Chapter 24- Some Space

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"We've got five minutes maximum." Voight started as he got out of his SUV in a parking lot a few minutes away from the abandoned club they were raiding. "We need to be in there in two. I want Ruzek and Atwater up top on the sniper. Halstead, Upton and I will be up front on the door, Burgess and Antonio follow from behind and split when you need to. let's go." He said.

Once everyone had driven to the club, they all did as Voight had said, Adam and Kevin heading to the building opposite the raid and the rest heading in the direction of the club.

"Hit it." Voight said and Halstead broke the door down allowing Voight and Hailey to go first and following close behind.

"CHICAGO PD!" They all said multiple times with a sentence following that was along the lines of, "Put your hands where we can see them!" or "get on the ground!" Most of the offenders complied, but one ran.

"We've got a runner." Voight said and Hailey followed him.

"Sarge?" Halstead said, indicating he wanted to back up his partner both in work and in life in general.

"Go." Voight said in response of Jay's request.

Jay ran to help Hailey, but when he got into the next room noticed the offender had a gun to Hailey's head and one of the girls presumably used as a drug mule by the fear in her eyes, in a headlock threatening to kill her.

"Come on man, lets just calm down a little. Put the gun down." Jay said.

"Choose. Which one do you want to save." The man said.

"Jay take her and go." Hailey said looking into Jay's eyes as he held the gun up at the offender. "Jay! Take her and go!" Hailey said beginning to get annoyed.

"Shut up!" The offender said and hit Hailey with his gun. Jay took this opportunity to shoot and he and Hailey helped get the girl back to the others down the hall in the main room they had raided.

They all exchanged concerned looks when they got back and Jay had explained what had happened.

Once they got in the car. Hailey just flipped out, she pushed Jay before yelling at him. "Jay I love you and I appreciate you keeping me alive and everything, but what happened in there was crazy." She yelled.

"Hailey, he was going to kill you..." Jay started before she interrupted.

"He gave you a way out. He said take her and go and you could have got the team, to help out." Hailey continued to yell a little.

"Hailey he could have killed you by then." Jay said. "I'm not losing another member of this team. Al and Jules dying and Erin leaving were enough."

"But this wasn't meant to be about you or me or us, this was meant to be about that hostage and our team. Us as partners. Jay we said we could keep everything separate." Hailey said without yelling this time.

"And we can, but like any other partner at work Hailey you can't expect me to just leave you I would have helped you even if you were someone else." Jay explained.

"Bullshit, you would have taken time to think for longer took the victim and fired one centre mass when you had the chance you know that." Hailey said.

"Hailey..." Jay started before he was interrupted.

"Stop...Jay I think...I think we need to take a break." Hailey said looking at him with sadness in her eyes. "Just for a little while. I just can't see you run recklessly in the firing line for my sake, not after what happened when you got shot and Addison and everything. I can't be the one responsible for taking her big brother away." Hailey said with tears in her eyes as the car stopped outside her apartment.

"Hailey please don't do this." Jay started. "Please...Hailey!" He continued as she walked towards her apartment.

More to come soon of the aftermath of the argument hope you liked that chapter the topic was suggested by Upsteadforever   Thanks for reading :)

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