Chapter 20- Unsteady

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The next morning Addison felt really bad, she hadn't slept for anymore than 3 hours in the entire night and her symptoms had got worse. Her fever was really bad and her whole body ached. She got up and stumbled out of her bedroom getting to her open doorway in sight of Will and Jay. Jay was stood up making cereal and Will was sat at a breakfast bar stool.

"Will?" She called from her room as she walked into the main living and kitchen area of their apartment

"Yeah? You alright honey?" Will said he looked at his little sister in concern at how pale she looked and began to walk towards her as she walked in.

"I don't feel so good." Jay put the towel down that he was holding on the kitchen counter and turned around to look at his little sister. As Will was walking she passed out and Will walked a little faster to catch her before she fell on the ground.

"I gotcha, I gotcha." Will said catching her as she fell and gently picking her up to put her on the couch. Jay was right next to them and Addison almost regained consciousness immediately after.

"Ahh, did I pass out?" Addison said weakly. "I feel really bad why...why's it so hot in here?" She continued through deep breaths. "What's wrong with me Will? What's wrong with me? Jay? Jay?" She said in panicked, disoriented state barely keeping her eyes open, desperate for both of her brothers to be beside her.

"Ssshhh it's ok we're right here don't worry. You're gonna be ok." Jay said trying to distract Addie to calm her down. He held her hand rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand soothingly.

Will switched places with Jay so he could put the thermometer in Addie's ear and check her heart rate with his stethoscope.

"What can I do?" Jay asked.

"Go get me a cool, damp towel, some water with a straw and some blankets." Will instructed his brother who nodded and immediately ran off to get them. "You're ok sweetheart." He reassured his sister rubbing her shoulder gently to try and keep her awake and show her he was right beside her.

"Ah dammit." Will said which luckily didn't panic Addie because she was too drowsy at this point.

"What?" Jay said coming back in the living room with the items Will had asked for.

"Her temps pushing 101 almost at 102. If I wasn't a doctor I'd be taking her to the emergency room right now." He answered Jay. Will took the damp towel and gently pressed it onto her forehead regularly moving it. After he had done this for a little while, he put the towel to the side. "Pass me that pillow will you." He said to Jay pointing to the one at the bottom of the couch by Addison's feet.

Will took the pillow from Jay and put it behind Addison's head and back sitting her more upright. Then he got the glass of water with a straw and put the end of the straw in Addison's mouth whilst he held the glass. "You gotta drink something honey alright? I don't want you to have to go to Med but if you don't keep your fluids up that's what's going to happen alright so you gotta drink something Addie."

Addison nodded the best she could still drowsy and took a few sips of water from the straw. After which Will encouraged her to lay back down and he put blankets over her. "You gotta sleep it off alright? Best case, you're fever will go down, you'll be able to keep your fluids up and we won't have to go to med." He said and she nodded again.

"'re the best brothers." Addison managed to say weakly.

"You really are sick kiddo!" Jay joked squeezing her hand.

"He's right." Will added with a smile brushing her hair out of her face with his hand as she returned the smile and closed her eyes.

"No...I mean it. If I didn't have you guys I don't know where I'd be." She said still as weak.

"You know we'll always be here for ya." Jay said moving the hair off of his sisters forehead and leaving his hand on her head for a few seconds. Addison nodded and started to fall asleep, with her brothers still sat beside her on the couch.

Hi everyone sorry you had to wait so long for these last two chapters I've been quite busy lately so haven't had a chance to update. Hope you enjoyed the chapters keep reading an Upstead themed chapter is coming up! :)

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