Chapter 40 - Beyond The Smoke (Part 1/2)

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Hey guys sorry again about the long delay it honestly takes me so long to think up and write these chapters. However, I'm happy to say that I have just published the next two chapters (including this one) as a two parter. I hope you enjoy the chapters and that it was worth the wait. Thanks for your continued support! :)

Addison had been walking around for over two hours she was on the brink of passing out. Jay had been searching for an hour and thirty minutes and still nothing.

She reached a wall in an alley, the coldest and most tired she'd felt in her life and almost passed out against it. Putting her hand in a fist against the wall to support herself.

Seconds later a group made up of two guys and two girls with hoods up, came around the corner of the alley where she had came.

"What's up little girl?" The one guy mocked.

"Isn't it a little late for you to be out." The other guy added with a creepy smile.

"Go to hell." Addison managed to get out after building up the strength to stand up straight.

"Yo this one got an attitude!" The second guy responded getting closer to Addison.

"What we got in here?" One of the girls said grabbing her backpack off of her and emptying it out to look through it.

"Ah so sweet, guess they can't help you now huh?" The other girl taunted picking up the photo of Jay, Will and Addison together.

In the meantime, truck 81 were on their way back from a call when Casey noticed there was something going on in an alley as they drove past.

"Kidd, I just saw something going on in that alley back there hold up a sec." Casey asked and Stella slowed down.

"You want me to back up?" Stella offered.

"Turn around up here and go back, I'll put the lights on they might get spooked, run off." Casey said and watched to see what was going on as Stella drove the truck back towards the alley.

Luckily Casey was right, as soon as the group that was about to attack Addison caught sight of the lights in the distance of the emergency vehicle they got spooked.

"Dude is that the cops?" The first guy said to the other who had Addison pinned up against the wall whilst the others went through her stuff.

"I don't know man there's no sirens how the hell am I supposed to tell?!"

"Let's just go, we done enough stealin' to get what we need tonight come on." One of the girls said.

"Come on Ronnie, you really think you need to threaten her anymore, the kid's practically passed out its not like she's gonna remember exactly what happened." The other girl added.

"Hey what did I tell you about using names out here." Ronnie yelled back.

"Whatever, look at her she ain't going nowhere and in this cold she ain't gonna last five minutes or remember anything by time she wakes up. Let's just go." The girl responded.

Ronnie let go of Addison who slid down the wall slowly falling unconscious, slumped against it.

The group ran off just as the truck was pulling into the alley.

"Dispatch this is Lieutenant Casey on truck 81, requesting immediate Police assistance." Casey said into his radio and gave a rough location of where the alley was.

"Copy that Lieutenant, CPD are enroute." Dispatch answered seconds later.

"Damn it." Casey said and started moving a little quicker.

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