Chapter 7- School.

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"So you looking forward to going back?" Jay said as they were driving to Addison's high school.

"I guess." Addison replied vaguely.

"You know kids move on from rumours pretty quickly. If they know about it they'll soon forget it.

"I know, look thanks for the ride anyways." Addison adds dismissively.

"No problem. Look if you need me or Will call our cells or go to the school secretary ok?"

"I'll be fine. Thanks Jay see you later."

"See you later." Jay responded as she got out of the car and walked towards the school entrance.

At the district

Jay walked up the stairs to intelligence and sat and saw the others sat at their desks. "Hey." He said as they all looked up and saw him in the room.

"Hey, Halstead. How's the kid? Did she get back to school ok?" Antonio asked. The intelligence team had all grew closer to Addison over the past couple of weeks that she had been living with Jay. Antonio, Voight and Adam had become rather protective of her. Whilst Olinsky, Atwater, Hailey and Burgess we're always there to offer good advice.

"Yeah, she seemed ok, but I couldn't help but see that she seemed a little off before she got out of the car." Jay said to Dawson in response, but in front of the others.

"I wouldn't worry sometimes it can be the smallest things. It's happened with Diego and Eva before and has never been that bad so I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Yeah thanks man your probably right." Jay replied.

"Course he is. Erin had her moments too. Sometimes they have good days, sometimes they have bad days, give her time Jay, she's been through a lot." Voight said agreeing with Antonio. To which Jay nodded in response and sat down at his desk. "Anyway back to work..." Voight started, he was interrupted by the sound of Olinsky's phone ringing.

"Olinsky." Olinsky said answering the phone on his desk and putting it down a few seconds later. "We've got a location on the on the car we put a bolo out earlier. They switched plates, but someone caught them heading towards an abandoned warehouse. I texted you all the address now."

"Let's roll." Voight said before they started putting on their bulletproof vests and walking out of the district towards the cars.

A few minutes later everyone is outside the warehouse and approaching the door with there guns secured in their hands. Voight gave them the go ahead before Ruzek kicked the door in and they all went inside.

"POLICE! Put down your weapons." Voight yelled to the majority of people who faced them and most of them obliged by putting their hands in the air, lowering their weapons and getting on their knees, with the help from the other members of Intelligence who were close behind.

There were three men that chose to run, rather than comply and the first got caught by Atwater, who quickly intercepted his sprint for the nearby exit and was wrestled to the ground. "Get on the ground. Hands where I can see them." Atwater said supporting his actions. To which the man gave in and got on the ground.

The remaining two runners carried on determined to get away. They ran down an alley with Jay and Hailey close behind them until the runners are cut off by Voight and Olinsky's car pulling in and blocking the end of the alley. Both men hit the car on its side, get cuffed by Jay and Hailey and put into the back of Voight's car.

"We'll meet you back at the district." Jay said to Voight and Olinsky before they got back into their car. Jay and Hailey then got back in their car and Jay drove back to the district. When they got back to the district they went to walk upstairs when Platt looked at Jay from the desk.

"Halstead, there's a call for you." Platt said. Jay walked over and took the phone from Platt.

"Halstead." Jay said into the phone expecting it to be work related.

"Mr Halstead. This is the Principal of your sister's high school Mr Robinson calling." The Principal started.

"Yes Sir, What can I do for you?" Jay replied.

"I'm afraid Addison's got into a fight." The Principal answered.

"What? Is she ok?" Jay asked quickly.

"She has a couple of nasty bruises and a few small cuts, but she seems fine. The school nurse took a look at her briefly and we also called your brother while you were busy, in case you couldn't leave work. He's taking a look at her now. It appears that what caused the fight were some harsh words said about her family and people making fun of her because of her Father. I assure you those people will be dealt with."

"Thank you." Jay replied

"However, Addison has also been made aware by me that fighting is not acceptable. If she gets into trouble like this two more times then she'll be suspended. I've had a discussion with your brother about the incident, but if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to come and talk to me when you're on campus." Principal Robinson explained.

"I understand thank you Principal, I won't take up any more of your time, I'll discuss this with Will later and i'll be on campus to pick Addison up in the next fifteen minutes." Jay answered.

"Ok bye then Mr Halstead."

"Thank you Sir bye." Jay said putting the phone down and running up to Intelligence. "Sarge, can I take some time? I'll be back as soon as I can."

"What's up Halstead?" Voight responded to Jay's request.

"Addison got into some trouble at school and I need to go pick her up there was that pile up earlier, Will will still have a lot of patients so can't stay with her long."

"No problem, it's family. You know what my opinion of family is. You can bring her back here if you want."

"Thanks Sarge." Jay replied walking out of Intelligence and the District to go get Addison.

Sorry that chapter was a bit long, but I needed to include quite a bit of detail. As always any constructive criticism and suggestions is much appreciated. Thanks for reading hope your enjoying it :) x.

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