Chapter 4- Hailey and Addison have lunch.

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Hailey and Addison get out of the car and walking down the street.

"So what's it like working with my brother?" Addison said to Hailey as they walked.

"It's good. He's a good cop, the whole of intelligence are actually."

"So your kinda like the new girl?" Addison asked interested in her Brother's work.

"You could say that I've only been working for Intelligence for a couple of months. I was in another unit before."

"And Sergeant Voight. I mean what the deal with him?" Addison asked

"Your quite perceptive aren't you?" Hailey said with a smile on her face.

"Rather be than not be." Addison agreed.

"You'd make a good cop someday just like your brother."

"You think so?" Addison says surprised but happy at her complement.

"Yeah sure, is that what you wanna do when your older? Be a cop." Hailey asked

"Yeah...I mean I don't think I'll be able to but yeah." Addison added shyly.

"Well I think you can." Hailey said to her encouragingly and patted her on the back slightly. Addison nodded and smiled and there was a pause between the pair before Addison returned to her original question.

"So Sergeant Voight?" Addison asked again.

Hailey sighed like she couldn't give a simple answer. "Uh Voight well. Well he's a good cop that's certain. But he always makes sure he gets the job done no matter what's in the way. It's best not to ask to many questions when it comes to Voight. He's good police and he saves the lives of lots of people that's all that matters." Addison nods in response and decides to change the subject. "You wanna go for pizza?" Hailey says to Addison pointing towards a pizza joint across the street.

"Sounds good."

"Cool let's go then before your brother books me for kidnapping." Addison laughs a little as they walk into the restaurant.

Once sat down they ordered their pizza and Hailey started talking to Addison who had gone quiet. "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing." Addison said looking at a table.

"Come on I know something's going on what is it? Is it about your Father." Hailey pried.

"I guess, I don't know what I'm going to do when he gets out of rehab. If he gets out of rehab." Addison said worriedly.

"Look I don't know your Father, but by what Jay has told me the whole rehab thing may take him a while. You've got a long time to decide what you want to do I'm sure if you want to stay with Jay even after your Dad comes out of rehab that will be fine ok?"

"Yeah. Hailey?"


"Do you think Jay thinks I'm a burden?"

"No, Jay...Jay has been through a lot. With what happened when he was a ranger and stuff he's been through with the CPD. If anything having you around will give him something normal to come home to, away from work. That and he likes having you around." Hailey said as the waitress came and served their pizzas.

"Thanks Hailey."

"Your welcome hey eat your pizza it's gonna get cold." Hailey replied picking up a piece of pizza, starting to eat. "So your Mom what happened? If you don't mind me asking."

"She died just over six years ago now. She had been sick for a while. She had Cancer." Addison said with a look of sorrow on her face.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok she was sick for a while. I do remember some good times but she deteriorated pretty quickly by the time I was five she had already needed to be in a wheelchair and then she died when I was nine after gradually getting worse. So it's ok. Well it's not ok, but I had Jay and Will for a while and Dad before he started drinking."

"How come Jay and Will left if your Dad was an alcoholic?" Hailey said to the girl now she had opened up a little.

"He was getting better. For a while anyway. We thought he was gonna be ok and start drinking less, he was in a rehab program."

"So he didn't stop?" Hailey said to which Addison shook her head in response.

"No, after a couple of weeks he gave it up, but by then Jay had got a new job with the CPD and Will, Chicago Med not much later. I didn't want to mess anything up by telling them how bad it had got when they came to visit me. They didn't get on too well with him anyway, he disapproved of Will going to college and blamed Jay for being deployed with the army when Mom was sick. So they mostly just took me out of the house when they came to see me and when they saw him he covered it up pretty well."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of asked it's just..."

"I get it" Addison interrupted, "The person you work with and you think you know happens to have a sister that you've never heard of. So would I." She said smiling to which Hailey smiled back.

"You sure have a wise head on those shoulders kid."

"Thanks, and thanks for taking me out for lunch it's nice to talk for a girl for once. With my Mom not being around you know." Addison said picking up a napkin and dusting her hands off after finishing her pizza.

"Anytime." Hailey said standing up and patting her on the shoulder. "You ready to go? Jay will be getting worried."

"Yeah let's go." Addison said walking with Hailey out of the restaurant.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Any suggestions would be good about what you'd like to see happen with these characters particularly Addison and as always constructive criticism is much appreciated :) x

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