Chapter 9

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The rest of shift went by tortuously slowly for Kelly. It was finally time to go. Kelly grabbed his stuff out of his locker and walked out the firehouse.
Shelby was waiting for him by his car. "Excuse can you help?" Shelby was enjoying messing with him.
"What can I help you with miss?" Kelly was playing along with her little game.
She walked over towards him. "I'm looking for a hot blue eyed firefighter. You wouldn't happen to know him would you?"
"I don't know maybe." They were inches apart smiling and then Kelly kissed her. Shelby wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Eh hm." Sylvie cleared her throat. The two of them pulled apart. "Remember shopping?"
"How could I forget Brett?" Shelby turns her attention back to Kelly. "I'll see you later." Shelby left Kelly standing there and went with Brett to her car.
Casey walked up and put his hand on Kelly's shoulder.
"What the hell just happened?" Kelly was so confused.
"She's teasing you." Casey just laughed at Severide. "Wanna grab some lunch?"
"Um yeah." Severide and Kelly headed to grab lunch somewhere.
Sylvie was driving them to the mall. Shelby was in the passenger seat and Gabby was in back. Shelbys phone starts buzzing. It's a text from Kelly.
Kelly: You are so going to pay for that later ;)
Shelby: Promise? ;)
Shelby threw her phone back in her purse laughing.
"What's so funny Davis?"
"Just teasing Severide."
Both girls laugh. "Damn girl. Finally severide gets taste of his own medicine."
The girls get to mall and head inside to start shopping. They walk in and out of couple stores not buying anything yet.
Shelby is looking through a rack of some dresses. Brett and Dawson coming running over to her holding what she thought was a shirt.
"What is that?"
"It's a dress." Dawson pushes it into Shelbys hand.
"No way. That has to be a shirt."
"Go try it on!"
"Ugh" Shelby goes to the changing room to try it on. She's standing there in the dressing room mirror starring at herself. It was a tight black dress. It did cover her butt and a little below that.
"Davis come on! Let us see." Shelby reluctantly steps out. Dawson a fb Bretts jaws hit the floor.
"Severide is not going to know what hit him on Friday."
"Bretts right you have to get it."
"I don't know..."
Brett cut her off. "Girl you are hot! Buy it and we will need to find some black heels to match."
"I hope your guys are right." Shelby goes and changes out of the dress. She buys and they head to the shoe store. They find a pair of black heels to match.
"Are we done?" Shelby was ready to go.
"Oh no I need to hit Victoria Secret." Dawson starts walking off into the direct of the store.
Shelby follows them and just stands in the background while the other two shop.
"Davis you have to buy something."
"What ever I wear will not be on long enough for Kelly to notice."
Both girls laugh. "True but if it's something sexy he might stop and admire before ripping it off of you."
Brett and Dawson convince her to buy a couple things to show off for Kelly. They then head home dropping Shelby off at her place first.
Shelby waved bye to her friends as she went inside.
Kelly and Casey
They sit down in the dinner and order a couple burgers.
"So how are things with Dawson's fb You?"
"Things are pretty great actually. We get along and enjoy each other's company. What about Davis and you?"
"Things are pretty good. I'm really falling hard and fast for her Casey."
Casey raised an eyebrow. "What you mean?"
"I think I want to ask her to marry me?"
Casey almost chokes on his drink."Woah Kelly. You two have barely had a normal dating life."
"Casey we have been through so much together already. I'm confident we could face anything."
"I'll support you as long as your promise me to really think about it? Don't rush anything."
Kelly reluctantly agreed. After lunch Kelly headed back to the apartment to wait for Shelby to get home.
A couple hours later Shelby came walking through the door and Kelly was laying in the couch watching TV.
"Hey there." Kelly notices all the shopping bags in her hands. "For someone who doesn't like shopping you sure have a lot of bags."
"Blame Brett and Dawson." Shelby sets the bags down and goes and sits on the couch.
"I see you went to VS." Shelby starts blushing. "Your cute when you blush. You want to show me what you got?"
"No. It's all a surprise. I'm gonna go out all my bags in my room." Shelby goes and takes the bags to her room. She comes back out and takes a seat next to kelly. "You wanna go take a nap? I'm exhausted."
"Sure let's go." Kelly follows her to his bedroom so they can lay down and sleep.
A few hours later they wake up. Shelby has her back firmly pressed against Kelly's chest. He has one arm draped over her waist and the other above her head.
Shelby rolls over to face Kelly. "Hey." She was still waking up.
"Hey. How'd you sleep?"
"Good. Best sleep I've had in a while."
Kelly brushes a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Good" He leans in and plants a kiss on her lips. He runs his tongue across her bottom lip.
She parts her lips allowing their tongues to tangle. Shelby let out a soft moan. Kelly bang dragging his fingers up and down her arm causing her to shudder. He pulled her waist closer to him. Pressing his hard erection against her.
She felt amazing against him. Kelly climbed on top of her and began to trail kisses down to her neck. Sucking and bitting. She started moan. Loving the way she was feeling. Kelly removed her shirt to expose her breast. He then trailed kiss down from her neck to each nipple. He would would suck and bite her nipples.
Shelby had her hands tangled in his hair. He began to trail kisses down her body. Once he reached her shorts he pulled them down and then took her panties in his teeth and slid them off her.
She was loving the way he made her fell. He began to kiss up her legs. He pulled her legs apart and lowered his mouth down to her clit. Sucking a bitting. Her back was arching off the bed. Kelly was licking every inch of her. He then dove his tongue deep inside her.
"Kelly." Shelby was moaning his name clawing at the bed. Kelly reach one of his hands up to play with her nipple. Pinching and pulling. He felt her release. Her orgasm in his mouth.
He moved back up next to her and began to make out with her again. Shelby removed Kellys shirt and then pushed him back into the bed. She started brush her hand on his erection on the outside of his boxers. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head.
She then went to remove his boxers releasing his penis. It sprung out sticking up. He was super hard. She took him in her hands and began to slowly pump him. He was moaning and enjoying every moment of it.
She bent down and placed a kiss on the tip. She then took him in mouth and began to suck going up and down with her mouth. Her hand was holding and messaging his balls.
"Shelby" Kelly moaned she quickened her pace and soon felt him shoot his load inside of her mouth. She came and whipped her mouth with the back of her hand.
Kelly pulled her towards him so her could kiss her. They were hot and heavy into a make out session. Kelly rolled on top of her. He got in place and slowly slid inside her.
She started to moan again. Kelly slowly moved in and out of her quickening his pace each time. Shelby began to push her hips into him.
They were both moaning and enjoying every minute together. "Shelby I'm gonna"
"Me too." Kelly picked up his pace and they soon both found another release. Riding out their orgasm together. Kelly collapsed on top of her and then rolled off.
He pulled her close to him and planted a kiss to her temple. "That was amazing."
"Yeah it was." Shelby was smiling. She felt truly happy. "I love you Kelly."
"I love you too Shelby."

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