Chapter 19

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The next morning Shelby woke up sweating. The withdrawal symptoms were starting. Kelly woke up when he felt her shift.

"Hey baby. You okay?"

"Yeah just sweating withdrawal is starting." Shelby shift uncomfortably.

"I talk to April and she said it is best if we taper you off the meds. If you stop cold turkey it can be deadly."

"Kelly no. I... I"

"It is not up for discussion. How many at a time where you taking?"

"Anywhere from 6–10 pills at a time."

"Alright. I'll be back." Kelly got out of bed and went and got 7 pills and a bottle of water. He brought them back into the room and handed them to her.

"Thanks Kelly." Shelby took the pills and took a drink of water and then laid back down. Still uncomfortable since it would take a little while.

"So whose this Mike guy?"

"He's no one Kelly. Just a guy I met when I was looking to score."

Kelly nodded. Not wanting to push to hard right now. He crawled back in bed and held her. "It's going to be okay." Kelly kissed her temple.

About an hour later the sweating had subsided and Shelby was feeling better. "I'm hungry."

Kelly chuckled. "Okay let's get up and eat."

Shelby and Kelly got up and headed to the kitchen. Kelly started pulling out some eggs and bacon and began cooking. Shelby was standing next to him while he cooked.

"Kelly why are you being so nice to me? After I was so mean and closed off to you."

"Everyone needs someone. Someone to pull them out of the dark and help them to see the good in this world."

"You sound like your speaking from experience."

"I am." Kelly flipped the bacon. "Shay pulled me out of the darkness when I didn't want to face the music about my neck. And then Casey pulled me out when Shay died."

"I wish I could of met Shay."

"Me too." Kelly finished making breakfast and put the food on a couple plates. They went and sat on the couch to eat.

"Do you think Chief Boden is going to let me keep my job?"

"Your like a daughter to him. I'm sure he will."

"Kelly I want you to know. I never took any pills while I was on shift. I couldn't compromise my patients health because I was to high to know what to do."

"That right there tells me you want help and just needed a hand." Shelby smiled at Kelly feeling truly loved.

They went and out the plates in the sink once they finished eating. Shelby then turned to Kelly. "I'm going to go shower."

"Alright I clean up in here." Shelby gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then made her way to the shower.

She started the water and then stripped. She stepped into the shower closing the door behind her. Putting her face directly into the water. The water felt amazing. Helping wash away all the pain and guilt she felt.

She must of been standing there for quite a while because she heard the shower door open and Kelly's arms snake around her body. She rest her back against Kelly's chest.

"Your absolutely gorgeous." Kelly started kissing the side of her neck.

Shelby turned around so they were face to face. "You not half bad looking yourself." Kelly gave a little smirk and then kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kelly pushed her against the shower wall. Pushing his body against hers. They were having feverish make out session. It was absolutely amazing. "Jump."

Shelby jumped and wrapped her legs around Kelly's waste. Shelby could feel his rock hard cock against her entrance. Kelly adjusted and slid inside her.

Shelbys head rolled backwards in pure pleasure. He felt amazing. They went back to making out while Kelly fucked her against the wall of the shower. The hot water running over their bodies.

"I love you Shelby."

"I love you too Kelly." They started kissing again and Kelly groaned against her lips. Feeling himself tipping over the edge and cuming inside her.

They broke apart from the kiss both panting. Kelly held her against the wall for a moment. Once he caught his breath he back away from the wall and she unwrapped her legs from around his waist.

Kelly reached over and grabbed the wash cloth. He then poured some of her body wash onto the wash cloth. He began to soap up her body. His touch felt amazing. Once he finished he grabbed her shampoo and put some in his hand.

He then massaged it into her scalp. He put her body under the water to wash away all the soap. He then did the same with her conditioner. Once she had all the soap off of her, he leaned in and gave her tender kiss on the lips.

"Go lay down baby." Shelby nodded and then stepped out of the shower. She wrapped her self up in a towel and went back to their bedroom.

Shelby found a pair of her underwear and one of Kelly's shirts to slip into. She then laid down waiting for Kelly to finish his shower.

When Kelly came out of the bathroom he had a towel wrapped around his waist. "had to wear one of my shirts?"

"Yes it's comfy." Shelby lifted the neck of the shirt up to her nose and took in scent. "Plus is smells like you." Kelly smiled.

He grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on. He went laid down on the bed. Shelby then curled up to him and laid her head on his chest.


"Yes baby?"

"I'm scared."

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. We will get through this."

Shelby lifted her head to look at him. "Promise?"

"I promise." Kelly leaned forward giving her a kiss. Shelby then laid her head back on his chest. Kelly flipped on the TV and they began watching Bar Rescue.

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