Chapter 10

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It was finally Friday. Shelby was getting ready with the help of Dawson and Brett. Casey was out in the living room with Kelly having a beer.
Shelby slips into the little black dress and heels she had bought the other day with the girls. Gabby and Sylvie helped her do her hair and makeup.

Shelby added a little color but putting on a blue topaz necklace and earrings.
"Severide is not going to know what to do." Gabby was staring at her best friend admiring their work.

Shelby just laughed. "Let's go see." Shelby and the girls head out to where Kelly and Casey were sitting.

The second Kelly caught sight of her, he started choke on his beer. Shelby laughs a little. "You look stunning." Kelly made his way over her and put his hands on her hips.

"Well thank you." Shelby wrapped her arms around his neck and then gave him a quick Kiss.

"We should probably go because if we stand here much longer we are not going to make it to dinner."

"Oh and why is the Severide?" Shelby was smirking.

Kelly leaned in close to her ear. "Because I want to rip this dress off you and have my way with you." Shelbys cheeks turned red. They grabbed their jackets and headed out for dinner.

They arrive at the restaurant. Kelly had made reservations. They ordered a bottle of wine and enjoyed some Italian dishes. After dinner they head downtown to hit up a club.

They walk up to the bar. "Want to do a shot of vodka with me?"

"Sure." Shelby ordered the shots. Her and Kelly clanked glasses and tossed the shots back. Then then made their way to the dance floor. They were having a good time and enjoying being with one another.

Shelby had her back against Kelly's chest and moving to the beat. Kelly leaned forward down to her ear. "I so want you right now." Shelby responded by pushing herself hard against Kelly. Kelly was loving the feeling of her rubbing against him. "Let's get out of here."

Shelby gave Kelly a nod and then led him out of the club to head to his car. Kelly opened her door and she slipped into the passenger seat. Kelly closed the door and then ran over to his and got in. He started the car and through it into drive and headed towards home.

Shelby had placed her hand on his. She was starting to rub her hand up and down his thigh. She then moved her hand over to the bulge forming in his pants and began to rub. "If you don't stop I will pull the car over and have my way with you now."

Shelby just smirked and kept doing what she was doing . Kelly couldn't take it. He found a secluded area and put the car in park. He leaned over to her and started to kiss her. Kelly pulled her over so she was straddling his lap. It quickly turned into a hot make out session.

They climb over the seat to get in the back. Shelby laid down on the back seat and Kelly climbed on top of her. He didn't waste anytime pulling off her clothes and then his own. He didn't wait to ask if she was ready. He just thrusted himself inside her.

Shelby lot out a gasp as she clutched the back seat. It was a hot and heavy session. Kelly was moving in and out as quickly as he could. She had been teasing him all night and he couldn't take it any longer. He soon found his release. He collapsed on top of Shelby completely out of breath. After a minute he sat up a bit.

"That was amazing." Kelly planted another kiss on her swollen lips. They started to put their clothes back on. They got back in the front seat and headed home. Shelby was smiling to herself.

When Kelly and Shelby woke up the next morning they were facing each other. They both just smiled. Kelly leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"Good morning beautiful." Shelby blushed.

"Good morning handsome." She just smiled at Kelly.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I slept okay. Every time I was about to fall asleep someone started to nibble on my neck."

"Well whoever that was should stop so you could sleep."

"Yeah but I got him back." They just laughed. "We need to shower."

"Yeah we do." They both got and went and showered. Well tried to shower. After they got showered and dressed they headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Kelly was making food when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." She hopped off the counter and went to open the door. She didn't bother to look through the peephole.

"Hey princess." Her eyes grew wide. 

"Dad? what are you doing here?" She crossed her arms over her chest and stared back at her dad.

"I wanted to see my little girl." He had this smile on his face. She knew this wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

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