Chapter 26

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Shelby pulled into the cabin and parked next to Kelly's car. She took a deep breath. Turned off her car and stepped out. She made her way to the cabin door. Stopping for just a second before she knocked.

Within a minute Kelly had opened the door. To see the women he loved standing there with a small smile on her face. "Shelby?"

"Hey Kelly. Can I come in?"

"Of course." Kelly moved to the side to allow her to enter. Shelby stepped inside and Kelly closed the door. "How'd you find me?"

Shelby turned to face Kelly. "Casey."

"Ah should of guessed."

Shelby took a couple steps towards Kelly and took his hands in hers. "I know your hurting Kelly. I know how badly you wanted this." Kelly looked away from her trying to hold in the tears. Shelby squeezed his hands. "But Kelly I wanted this too."

Kelly turned his head back to Shelby. "What?" Their eyes were locked on one another.

"Seeing you so happy made my heart skip a beat. How excited you were getting about having a little one running around. Just because this time didn't work out doesn't mean the next one won't."

Kelly had this look of confusion on his face. "What are you saying Shelby."

Shelby sighed. She really wasn't good about saying what she meant. She took a deep breath and then spoke. "I want to have a baby. I want to have a baby with you."

"Are you serious?" Shelby nodded her head. A smile crept across Kelly's face. He then picked her up and spun her around. Shelby was laughing. Her laugh warmed Kelly's heart. He sat her back down and rested his forehead against hers. "I love you."

"I love you too." The two lovers stood there staring into each other's eyes. Smiling like goofy teenagers. Kelly knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this women. She made him so happy. When they were apart Kelly was constantly thinking of her.

Kelly leaned down and captured her lips with his. His hand caressing her cheek. Shelby wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. The two of them spent the night tangled in each other's body.


It was a few days later and Shelby and Kelly were walking into the firehouse for their next shift. The two of them smiling and holding hands. They headed to the locker room to change for shift.

Shelby had just finished changing when Ambo got a call. She gave Kelly a quick kiss before running out to get in 61 with Brett.

Kelly watched Shelby run out of the locker room. Imagining their life together. He hadn't noticed that Casey and Gabby had entered the locker room. Casey cleared his throat bring Kelly out of his trance. "What's up Severide?"

Kelly couldn't help himself. He had to tell someone what Shelby had said to him. "She wants to have a baby. A baby with me." Kelly couldn't stop smiling.

Gabby and Matt exchanged a look. "We know."

Kelly looked at the couple. "What?"

"She called me when you left the other night and asked if we could come over and to bring beer. We talked and that's when we found out. I gave her the address to the cabin."

Kelly smiled at both of his friends. "Thank you."

"Anytime Severide."

Kelly slipped on his squad shirt and closed his locker. "Do you think I should ask her to marry me?"

Gabby cocked her head and looked at Severide. "Only you can answer that question Severide. If she is the person you want to spend your life with then yes. But if you have to ask us if you should ask her to marry maybe you should think about it some more."

"Do not just ask her because you feel like it's something your suppose to do since she said she wanted to have a baby with you."

Kelly started nodding his head. "Thank you. You guys are right."

"Trust us. You will know when it's the right time."

Truck 81 Squad 3 Engine 51 House fire.

"Time to work." The three friends ran out to the trucks and suited up. Heading for the house fire.

When they arrived 61 was already there. The house was completely engulfed in flames. Kelly didn't see Brett or Shelby when they arrived. He jumped out and jogged over to 61. To his relief Brett and Shelby were standing on the side of 61.

Shelby saw Kelly out the corner of her eye. "Severide."

"Hey Adams Brett. What we got?"

"Don't know. We were on another call when this one came over the radio. So we headed this way when we heard you guys were responding."

Kelly nodded and then turned to his crew. "Capp, Tony, Cruz we will take the second floor to look for victims."

"Truck we will take the ground floor. Engine be ready to put this fire out! Let's move!"

Squad and Truck headed inside and began their search. Shelby and Brett stood by 61 praying they wouldn't be needed.

Casey's voice came over the radio. "This house is empty."

"Same on the second floor."

"Squad and Truck fall back." The two teams emerged from the smoke and made their way out of the house. 51 took over and began to put out the fire.

Shelby walked over to Kelly as he was taking off his mask. "The house was empty?"

"Yeah. No furniture. No trash. Nothing." Kelly grabbed a water bottle out of squad and opened it.

"Weird. Well I guess we will see you guys back at 51." Shelby went back over to 61 to head back to the firehouse with Brett. While everyone else stayed back to take care of the fire.

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