Chapter 36- Breaking Point (Part 2)

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So in summary. Would it be correct to say that you think that Reagan intended to kill you from the start of the night in question?" Addison heard Peter ask the question but it felt like the she was hearing everything like an echoing like she was underwater.

"Yes." Addison said and she began to feel her chest get tighter so she put her hand in a fist shape and began rubbing upwards gently and discretely on her chest to try and make the pain go away.

"No further questions your honour, the people rest." Peter said before sitting back down and mouthed an 'are you ok?' to Addison noticing her discomfort. Addison just nodded.

"Miss Halstead you can step down now." The judge said and Addison stepped down trying to look as normal/composed as possible to avoid drawing the attention of anyone in the courtroom. If they noticed something was wrong or that she was impaired by illness during her testimony her statement may be disregarded.

So she went and sat by in between her two brothers and knew it wouldn't be long until a recess was called. She was the last witness so it was only a matter of time. Time seemed to go slower, five minutes felt like fifty and her breathing began to get worse.

"Ok let's take a recess to allow the jury to reach there verdict." Judge Barnes said after both attorneys gave reasonably brief closing statements.

"Will." Addison said quietly and tugged gently on the arm of her brother's jacket.

"You ok?" Will said looking down at her in concern recognising the panic in her voice. "Come on lets go." Will said attempting to get out as fast as he could guiding Addison out, as everyone left the courtroom for recess.

"We need to go." Addison said in an exhale struggling to get the words out. "Outside, we need to go outside." She continued and Will already knew and was taking her outside so she couldn't be seen and her statement be disregarded.

Once they were outside Will sat Addison down on the steps outside.

"Take a deep breath. Alright in and out." Will said. Attempting to calm her down which eventually worked.

"I'm sorry." Addison said tearfully. Will just sat by her and put and arm around her.

"You were brilliant up there you know that right?" Will reassured.

"He's right you know." Jay said and walked down the steps to sit the other side of Addison. "You did good kid."

"What if it doesn't change anything and he gets off?" Addison said after calming down.

"Then we'll deal with it together and it wouldn't matter because you spoke about it for the first time today to people that you didn't know. That's a big deal anyway." Jay explained.

Will put his arm around Addison far enough to be able to reach to put his hand on Jay's shoulder closest to Addie. "We got this." Will said Jay smiled at him and so did Addie.

"Halsteads!" Ruzek called from further near the courthouse. "You need to come back they've reconvened the jury." He continued.

"Come on lets go." Will said.

Jay put his arm around his sister and walked with her back into the courthouse.

"All rise for Judge Barnes." The usher said before the Judge entered. Everyone in the courtroom stood up including a nervous Addison and her family and friends.

"Members of the jury have you reached a verdict?" Judge Barnes asked the jury Forman.

"We have your honour." She responded.

"On the charge of breaking and entering what is your verdict?" The Judge started.

"Guilty" The Forman of the jury responded.

"And on the charge of assault with a firearm what is your verdict?" The Judge continued.

"Guilty." The Forman said again.

"And finally on the two counts of attempted murder one against Detective Jay Halstead and one against Miss Addison Halstead what is your verdict?"

"Guilty." The Forman concluded. Everyone that was around Addison smiled, stood up and patted her on the shoulder or gave her a hug. Addison hugged Will and then Jay.

"Case closed I will move to sentencing tomorrow at 10am." Judge Barnes said after banging his gavel on the bench. "Bailiffs take Mr Reagan down to holding." The Bailiffs did as they were told to.

Jay felt Addison cling onto him a little tighter as Reagan turned to look directly at them when the Bailiffs removed him. He tightened the embrace in response.

"It's over...It's all over." Jay said rubbing soothing circles on her back comfortingly.

Addison turned and looked at the rest of the members of Intelligence who smiled back at her.

"Come on lets get out of here, pizzas on me tonight we can take it back to my apartment and watch the football game." Jay said to everyone and Addison smiled and nodded. They walked outside in the hall where Peter was waiting to talk to them.

"Thank you Counsellor we owe you." Jay said and Peter nodded.

"Peter please, and it's no problem you guys did a great job out there, I can't get through a trial without cooperating witnesses." Peter said in response shaking Jay's hand.

"Thank you Peter." Will said shaking his hand also.

"Of course." Peter responded with a smile and nodded humbly.

"Thank you Peter." Addison said and hugged Peter who put his arms around her in response.

"You were great up there. Your brother's and your friends should be proud of you. Now if you think of any questions about anything that went on in the trial or his sentencing give me a call ok?" Peter said as they broke out of the hug. Addison smiled and nodded

That evening the Intelligence unit all went to Jay's to eat take out pizza and watch the game to celebrate the win, and a few days later they found out that Reagan was going to serve minimum twelve years in jail.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed these last two chapters. I am now taking requests for the plot of the next few chapters of this story, so if you have any requests add a comment to this chapter :)

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