Chapter 16- After the game.

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Warning if you have experience with alcohol addiction personally or in your family. Also mentions suicide.

"Hey here she is!" Atwater said as Addison, Jay, Will and Hailey walked through the door of Molly's after Addison's first game of the season.

"You were great out there kid." Adam said patting her on the back.

"That last hit was star quality kid you got talent." Antonio said as she sat on a bar stool next to him.

"Thanks and thanks Herrmann for letting me come to Molly's tonight." Addison said to Hermann who was sorting drinks behind the bar.

"No problem kid you want a cola?" Herrmann offered.

"Yeah thanks Herrmann." Addison smiled.

"So kid, you feel better about being with mostly guys in the team now." Jay said sitting down near her by the bar.

"Yeah I think I did ok." Addison answered modestly.

"Did ok? You did awesome you sure taught the kids that picked on you a thing or two." Will said.

"Thanks Will." Addison said with a smile.

After a few drinks and talks with people from the 21st, med and 51 Addison returned to Will's as planned and Jay stayed out with Hailey.

"You still planning on going to see Dad next week?" Will asked Addison as they were watching the TV and eating ice cream.

"Yeah apparently he's getting better. I'm just going to hear him out." Addison replied.

"Even if it's not what you want to hear?"

"I just gotta hear him out Will." Addison repeated with a sympathetic smile. She understood why Will wanted her to be careful, but she needed to know why.

"Ok just try not to get your hopes up ok?" Will said


"You should get some sleep, you've had a long day today." Will said.

"Yeah I probably will night Will." Addison responded before walking to Will's spare room where she would sleep for the night.

"Yeah night kiddo." Will replied.

A couple of hours later Jay walked through the door. Will wasn't expecting him as he thought that he would just go back to his or stay with Hailey. He also didn't realised how stressed he looked until a couple of seconds later when he instantly knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong? Did something happen with Hailey? The two of you get into a fight or something?" Will asked.

"Will...take a second." Was all Jay said which made Will worry even more.

"Jay what's wrong? Your making me nervous here bro, tell me." Will persisted.

"It's Dad. He's dead Will." Jay said vaguely.

"What? How, what happened?" Will asked.

"Platt called me. Patrol got a call from a neighbour Mrs Anderson from across the street. Some mail had been put in the wrong box, she said she would take it over to him so she knocked on the door, he didn't answer and she got worried because he hardly ever goes out. She looked in through the window a little closer through the shutters and saw him lying there." Jay explained.

"And he's definitely..." Will started.

"He's gone Will. One hundred percent, they think he OD'd on pills and Alcohol. He even left notes, it all adds up to what looks like suicide." Jay said taking a deep breath and beginning to get a little emotional.

"Jay?" Will said checking up on his brother and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Did we try hard enough? Did we? After Mom and everything. Did we try hard enough Will?" Jay asked with tears in his eyes.

"Jay I get where your coming from, but I think we did everything we could. I really do. We tried with Dad. He was difficult, Jay you know what he was like." Will said.

"I know and it isn't even about whether we had faith in him or not it's about Addison, Will. It's about Addison because she has a big heart and has faith in people whatever they do. She had in faith in him and thought he was getting better, but tomorrow we're going to have to tell our baby sister she's an orphan." Jay said looking Will dead in the eyes.

"I know. I know" Will said nodding getting emotional himself and pulling his brother into a hug.

More to come soon hope you enjoyed the double chapter release. I did it because it's been a while since I last updated. Thanks for reading :)

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