Chapter 19- The Start of Something New.

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Antonio opened the door to the side room for Will and he walked through seeing his sister sat on a couch in the corner and looked at her in both frustration and concern. Addison tried to avoid making eye contact with him but then looked up at him apologetically.

"You ok?" Will asked as Antonio left the office to give them a minute, Addison nodded gently in response.

"Yeah." Addison said giving him a straight answer still feeling bad That Antonio had to call Will to come pick her up and check on her.

"You feel dizzy before you passed out? Or have chest pain?" Will asked while he gently grabbed her wrist to measure her pulse.

"I was a little dizzy and my heart was racing pretty fast I guessed it was because of how tired and angry I was." She quietly responded.

"Abdominal pain, headaches?" Will continued.

"No." Addison said as Will shone his penlight in her eyes to which she pushed his hand away. "Will!"

"Alright, alright. Look I think you had a panic attack that escalated. The fact that you haven't been sleeping hasn't helped either it's what made you pass out." Will said and sat next to her on the couch. "Talk to me."

"I should have waited it out. Let him get better. I gave up on him let him get sicker and sicker and I walked away because I was scared and this is where it got us. He said he was getting better I don't understand why he did what he did Will, what did I do?." Addison said looking at Will, making eye contact.

"I can't answer that Addie I'm sorry, I really am no one can ever tell you exactly why he did it because the only person that truly knew why he did what he did was himself, but you didn't do anything, it wasn't your fault, you hear me?" Will started, tears rolled down Addison's face and Will put his hand on her cheek wiping them away with the pad of his thumb in comfort.

"You're still young Addie, it wasn't your responsibility to take care of Dad and when he was drunk he scared you. Anyone else would have walked away. You put up with it a lot longer than was necessary. Alright?" He explained putting an arm around his sister.

Addison nodded and Will pulled her into his side keeping his arm wrapped around her in a strong embrace.

"You don't have to go to work tonight right?" Addison said in a quiet muffled voice as her head rested on his chest in the hug.

"No it's my night off, I'm not going anywhere." Will reassured stroking his sisters hair as he held her.

"Come on lets get you home honey." The older Halstead said after a few minutes and got up walking her out of the side room.

"Hey kid how you feeling?" Antonio said walking over from the other side of the gym to meet them as they came out of the room.

"I'm ok...thanks Antonio." She said vaguely and wrapped her arms around him giving him a hug.

Antonio paused a little then wrapped his arms around her in response and put a hand on the back of her head comfortingly. "It's ok, anytime alright? If you ever wanna talk I mean it ok?" He said and pulled her out of the embrace after a couple of seconds, moving to just hold her by her shoulders and making eye contact with her as he spoke. "Hope you get better kid."

"Thanks Antonio, I owe you one." Will said and patted the man on the shoulder. Antonio returned the gesture, before Will walked away.

"Thanks." Addison said and walked back over to Will who just put a hand on the back of her head comfortingly and guided her out of the gym.

A couple of days after the incident in the gym Addison started to get really bad cold like symptoms and Will was starting to notice. She sat back down on the couch to watch a movie her and Jay were in to and looked like she was getting yet another fever and seemed exhausted.

"You feeling ok Addison?" Will said as he went to sit down on the other couch near them. She just nodded.

"Addie, honey you look tired, you wanna go to bed early tonight?" Jay suggested to which Addison would usually say no to, but instead just nodded her head again, said a quiet 'night' and walked to her room. Jay and Will shared a look of concern.

Thanks for reading more to come! :)

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