Chapter 1- The runaway (Trudy Platt meets Addison Halstead)

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Cold, hungry and exhausted Addison Halstead trudged through the thick snow towards the 21st district, on a frosty evening in Chicago. Climbing up the stone steps she opened the door and approached the front desk where behind it a desk Sergeant stood whose name badge read 'Platt'.

"Hi, what can I do for you young lady?" Platt said whilst typing on her computer.

"Uh...I'm looking for my brother." The teen answered.

"Is he missing?" Platt assumed due to her dealing with people reporting others missing often at the 21st.

"No, no ma'am." She stutters, politely. "He works here. His name is Jay. Jay Halstead."

"Oh, sorry I didn't know Detective Halstead had a sister." Platt replied stunned at this sudden discovery. She knew a lot about those working at the 21st district so was surprised that she did not know this about the young Detective.

"Yeah well he's quite a private guy. Is, he here?" She asked cold and tired from the walk in the snow and the trauma in her evening she had not yet revealed to anyone.

"No, I think he's out on a case." Platt replied more focused on the conversation with the girl than on her work on the computer.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time ma'am."Addison said respectfully, but beginning to shiver and not looking forward to re-entering the harsh, bitter cold of Winter in Chicago. She turns around and walks back towards the door to leave the district.

"Hey kid wait up." Platt said stopping the kid in her tracks. As much as she didn't want to take up space in a district much needed by the victims of crime in Chicago, there was something about this kid that was off. If she was looking for her brother Platt assumed it was for a good reason. "You're gonna freeze out there and you look exhausted. Come and sit on one of those chairs over there I'll get you a drink you can wait for your brother." Platt said sympathetically at the pale, vacant look on the girl's face.

"Thank you." Addison replies gratefully nodding and sitting down on one of the chairs opposite the front desk.

"What's your name kid?" Platt said walking the girl to the seats by the office, downstairs in the district.

"Addison Halstead." The girl replies

"Sergeant Trudy Platt." She responded simultaneously holding out her hand to the teen.

"Nice to meet you Sergeant." She said shaking Platt's hand.

"How old are you Addison?" Platt asked concerned about the teen that had seemed to have walked for a long time in the cold and dark surroundings of Chicago past ten thirty at night.

"I'm fifteen, but don't worry Sergeant" Addison said beginning to sense Platt's concerns. "I can handle myself."

"Oh that I believe I've seen your brother upstairs in Intelligence. He's good police." Platt said trying to make the girl smile. "All the same kid you should be in the warm at this time with your parents. I can't imagine your brother will be very happy if he sees you've walked here alone."

"It will be ok thanks Sergeant." She smiled but then kept her head down recalling the night's events. The Sergeant walked behind the desk keeping a close eye on the girl who looked frozen by something on her mind.

Addison was desperate for Jay to return she had reached breaking point. The minute she came back from school her Dad was at first asleep until she tripped whilst carrying the keys from the car. Her Father had already tried to drive the car multiple times this week and it was getting more harder to convince him not to everyday.

Yesterday was hell and Addison was terrified, she knew today was the day that her Father would try to drive so she tried to take the keys and hide them where her Father couldn't find them and hurt himself or anyone else. When Addison had tripped up the stairs her Father had heard the noise then heard the noise of Addison drop the car keys and had gone mad. Addison had tried this once before to stop him driving drunk and he was infuriated.

Recalling the events of the night made a cold shiver run down Addison's spine and only made her more fearful that her Dad would try and find her and then everything would just stay the same. The exhaustion got to her and she let a few stray tears fall down her face. However, she proudly kept her head down not wanting Platt to notice her crying.

As Platt went to ask Addison how she was doing, she was interrupted by the Intelligence team coming back from their case.

"Molly's?" Ruzek said to Atwater as they entered the district first.

"Sure man I'm up for that. Burgess, Antonio?" Atwater said as he turned his head to the next two members of the team coming in behind them.

"Yeah sure I'll come. Antonio?" Burgess said turning to her partner beside her.

"I can't tonight sorry I'm gotta get back my kids are staying over and we're going out to breakfast tomorrow." Antonio said.

Upton and Halstead enter and at first Jay did not see Addison so walked towards intelligence with the others.

"Detective Halstead you have a visitor." Platt said drawing Jay's attention to the emotionally drained kid in the corner of the room sat on a chair.

"Hailey I'll see you tomorrow. I can't make Molly's tonight." Jay said to his partner.

"Is everything ok?" Hailey said concerned about the situation and not knowing who the teen is.

"Yeah everything is fine she's a family member I'll see you tomorrow." Jay said realising her concerns. Once Upton had walked away Jay walked towards his little sister, anxious as to what brought her to the 21st district.

"Hey, Addison what are you doing here kiddo? It's dark and freezing outside. Did you walk here?" Jay says crouching down to his sister who was sat in a chair with her head held down. He put his hand under her chin and slowly lifted her head up. He then transferred his hand to her cheek comfortingly, feeling the ice cold winter weather that had temporarily branded her skin. "Addie you're frozen still how long were you outside? Huh? What's going on?"

Addison abruptly began to sob. "Hey what happened? What happened? Shhh it's ok come here." Jay comforted, immediately moving over to the chair beside her and pulling her into his chest in a strong embrace.

"I'm sorry Jay. I didn't mean to run away. He just went crazy and wouldn't stop yelling I was just trying to stop him from driving when he was drunk I didn't want him to hurt anybody..."

"Hey, hey calm down alright? Slowly honey ok tell me slowly." Jay said trying to console his sister who was quivering in his arms.

"I came home from school and I don't know what I was thinking . I'd tried it before and the night had ended with him screaming at me for the entire night throwing bottles at the wall and stuff." Addison said slowly as tears stained her cheeks. " I lost my balance on the stairs and I fell and landed pretty hard on my ribs. It hurt so bad and he woke up from the noise. He was drunk again. He's got so much worse Jay. I tried to hide the keys but when I fell I dropped them on the floor he heard the noise and went mad. He's got the keys Jay he could be out there right now driving when he can't even see straight."

Jay felt a surge of anger flow through him as well as guilt. He saw his sister regularly how had it gotten this bad? He knew his Father had problems with drink but he had promised Jay and Will that he was getting treatment.

"Hey Addie, honey look at me." She made eye contact with him in response. "You're safe now ok? It's alright we're gonna figure this all out."

Will update soon. Would appreciate some tips it's my first fanfic so...

By the way stick with it it may of started slow but I have a few good ideas coming up in the following chapters :)

Length wise if it's too short or too long let me know I'll go by what the majority say.

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