Chapter 25

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Today was the day. The day Kelly would find out if Emily's baby was in fact his. Kelly was pacing in the living room. Shelby and Emily were sitting down watching Kelly.

"Kel pacing is not going to make the phone call come any sooner." Kelly ignored Shelbys comment and continued with his pacing. Shelby rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Emily. "So Emily have you decided if you were going to put the baby up for adoption?"

"No I haven't. I'm so conflicted and torn." Emily was very nervous as well.

"It's not an easy decision to make. You have to make sure it's what you want and what you can live with."

Emily's phone started ringing and it's like the world stopped turning. Kelly had stopped pacing and was watching Emily's every move. Emily took a deep breath and then answered the phone.

"Hello...uh huh....okay... thank you..." Emily hung up the phone. There was a moment of silence before she spoke. "I'm sorry Kelly." Her voice was shaking. "It's not yours."

Kelly looked as though someone had just ripped his heart out and stomped on it. Kelly wanted this so bad he hadn't even realized it till it was ripped out from underneath him.

"I should go." Emily got up and left the apartment. Leaving Shelby and Kelly in silence.

After a couple minutes Shelby got up and walked over to Kelly and engulfed him in a hug. "Kel say something."

Kelly still just stood there in silence. Going through so many different emotions. He then took a deep breath. "I'll be back." Shelby released Kelly from their hug.

Kelly grabbed his keys and headed out the door. He got in his car and just started driving. The chance of him being a father ripped away from him once again. Kelly soon found himself at his dads cabin.

He parked his car and headed inside the cabin. Leaving his phone in the car.


Shelby stood there shell shocked that Kelly had just up and left. She knew he was hurting but she didn't know how to help him. She sunk back into her spot on the couch and stared at the wall.

Shelby knew this meant a lot to Kelly. It's all he had talked about since Emily told him. He was making plans to turn the guest room into a nursery and trying to figure out all the things they would need and how to baby proof the apartment.

Shelby pulled out her phone and dialed Casey's number. It rang a couple times before Casey answered his phone.

"Hey Shelby. What's up?"

"Hey Casey. Um... Could you and Gabby come over? and bring beer?"

"Sure but what's up?" Casey could sense something was wrong.

"I'll tell you guys when you get here."

"Okay give us an hour or so and we'll be right there." The two ended their phone call. Shelby sat on the couch waiting for her two friends to show up.

A knock at the door brought her out of thoughts. She got up and answered it.

When she opened the door she was greeted by Casey and Gabby holding a couple six packs. "We have come with beer."

Shelby stepped aside allowing them to enter the apartment. She closed the door and made her way to the kitchen. She grabbed one of the beers and opened it. She took a long drink and then turned her attention to Casey and Gabby. "It's not Kelly's."

Shelby saw both of their faces fall. They knew how heartbreaking this was. "How's he doing?"

Shelby took another drink. "Not good. He won't answer my calls or texts. He just left."

"Give him some space. He really wanted this."

Shelby sighed. "I know that Casey. I really wanted this too. I didn't care that Emily was the mother. Just seeing Kelly so happy sent my heart soaring." Shelby finished her beer and grabbed another.

"Then tell him that." Shelby raised an eyebrow at Gabby's comment. "What I mean is Kelly wants kids. He always has. And hearing from you that you want the same thing could mean the world to him."

"Gabs I don't know. Our relationship hasn't been exactly easy."

"And you think Matt's and I's has been easy? We have been through a miscarriage, losing Louie, trying for another baby with no success and countless other battles. But we have come out stronger than ever."

Shelby immediately felt guilty. "Gabs I'm sorry."

Gabby walked over to her friend and took the beer out of her hands and placed it on the counter. "The point i'm trying to make is every couple goes through hell to be together. You gotta fight for what you want."

Shelby knew Gabby was telling the truth. She knew she needed to fight for what she wanted. "I don't even know where he is Gab."

Gabby and Matt exchanged a look and smiled. "We do."

"Kelly always goes out to his dads old cabin when he needs space to think." Matt pulled out his phone and texted Shelby the address. "Go. He needs you rather he wants to admit it or not."

Shelby hugged both of them. "Thank you."

"Go we will lock up." Shelby nodded, grabbed her keys and ran out the door. She jumped in her car and headed to the cabin to see Kelly. She needed to do this now or she may chicken out.

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