Chapter 5

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Everyone was sitting down eating the breakfast that Gabby had made.
Ambulance 61 person in distress 634 Walbash
Brett and Shelby jumped up and ran out to the Ambo and took off.
Kelly was a nervous wreck the whole time Shelby was gone. It was her first call after being out for a month. He was hoping it was an easy one. It had been about 30 minutes since the girls left and another call came over the speaker
Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3 house fire 634 Walbash
Everyone stood up. "Wait isn't that where the girls went?"
Casey looked around at everyone. "Let's move!" They all ran out to the trucks and took off towards the address.
When they arrived Police were on the scene and the house was up in flames. Casey and Severide walked over to Antonio.
"Antonio what do we got?"
"Domestic dispute."
Kelly looked at Antonio "Are the girls in there?"
"They are. When they arrived the husband was gone. They went into assist the wife. Well the husband showed back up and torched the place. He then took off. We are looking for him now."
Severide got on his radio. "61 do you copy?"
"This is 61. We are stuck on the 2nd floor back right bedroom. We have an unconscious women with us."
Kelly breathed a sigh of relief hearing Shelbys voice come over the radio. "Hang tight we are coming." Kelly turned to his men. "Mask up we are going in."
Casey gave his crew their orders. "Truck 81 get a line in that house to help squad get to the paramedics and the victim."
They breeched the house and made their way to where Shelby said they were. Kelly kicked in the door of the bedroom. They were cuddled up in the back corner.
Kelly come over and took off his mask and gave it to Shelby. "Just breath. We are going to get you guys out of here." Cruz did the same for Brett. Kelly picked up Shelby and Cruz grabbed Brett. Toni and Capp got the victim and they headed back outside. They had just exited the house when a load explosion happened. The house had flashed over.
Casey had called for a couple more ambulances. They were waiting once they emerge from the fire. Each girl was laid on a stretcher and checked over. The victim was immediately rushed to Med.
"I'm fine. There is no need for this." Shelby was trying to protest.
"Davis stop. Let them check you out. They get to determine if you are okay." Kelly never called her Davis unless he meant business. Shelby stopped protesting and let the medics do their job.
Both girls were determined to be alright and allowed to go back to the fire house. When they got back both girls went to go take a shower.
"What type of person sets a house on fire knowing someone is inside?"
"A crazy person. That's who Otis." Kelly went to his quarters to start writing his report.
After Shelby was done with her shower. She grabbed her pills out of her locker and knocked 5 of them back. She then made her way to Kelly's office. "Knock Knock."
Kelly looked up to see her standing there. Her hair was still wet. "Hey there. How you doing?"
Shelby walked in and sat on his bed. "Better now that I have taken a shower." She really wasn't doing better. With it being a domestic call it had brought back the memories of her being attacked. And the fact that they barely made it out of the house in time before it flashed over.
"I can ask Boden if I can take you home? I'm sure he would let you have the rest of the night off."
"Kelly I'm fine. It's part of the job. Hell of a first call back though huh?" Shelby was trying to make light of situation.
Kelly could see right through what she was doing but he knew better than to push. "Yeah no kidding. Hopefully that's as exciting as it gets for the rest of this shift."
Shelby let out a little laugh. "I'm gonna go lay down."
"You can stay in here if you want."
"Severide you are going to need your bed and let's face it these beds are too small for two people."
"Alright well if you change your mind your more than welcome to it."
"Thanks Severide." Shelby got up and walked out of his quarters and went to crash on her own bed.
The rest of their shift was pretty simple calls nothing exciting. Shelby and Kelly were walking out together to head home.
Kelly placed his arm around her shoulder as they walked "Well you made it though your first shift back. How does it feel?"
"It feels good to be back. I needed to get back to work."
Once they got to their apartment then went inside and dropped off their bags at the door. "Hey Kelly I have an errand I need to go run."
"I can go with you."
"Kelly I'm fine. I can handle a little errand. I'll be back in an hour." She left before he had the chance to protest.
Shelby climbed into her mustang and took off. She went to this house that she had visited a couple times and knocked on the door.
A tall very skinny guy with black hair opened the door with a cigarette in his hand. "Shelby back already?"
"Hey Mike." He stepped aside to let her in.
"What can I do for you?"
"I need more. I'm out." Shelby sat the empty pill bottle on the table.
"Sure thing sweetheart." Mike took the bottle and filled it. He came back and Shelby handed him the cash. "You going to stay for awhile?"
"I can't today. I just got off shift and I'm exhausted."
"Alright then have a good one." Mike walked her to the door and closed it behind her.
Shelby got in her car and sat down staring out the windshield. How had she gotten to this point? She held the orange pill bottle in her hand. Questioning what she was doing. She quickly pushed the thought out of her mind. She opened the bottle and took out 5 of the little white pills. She took them and then headed home.
When she walked in Kelly was sitting on the couch watching something pointless on TV. "I thought you would of gone to bed."
"Couldn't sleep."
Shelby walked over and took a seat next to Kelly. "I'm fine Kelly. You don't have to worry about me." She placed a hand on his thigh.
"I'm going to worry. I care about you and I don't want to see you hurt again." Kelly still kept getting flashbacks from the night she walked into Molly's. She had blood on her face. Her clothes were torn and she could barely stand.
Shelby sighed. "You want to come lay down with me? You need sleep Kelly you look exhausted."
Kelly opened his mouth to say no but then decided against. He gave her a nod and they headed to her room to lay down. Kelly stripped down to his boxers. Shelby took off her pants and bra. They then crawled into bed together.
Shelby laid her head on Kelly's chest to try and get some sleep. But she knew damn well she wasn't going o be able to sleep. Not after taking the pills. They always made her wide awake and ready to go. She was hoping Kelly was going to be asleep when she got home.
But here they are again. Cuddling in bed together. What were they? what was this going to be? What was going to happen if one of them started seeing someone? These questions raced through Shelbys head for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon.
Kelly started to wake up around 3pm. Shelby hadn't slept at all. She was just laying there listening to his heartbeat. She then felt kelly rubbing his fingers up and down her arm.
"You awake Kelly?"
"Just starting to wake up." He still sounded sleepy.
"Kelly what are we doing?" She just blurted it out. She didn't know why. He was just waking up and maybe this was the wrong time to bring it up.
"What do you mean?"Kelly wasn't quite sure if he heard the question right.
Shelby sat up looking back at Kelly. "I mean what is this?" She motioned towards the both of them. "Are we just two friends who sleep in each other's beds and have occasional sex? What is going to happen if one of us starts seeing someone?"
Kelly hadn't really put much thought into it. He was just enjoying their time together. There was no question in his mind. He wanted to be with her but he didn't know how she felt. "What do you want this to mean?"
Shelby tried to speak but she couldn't. She really didn't know. The questions had been in her head but she had never given herself an answer of what she wanted. She liked Kelly a lot. He has treated her so well. Better than any man in her life ever had. "I'm scared."
Kelly sat up. He put two fingers under her chin and made her look at him. "Scared of what?"
Shelby looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "I don't want to screw this up because we put a label on it."
"I'm not like the other guys in your life Shelby. I care about you and I care about your happiness. I won't hurt you." Kelly leaned into her and gave her a kiss on the lips.
Shelby suddenly felt a light turn on in her world. Maybe she was worth love. Kelly's kiss felt so right. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer.
Kelly pulled back and looked into her eyes. Resting his forehead against hers. "You can't tell me that didnt feel amazing."
He was right that kiss felt amazing and she wanted him so bad. "Can we give us a try?"
"Most definitely." Kelly leaned in kissing her again.

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