Chapter 28- Got your back.

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"Sarge I'm not hanging around on this one I'm going in." Jay said after getting out of his SUV, making his way to the door. Of his apartment building.

"I wasn't planning on stopping you Halstead just be careful Cody Reagan doesn't mess around, you know that. We'll be in as soon as you say the safe word." Voight said.

"Which is 'chaos'." Hailey said before giving him a worried look.

"Don't worry. I gotta go get her Hailey. I promised her that the cold calls were nothing to worry about and I was wrong." Jay said quickly explaining himself as they were putting a wire on him and a bulletproof vest.

As soon as he was ready Jay ran and knocked the door on the apartment. It was so hard for him to not just knock the door down there and then, but he knew better than a lot of people would that if he did that he could get his sister killed without a second thought.

"Reagan I'm coming in." Jay shouted knocking on his door before entering.

"You and nobody else!" Reagan shouted waving a gun at Jay.

"It's just me. This is just between me and you." Jay repeated what he had said earlier. "Now where's my sister Reagan?" Jay said beginning to get agitated he needed to know she was ok.

"Get out here!" Reagan yelled opening the cleaning closet and dragging out Addison, who had a damp face from crying, a cut on the side of her head near her eyebrow and bruising on her face as well as tape around her mouth.

"It's ok honey, it's alright close your eyes ok close your eyes." Jay said trying to comfort his terrified sister. Addison did as she was told.

"Reagan please just leave her out of this." Jay pleaded.

"Did you leave Jackson out of it when you shot him in the head?" Reagan responded.

"He was a cop killer Cody! He had killed before and he was about to kill again." Jay shouted. "I'm really sorry about what this has done to you and I'm sorry your brother did the things he did, but she's just a kid Reagan. She's fifteen years old. Let her go." He said.

"Not a chance." Reagan said still pointing the gun at Addison's head.

"Reagan listen to me ok. Your being really stupid here. You're not getting out of this. You kill her your going to jail for the rest of your life and I promise you, you won't make it out of there. Or if you let her go and keep that gun in your hand you could kill anyone you wanted in here you wouldn't be making it out of here either." Jay started.

"Doesn't matter either way then." Reagan said putting the gun to Addie's temple.

"Listen! Listen...if you drop that now and let her go I can get you into a jail of your choosing and we can make it real comfortable for you. My Sergeant and I will sort something out and on good behaviour you'll be out a lot sooner than you will be for murder. You have kids right? Think about them. This isn't just about your brother anymore. You want your kids growing up with a Father in jail?" Jay said.

"Well it sure didn't do me any harm." Cody stated.

"Really? Look at what Jackson did Cody. He was a cop killer, deep down you know that. He killed innocent people. That's what your Father did to him going into County for murder. You wanna do the same things for your kids? Huh?" Jay said.

Meanwhile outside listening in, Voight turned to the other members of Intelligence. "Move In Halstead nearly has the gun out of his hands." The rest of Intelligence got closer to Halstead's apartment, nearer the door so they could rush in when they needed to.

"Reagan let her go and put the gun down." Jay said knowing Reagan was getting more agitated.

"No!" Reagan yelled. "You killed my brother now your going to see how it feels."

"Antonio have you got the shot?" Voight said whilst Jay was with Reagan. "I have but it's not clear. I'd only give it 90% accuracy I'm not happy about that other 10% Sarge especially with Addison involved." Antonio said. Suddenly they saw Reagan put the gun up to Addison's temple.

"Take it." Voight said over coms to Antonio who was on the sniper.

"Sarge..." Antonio started.

"Take it Dawson." Voight said. Antonio held his breath and took the shot seconds later seeing the larger body of the two drop.

"Sarge...Sarge I got her." Jay said through deep breaths on the coms. "She's safe."

More to come on the aftermath of the hostage situation soon hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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