Chapter 28

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It had been a couple months since Emily had passed away. Shelby and Kelly were finally going to be able to take the baby home. They had names her Emily Jean Severide.

The new parents had spent the past couple months getting the apartment together for their new addition. Herman had brought over all his kids old stuff that they still had. Kelly and Casey had put the crib, changing table and dresser together. Everything was set up and perfect for the little baby.

Shelby was holding Emily waiting for Kelly to come pick them up so they could take her home together. Shelby had taken some time off work to care for Emily. Kelly had also taken a couple weeks but went back to work.

Kelly strolled into the room with baby carrier. "Are my girls ready to go?"

Without looking up Shelby responded. "I believe we are." Shelby got Emily buckled into the carrier. Kelly helped grabbed the bags and other items that the hospital had given them.

A nurse walked them out to make sure Kelly had installed the base to the car seat correctly. Once she was satisfied the two were off to head home with there new little addition.

Kelly and Shelby couldn't stop smiling the whole way home. They were so excited but couldn't help the guilt they felt for being excited.

They arrived at home. They got Emily out of the car and carried her inside. They got her situated in her room and laid her down for her afternoon nap.

Shelby and Kelly then both took a seat on the couch. Shelby was happy to be home. She had barely spent anytime in the apartment since Emily was born. She didn't want the little one to be alone.

"All of this is so crazy."

"What do you mean babe?" Kelly moved closer to Shelby.

"Just the way everything happened. Emily should still be here. She should be able to see her little girl grow up. See her first steps. Hear her first word." Shelby choked back a sob.

Kelly wrapped Shelby in a hug. "We will tell her all about her mom. We won't let her be forgotten."

Shelby nodded her head and slowly relaxed into Kelly's embrace. She felt so calm and at home with this man next to her. She soon found herself in a deep sleep. Kelly picked her up and carried her to their room, laying her down in bed.

He then grabbed the baby monitor and headed back to the living room and tuned on the TV. Letting Shelby get some much needed sleep.


2 weeks later

Today was Shelby's first day back at the firehouse. Kelly and her were sitting in his car just outside the firehouse. Kelly grabbed ahold of her hand and squeezed. "Emily is gonna be fine."

"I know. I just haven't been away from her for this long ever."  Shelby was a nervous wreck and barely slept the night before. The thought of leaving Emily with. someone else scared her.

"The nanny has her. She knows to call us if anything happens and she also knows your a nervous wreck today so I'm sure she will be calling and texting pictures all day."

Shelby nodded her head. "Thanks Kelly."

"Anytime" Kelly raised her hand up to his lips and placed a kiss. "Let's go."

The two of them exited the car and walked into the firehouse.

"Hey Davis!" The firefighters of 51 came over to give her a hug.

Cruz gave her a hug. "You ever gonna come to work?" Shelby shot Cruz a look. "Hey I'm just saying. Seems like your always out for some reason."

Shelby punched Cruz in the arm. "Be nice Cruz."

Casey started laughing. "Well we are glad your back. Severide is a bit much to handle when your gone."

Shelby and Kelly roll their eyes. They head inside to get changed for shift.

Kelly had paperwork to do. So he changed rather quickly and then headed to his office.

Shelby was sitting in the locker room staring at her phone. Dawson entered the locker room and took a seat next to Shelby.

"Hey girl how you doing?"

Shelby looked up. "I'm doing alright." 

"Worried about Emily?"

"Yeah a little."

Dawson rubbed a hand on Shelby's back. "It gets easier trust me. When we were fostering Louie I was a mess when I was at work."

"How did you cope?"

"Just kept pushing through and knowing how proud Louie would be of the work I was doing. I wouldn't of met him if it wasn't for this job."

Shelby smiled at the thought of the good work she was doing. "Thanks Dawson."

"Always." Dawson stood up from the bench. "But other than that you sure you are okay?"

"Just been tired a lot lately."

"We'll go lay down for a bit before a call comes in."

"I think I will." Shelby got up and went to Kelly's office. Kelly was sitting at his desk doing paperwork when she walked in and laid down on his bunk.

Kelly put down his pen and turned to look at Shelby. "Still tired?"

"Yeah just exhausted. Gotta be this whole being a mom thing."

Kelly smiled. "Well your pretty damn good at it."

"Thanks Kelly."

"Tell you what. You sleep. I'll do my paperwork at the squad table." Kelly picked up his paperwork.

"Thanks Kel."

Kelly walked over and bent placing a kiss on her forehead. "Anything for you." Kelly closed the blinds and the door to his office to allow Shelby to rest.

Kelly headed out to the apparatus floors. He took a seat with his guys. "Hey guys."

"You want in Severide?" Cruz was dealing cards.

"No Im good." Kelly held up the stack of papers.

"Don't you have an office for that?"

"Yes but Shelby is in there sleeping. She's been exhausted ever since Emily came home."

Kelly's guys nodded and went back to their card game while Kelly finished his paperwork.

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