ran out of the house.

She threw everything into her car and started driving. She caught sight of herself in the rearview mirror and quickly realized she had a gash above her right eye. "Fucking great."

Shelby headed to firehouse since she had a shift the next morning anyway. She figured she would just sleep there. When she pulled up to the firehouse she noticed Both trucks and Ambo where gone. She was slightly relieved.

She grabbed one of her bags and headed inside. The first thing she did was clean up the wound on her head. Thankfully it wouldn't need stitches. She got it cleaned and bandage up. She went and grabbed a shower.

After her shower she got dressed and headed for her bunk. She put her duffel bag down on the floor and went through it looking for her pills. She finally found it and took a couple. She threw the bottle back in her bag. She laid down and soon went to sleep.

The next morning

Kelly and Matt where walking into the bunk room to head to their offices. They stopped when they noticed Shelby was sleeping in her bunk. They both exchanged a look. Once they got closer they could see the bandage above her eye. And they could also see some bruising forming just outside the bandage.

Casey decided to wake her to see what was going on. "Davis!" Casey gave her foot a shake.

Shelby woke up and saw the two Lieutenants standing in front of her bed."Time for shift already?" They both nodded. She swung her feet over the side of the bed.

"What happened to your eye?"

"I tripped."

Neither of them bought her excuse. Casey gave Severide this look of you better talk to her. He then headed to his office. Leaving the two of them alone.

"Davis my office."


"That's an order." Kelly headed for his office and Shelby followed him. He closed the door behind them and took a seat at his desk. Shelby took a seat on his bed. "You want to start telling me the truth now?"

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