Chapter 7

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"Charging... Stand back... Clear!" Shelbys body jolted again as the shock was delivered. A few seconds later a beeping sound started coming over the machine.
"We got her. Let's go now." They got Shelby loaded up and took off towards med.
April met the Ambulance as they pulled in. "What we got?"
"Female 28 overdose. Gave narcan, fluids, intubated, and two shocks. She wasn't breathing when we got there. April she's one of us."
April gave the girls a nod. "Alright people let's go. Trauma bay 1" The doctors and nurses took over.
51 took a seat in the waiting room. Praying their friend was okay. Chief Boden came over and took a seat next to Kelly. "Severide did you ever suspect something?"
Kelly looked Boden directly in the eye. "Do you really think if I knew something I wouldn't of done anything? She hid it from me. I never even noticed if she was high"
"Nothing around the apartment?"
"Chief with all due respect that's my girl in there! If I would of suspected ANYTHING I would of done something" Kelly got up and walked down the hallway. Kelly didn't care that had just outed their relationship to everyone. He felt sick. He felt this was all his fault. Had he really missed all the signs?
After about an hour April came out to give the guys of 51 some news. "Chief?"
Boden and walked over to April. "How bad is it?"
"We have her stable and she should make a full recovery. We do not believe she was out for very long before you guys got there. She is going to need support and help though. If she continues down this path it will not end well."
"Thank you."
"You guys can go see her. She's down in room 127." April left the waiting room.
"I'll go tell Severide." Casey went down the hall to find his fellow lieutenant. "Severide?" Kelly was standing there in the hall staring out the window.
Kelly turned his attention to Casey. "Is she okay?"
"She is going to be fine. They do not believe she was out very long by before we got there."
Kelly let out a breath of relief. "It's all my fault Casey."
"You didn't put those pills in her hand. You didn't force her to take them. Do not blame yourself."
"If I would of tried harder. took more notice maybe I would of seen the signs. If I didn't talk to the blonde at the bar the other night."
Casey put a hand on Kelly's shoulder. "No one saw the signs. She hid it very well. You are not responsible for this. Now come on let's go see her."
Casey led Severide to her room. Everyone else was already crowed in there. "Has she woken up yet?"
Hermann just shook his head. "It maybe a while." Kelly nodded and took a seat next to her bed. She looked so small and fragile. Her skin was pale.
He took her hand in his rubbing his thumb across it. "Shelby we all need you to wake up. We will help you through this whatever is going on. Your family is here and we will help you. Do not give up on us." Kelly let a couple tears slip down his face.
Kelly snapped his head up to see her eyes open and looking back at him. "Promise." He stood up and leaned over kissing her forehead. "You really scared us."
"I'm sorry. I fucked up."
"It's okay. We will get you through this."
Shelby looked around the room to see all the people that truly loved her. She had never felt this loved. She couldn't help it she just started crying.
Kelly immediately sat on the bed next to her and pulled her close. "Hey shhh. It's okay. We've got you."Everyone else came close and laid a hand on her bed to show their support.
1 Month Later
Shelby arrived at the firehouse for her first shift since she Overdosed. This past month has been one of the hardest months she has ever lived. Quitting the painkillers cold turkey.
Her doctors tried to get her to taper off but she refused. She wanted to be done and knew if she even took 1 she would slip backwards. Under the supervision of her 51 family the doctors allowed it.
Shelby was released from the hospital a couple days later.  Kelly had sent Casey, Dawson, and Hermann to their apartment to search and get rid of any drugs that may have been left.
Her first night home wasn't to bad. The 2nd night was a different story.
Shelby was laying on the couch drenched in sweat, nauseous, and lightheaded. Kelly was wiping her forehead with a cold wash cloth. "We will get you through this. I promise."
Shelby grabbed Kelly's hand to stop him from what he was doing. "Kelly just don't. This is all just to much."
"You need me."
"I don't need anyone!"
Kelly was hurt but he knew it wasn't really her talking. It was the withdrawal that was causing her to act out. "Shelby let me help you."
"Go to hell Kelly! I don't need you to be my night in shining armor! I can take care of myself!" Shelby got up and tried to walk to her room. But she hit the floor because she got to dizzy.
Kelly went over to help her up. "Let's get you in bed." Kelly led her to his room and got her to lay down. "This will all be over soon. I promise." Kelly hated seeing her like this but he knew it was for the best. He was trying not to take things she was saying personal but those words cut through him.
Day 3 she spent most of the day laying on the bathroom floor throwing up and feeling like she was going to die. "Kelly please. Make this stop."
"I'm so sorry Shelby. But I can't. It has to be this way." Kelly was trying to stay strong but it was so hard watching her go through this. Chief Boden had tried to get Kelly to send her to a rehab center but he refused. He wanted to help her through this.
When she wasn't laying on the bathroom floor she was tearing apart the apartment looking for pills. Kelly had to hide the car keys so she wouldn't go buy more.
After day 5 the withdrawal symptoms had started to get easier. She wasn't sick all the time or falling over from being dizzy.
End Flashback
Shelby walked into the bay. She was greeted with a hug from Hermann. "Hey there. You look great."
"Hey Hermann. Thank you. I'm feeling pretty great." They took a step back from the hug. "How's Kelly?" Kelly had been spending a lot of time at the firehouse after her withdrawal symptoms had subsided. She hadn't seen him in a week.
"He's alright. Locked up in his office most of the time. I think he blames himself for all this."
"I keep trying to tell him it's not his fault."
"It's Kelly this is what he does. He doesn't share his feelings. He just shuts everyone out."
"I'll go find him but I have to meet with the Chief first." They said their goodbyes and Shelby headed to the Chiefs office. "Hey chief."
"Hey Shelby. Come on in and close the door." Shelby closed the door and took a seat in front of Boden's desk. "How are you doing?"
"I'm good. I'm completely clean. Going to therapy and talking things out. I'm feeling a lot better."
"Good I'm glad to hear it. I have one condition you will need to follow for a couple months."
"I will be randomly drug screening you to make sure you are staying clean. I don't want you out in the field and being high. "
Shelby was hurt but she also understood why he was doing this. "I understand."
"Good. Your first one is right now so let's go." Shelby did her drug test and it came back clean.
After she was done with Chief Boden, she went to Kelly's office. She knocked and then opened Kelly's door. Kelly hadn't even looked up. "Kelly?"
Kelly finally looked up when he heard his name. "Oh hey Shelby. Today's your first day back?"
"Yeah it is. Boden drug tested me this morning and I passed."
"Well welcome back. Everyone missed you." Kelly went back to filling out the paperwork on his desk.
Shelby stepped into his office and closed the door. "Kelly what's going on? You haven't been home in a week. You barely talk to me. Hell you won't even look at me." Kelly didn't respond. Shelby was done with this game. She walked over to Kelly and turned him around and made him face her. "Talk to me Kelly."
Kelly was looking in her eyes. He wanted so bad to kiss her but he still felt guilty. "Shelby please don't."
"Please don't what Kelly?! None of this was your fault. Okay? I did this! not you!"
"If I wouldn't of talked to..."
Shelby cut him off. She placed both her hands on each side of Kelly's chair. "No. This is not your fault. I was hooked before that happened. I didn't know how to deal. I was messed up. Not YOU." Shelby took a breath. "You are the best damn thing that has ever happened to me."
Kelly took that moment and kissed her. The kiss started out so innocent and loving. It quickly turned into something more. Kelly's hand found its way to her hair.
Shelby opened her mouth allowing Kelly's tongue to find hers. Kelly stood up and push her against the wall. The impacted cause Shelby to let out a moan. She could feel the bulge in his pants pressing hair against her. He locked his door and pulled the blinds closed.
Shelby wrapped his legs around his waist as he continued to press her against the wall. Feverishly making out. Kelly then went and laid her on the bed.
He crawled on top of her and started to suck and bite at her neck. Shelby let out another moan. The sound of her moaning turned Kelly on even more. He found the hem of her shirt and quickly pulled it off.
He started back at her mouth and started trailing kisses down to her breast. Kelly went to unsnap her bra but then the alarm sounded.
Ambulance 61 Truck 81 Squad 3 Boat accident.
They both groaned. They quickly got up and Shelby put her shirt back on. They then ran out to the trucks.
Shelby jumped into the passenger seat of 61 pulling the door shut as she got in.
"Why are you so out of breath?"
"Brett I've been out for a month. I'm a little out of shape."
"Uh huh. The hickey on the side of your neck wouldn't have anything to do with it?"
"What?!" Shelby quickly pulled the sun shade down to look at her neck. And sure enough there was a hickey. "Well that's just great"
Sylvie just let out a laugh as they took off.
Kelly was the last one on the squad truck.
His crew had watched Kelly and Shelby run out last together looking a little frazzled. "What took you so long lieutenant?"
"None of your business Capp. Now let's go." Squad headed to the scene. On the way there Kelly had gotten a text from shelby.
Thanks for the hickey
Kelly just smiled My bad.  Kelly shoved his phone back in his pocket smiling to him self.
It was the end of shift. Shelby had changed back into her street clothes and walked to Kelly's office. She knocked and then walked in. "Are you coming home?"
"I picked up another shift." Kelly could see the disappointment in her eyes.
"Oh okay..." Shelby went to leave but the turned back around to face Kelly. "Then what was that earlier? Was it a moment of weakness?"
Kelly's face fell. He has never been good at sharing his feelings The things she said to him still hurt. No matter if she meant them or not. "Shelby I... I just need sometime."
"I'm going to start looking for my own place again. I think it's for the best. Goodbye Severide." Shelby turned on her heels and walked right out of Kelly's office before he could say anything.
Casey had overheard the conversation and went into Kelly's office after he saw her round the corner. "Dude what the fuck are you doing?"
"I...I..." Kelly really wasn't sure what was wrong or why he was pushing her away.
"Severide you need to man up and share your feelings. Do not let this one get away because of your damn pride." Casey turned and left Kelly's office.
Kelly knew Casey was right. He was pushing her away because he didn't want to talk about how he was feeling. Kelly jumped up and ran after her.
Shelby was walking to her car trying not to cry. Maybe now since she wasn't broken he didn't want her anymore. Maybe he only liked girls who needed to be fixed. but then she heard her name.
"Shelby! Wait!" Shelby turned around to see Kelly running after her. When Kelly caught up to her he could see the tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I suck at this whole sharing feelings thing."
"But that's a relationship Kelly. If you can't tell me how you are feeling then how is this suppose to work?"
Kelly took her hand in his. "You're right and I'm sorry. Head home. I will be right behind you. I just need to grab my stuff." Shelby nodded and then turned to head to her car.
Kelly ran inside to change and grab his bag. Once he was done he ran outside and got in his car. He then headed for home.
Shelbys car was outside. Kelly parked and ran inside. When he got to the apartment door it was cracked open.
Kelly slowly pushed it open. "Shelby?" Kelly stepped inside the apartment. Her stuff was by the door. He sat his stuff down and walked further into the apartment.
When Kelly went into the living room. He saw Shelby standing there and Eric was there. Eric had a gun to her head. "Hey Lieutenant."
"Eric what are you doing here?"
"I came to get my girl back." Eric placed a kiss on her cheek. Shelby cringed under his touch.
"Please just let her go." Kelly started to try and walk closer.
"Ah! Stand back or I will shoot her." Kelly put up his hands and stopped walking. "I told you princess. If I can't have you then no one can."
Shelby was crying. "Eric your right I'm sorry. I'll go with you I promise." She was trying to save Kelly. Afraid Eric had come completely unhinged.
Eric's phone started blasting. He was getting a call. Eric was distracted so Kelly took this opportunity and charged Eric. Eric let go of Shelby at the sudden feel of Kelly slamming into him.
Kelly then was trying to get the gun away from Eric and it went off. Neither of them paid attention and continued to fight over the gun. Eric finally gained some control and pushed Kelly to the ground.
"You messed with the wrong Man." Eric pointed the gun and shot Kelly in the chest. Kelly's head fell to the side and he caught a glimpse of Shelby. She was on the ground bleeding from her stomach. That shot from earlier had hit her.
The next thing Kelly knew is he heard yelling.
"Drop the gun!!" Jay halstead had entered their apartment. Kelly blacked out at this point due to the blood loss.

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