Chapter 13

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Today was the day. The day of Commissioner Davis trial. Shelby and Kelly were getting ready in their hotel room. There was a knock at their door. Kelly went and opened it.

"Assist DA Rafael Barba." He stuck out his a hand for Kelly to Shake.

"Kelly Severide." The two men shake hands and then step into the room.

"Shelby the DA is here!" She comes out of the bathroom from getting ready and walks over to shake his hand.

"Ms Davis it's nice to meet you."


"Okay this should be a pretty open shut case. The evidence we have is rock solid. And with your testimony we should be able to put him away for good. You ready?"

"No but yes." Kelly took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm right here." Shelby gave Kelly a smile.

"Alright let's do this." Shelby and Kelly followed Mr. Barba out of the hotel. They went out the back way as to avoid the media.

They pulled up to the courthouse a short while later. Kelly held her close as they made their way into the courtroom. They took a seat behind Mr. Barba.

Shelbys dad was escorted in a short while later. They made eye contact and she immediately felt nervous and sick. Kelly could sense something was wrong so he just held her close to help ease her nerves.

"All Rise!" Everyone stood up at the judge made his way to his seat in the courtroom.

"You all may be seated." We all took our seats. "How does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty your honor."

"Alright let's get this show on the road."

They started going over the evidence that was discovered and how Shelbys mother was killed. He had strangled her with his bare hands. Shelby couldn't help the tears falling from her eyes. Hearing and seeing how her father killed her mother.

"The states attorney calls Shelby Davis." Shelby gets up and walks to the bench. She placed her hand on the bible and swore to tell the truth.

"Ms. Davis what is your relationship to defendant?"

"He is my father."

"Do you and your father have a good relationship?"

"We did."

"What changed?"

"He did. He was abusive to my mother and to me after she went missing."

"What happened the morning your mom went missing?"

"It was my 12th birthday. I went downstairs to see my mom because we were suppose to go shopping. But she wasn't in the kitchen when I came downstairs."

"Where was the defendant?"

"He was walking in from the garage. He told me she left and he had been looking for her all night."

"How did he seem?"


"Did you notice anything?"

"He seemed fine to me. I didn't suspect anything."

"Do you believe the defendant could of killed your mother?"


"Withdrawn. The state rest."

Shelbys dad attorney got up and walked over to her. "So you say my client came in through the garage after being out all night looking for your mother?"

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