Chapter 20

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AN: Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know I have another story I just started go Start of Something New. I'd appreciate if you went and gave it a read. Thanks! Enjoy.

It was day 3 of Shelby having withdrawal symptoms. Kelly was trying to make sure she was comfortable but it wasn't easy. She was restless. She kept moving around wasn't sleeping. She was becoming paranoid and easily agitated.

Kelly stepped into their bedroom with a few pills to help curve some of the withdrawal. He was doing his best to help her taper off the pills.

Shelby was laying on the bed in shorts and a tank top sweating. Kelly came over and took a seat on the edge of the bed next to her.

"Hey baby. You need to take these. It'll help."

"No. I want to be done and the sooner I stop all together the better."

"Shelby please."

"Kelly I said no!" She rolled away from him.

"But April said..."

She cut him off. "I don't give a damn what April said!" She snatched the pills out of Kelly's hand and threw them across the room. "Please just leave me alone."

Kelly got up and left the room. He went and sat on the couch putting his head in his hands. Things were tougher this time. She was more angry. He didn't know how he was going to make it through this time. They were only a few days in.

Kelly picked up his phone and called April.

"Hey Kelly."

"Hey April. So what happens if Shelby refuses to taper off the meds and won't take any at all?"

"It's not good Kelly. Some people do fine others not so much."

"What do you mean?"

"People have died due to the symptoms of withdrawals."

"What do I need to look for?"

"Excessive puking and diarrhea. She'll become dehydrated."

"Okay thanks April."

"Kelly you should really think about taking her to a clinic where someone will be with her 24/7."

"I can handle it April."

"Alright well call me if you have any questions."

"Thanks April." Kelly hung up the phone and just leaned back on the couch. He was frustrated and angry with himself because he felt like this was his fault. Why hadn't he seen the signs earlier?

Kelly's phone started ringing. He picked it up to see it was Erin calling. He quickly answered it. "Hey Erin. Any news?" Kelly had given Erin the phone number that Shelby had listed in her phone as Mike.

"Yes. We found him Kelly."

"That's good. Is he going to Jail?"

There was a moment of silence before Erin spoke. "Kelly he's dead."

Kelly couldn't help but be a little happy. "For how long?"

"We don't know for sure maybe 3-5 days."

Kelly's heart sank. He knew why Erin was calling. "You don't think Shelby killed him do you?"

"We don't know yet Kelly. We are waiting for the Autopsy results. You said Shelby was injured a few days ago?"

"Yeah she has a gash above her right eye. And some bruising as well."

"If she did do this it sounds as though it might of been in self defense."

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