Chapter 30

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Kelly, Casey, and Dawson had been sitting in the waiting for a little more than an hour with no news. Kelly had begun pacing the waiting room wanting to know something.

"Severide I'm sure she is fine." Kelly ignored Casey. He wasn't going to believe it till he saw her for himself.

Finally Dr. Halstead came out into the waiting room. Severide walked right over to him. "How is she? what happened?"

"Kelly you need to sit down."

Severides heart immediately dropped to his stomach. It can't be that bad is all he kept saying to himself. Kelly took a seat between Casey and Dawson.

Will pulled up a chair and sat down. "Kelly, her liver is failing."

"What?" Tears started to form in the corners of Kelly's eyes.

"Due to the overdoses and drugs she has taken in the past it comprised her liver. She is going to need a transplant."

"But she got sober."

Dr. Halstead sighed "Unfortunately the damage was already done."

"How long?"

"She's on the top of the transplant list. But with her history of drug use and how bad she is there is not much time. I'm sorry Kelly."

"Can I go see her?"

"Of course. Follow me." Will stood up and moved the chair back. Kelly, Casey, Dawson followed Will to Shelby's room.

Kelly stepped into the room. He took a seat next to her bed. He grabbed ahold of her hand. "Babe you have to fight. We have come to far for you to give up now. You have come to far. Emily needs you. I need you. So please fight."

Casey and Dawson stood behind Kelly. They each put a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him. Dr. Halstead had closed the door to give them all some privacy.

It was another hour before Shelby had woken up. Casey and Dawson had left and they went and picked up Emily. They told Severide they could watch her tonight.

When Shelby opened her eyes she saw Kelly sitting in the chair next to her bed. His head was leaned back. Shelby looked down at her hand and noticed Kelly was still holding onto it.

She gave it a squeeze. Kelly stirred and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and once he was able to focus he realized Shelby was awake. "Hey babe."

"Hey Kelly." Shelby still felt very weak and tired. "What happened?"

"Let me get Dr. Halstead." Shelby nodded. Kelly got up and Pressed the call button. a nurse came in and Saw Shelby was awake.

"I'll get Dr. Halstead."  The nurse left the room.

10 Minutes later Dr. Halstead came into the room. "Morning sleeping beauty."

This made Shelby laugh. "Morning Dr. Halstead. So why am I here?"

"What is the last thing you remember?" Will took a seat on the side of her bed.

"I remember Kelly going to work and I called in sick. I remember laying down in our bed and going to sleep. The next thing I know I am waking up here."

Kelly shift uncomfortably realizing she didn't remember falling in the shower.

Shelby saw the look that Kelly and Dr. Halstead exchanged."What is it? You guys are starting to worry me."

"When Kelly came home you were still asleep. You woke up for a minute and went to take a shower. Kelly was making food but when you didn't come out he went to check on you. He found you passed out in the shower."

"Oh." Shelby really didn't remember any of that.

"Shelby there is no easy way to say this but your liver is failing. You need a transplant."

"How long do I have?"

"Honestly not long. We have moved you to the top of the transplant list but with your past drug abuse and OD's it may prevent you from getting one."

"But she's cleaned up?" Kelly was furious. He wasn't ready to lose her.

"I know Kelly. The board knows that but it's still a mark against her. We don't know what other damage was caused due to her drug use."

"Thank You Dr. Halstead. I understand."

"The other option is if someone is willing to donate apart of their liver to you. They would just need to consent to a blood test and we could see if they are a match."

Kelly wasted no time. "I'll go call the firehouse. See who is all willing to consent to a blood test." Kelly got up and left the room before Shelby could protest.

Once the door closed Shelby spoke to Dr. Halstead. "Will be completely upfront with me. What are my chances?"

Dr. Halstead's face fell. "It is my professional opinion that you should get your affairs in order."

"What are the chances this works? If I were to get a transplant."

"It's hard to say. Depends if your body accepts the transplant or not."

"Can I go home?"

"I advise against it. I would like for you to be here. So the second we get a match we can get you right into the OR."

"Okay thanks Will."  Shelby thought for a moment but then she realized what she needed to do. "Dr. Halstead I want to sign a DNR."

Will let her chart drop to his side. "Shelby we are not there yet."

"But if something goes wrong I don't want to be hooked to machines. Just let me go. Please?"

Dr. Halstead sighed. "Alright. That is your choice. " Will brought up the form on the tablet for Shelby to sign. He handed her the tablet and Shelby signed her name.

Will took the tablet back. "I am going to have Dr. Charles come talk to you. And if you want to withdrawal the DNR you just let me know."

"Thanks Will."

Kelly came back into the room. "All of 51 is coming down to do a blood test. And see if anyone is a match."

"I'll let the lab know." Dr. Halstead left the room.

"Kelly?" Shelby had tears in her eyes. Something told her she wasn't going to make it through this.

"Yeah babe?" Kelly was busy scrolling through his phone looking for other people he could ask to do the blood test.

"Kelly. Look at me please."

Kelly looked up from his phone and into the eyes of the women he loves. He could see the tears in her eyes. "We will get through this like we always do."

"Kelly I really don't think we will this time."

"Shelby come on. Don't say that." Kelly went over and crawled into bed with her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"Kelly promise me you will take care of little Emily."

"We will do it together."

"Damnit Kelly! Promise me? Please?" Shelby was shaking in Kelly's arms.

"Alright I promise." Kelly held her even closer and placed a kiss to the top of her head. "I promise."

Shelby relaxed against Kelly's embrace and let herself drift off too sleep.

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