Chapter 21

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Kelly and the rest of 51 had been in the waiting room for about an hour waiting for some kind of news. Kelly couldn't sit still he was pacing around the room.

"Kelly, She is going to be fine."

"How do you know that Casey? What if I didn't get her here in time? I should of made her go to rehab this time." Kelly was walking back and forth.

Casey stood and grabbed Kelly by the shoulders. "Kelly, You did everything right. You didn't know this was going to happen. It was only a possibility."

"I know.. I Just.. I." The doors to the ER came open and Dr. Halstead came into the waiting room. Dr. Halstead walked over to the group. "How is she?"

"She is stable. We need to wait for her to wake up before we can asses if there is any damage from the seizure."

Kelly was scared to ask but he had too. "Like what?"

"She may of lost part of her memory. She may become more forgetful."

"But she should be alright otherwise?"

"I do believe so. We are pushing fluids to help get her hydrated. It may take a bit for her to wake up. You guys can go to her room but don't stay to long."

"Thanks Doc."

"You're welcome. She's in room 203." Dr. Halstead left the waiting room.

Kelly headed down the hallway to find Shelbys room. The rest of 51 following right behind him. They stepped into her room. Kelly went and took a seat next to her bed. The rest of 51 gathered around and stood in various spots through out the room.

Chief walked up to her other bedside. "Alright Shelby you need to come back to us. Come back to your 51 family. We all love you and need you. I'm so sorry for not being there sooner. For not checking on you myself." Boden choked back a tear. "You became like a niece to me durning 9/11. Everyone at 51 is here to help you through whatever it is you are feeling."

Kelly was holding her hand and had a few tears going down his face. They should of stepped in sooner. They shouldn't of let it get this bad again. They knew she was hurting but everyone just left her to deal with it on her own.

"Uncle Boden. You better not be going soft on me." Shelby opened her eyes.

"Me? Never."

Everyone chuckled.

"Good." Shelby smiled and squeezed Kelly's hand. "Hey Kelly."

"Hey baby." Kelly stood up and leaned over placing a kiss to her forehead. "You scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean too."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better." Shelby looked around the room to see everyone from 51 was there and in their turnout gear. "Are you guys seriously here instead of saving someone else life?"

"We couldn't work knowing you were in her kid."

Shelby Smiled at Hermann. "Well I'm okay. Thank you guys but there are people out there who need you more than I do at this moment."

"Alright y'all heard the lady. Let's get back to it. She's in good hands." Everyone either gave her a hug or patted her bed as they left to head back to 51.

It just just left Kelly and Shelby in the room alone. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Kel I promise. I am fine." Shelby moved the blankets to the side signaling for Kelly to join her. Kelly slipped off his shoes and laid next to her wrapping her in his arms. Shelby curled up to him. "Wonder how long Halstead is going to keep me."

"However long he thinks is necessary and your staying no arguing with him."

Shelby stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. "Fine."

Kelly kissed her temple. "I don't want to lose you and I thought I was going too tonight."

"I'm not going anywhere Kelly."

"Good." They laid there in each other's arms. Still Dr. Halstead came by an hour later to check on her. He performed some neurological tests and determined she was going to be just fine. He wanted to get another bag of fluids in her before he would let her go home.

Shelby was just happy she would be able to leave within a couple hours.

2 Weeks later

There was this buzzing sound that woke Shelby up. "Turn it off." She pulled the pillow over her head and tried to go back to sleep.

Kelly turned off the alarm and placed a hand on her stomach. "Babe we have to get up. It's your first day back remember?"

"Ugh I forgot." Shelby threw the pillow off of her face. "I guess I'll get up."

Kelly leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Come on let's go."

"Fine." Shelby and Kelly got out of bed to start getting ready for work.

"Babe come on! We are going to be late."

"I'm coming!" Shelby comes out of the bedroom carrying her bag.

"Oh you are are you?" Kelly had this devilish grin.

Shelby smack him in chest. "Get your mind out of gutter." Kelly rubbed the spot on his chest that she smacked. "Oh that didn't. Hurt let's go."

Kelly laughs and they both head out the door. They get in Kelly's car and head towards the firehouse. They pull up to the firehouse.

Kelly grabbed ahold of Shelbys hand. "You ready for this?"

"Most definitely." Kelly squeezed her hand. They got out of the car and head up to the firehouse. It was oddly quiet. No one was on the apparatus floor. "Where's everyone at?"

Kelly shrugged his shoulders. They headed into the common room. Still no one. Shelby walked further in. Suddenly everyone jumped out.

"Welcome back!" Everyone came over to give her a hug.

"Thank you guys. I've missed you all."

They finally let her go to the locker room to get changed. Kelly following close behind her.

"It feels so good to be back." They both opened their lockers and began to change.

"Good I'm glad."

Truck 81 Squad 3 Engine 51 Ambulance 61 Warehouse Fire.

Shelby and Kelly slammed their lockers and ran out to the trucks to head out.

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