Chapter Forty Six: Valentine Kiss

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Artist's Brush!
Chapter Forty Six. Valentine Kiss

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CHERYL BLOSSOM WAS ECSTATIC FOR HER DATE. She was so happy that Toni had asked her to the movies and that when she told her friends—they all looked surprised to know that it was Toni that asked her out. Chanel and Kathleen had to owe Freya and Daisy a hundred dollars on the bet. She blushed, knowing that her friends had bet money on whoever will ask each other out.

Nevertheless, Cheryl was glad that Toni had asked her out—She was so relieved that they had both said the same thing, or that would have been awkward. Cheryl doesn't want to imagine a universe where Toni had said something else while Cheryl asked her out a date. Oh, god, no.

She blinked and stared at herself in the mirror. A small smile formed on her face and smoothed out the ends of her red dress. Cheryl wore a short-sleeve red dress that fell down her knees and white pumps. Her hair was in a messy ponytail and cherry-shaped earrings dangled from her ears.

"You look beautiful, Cheryl," Gushed Chanel, looking at her. "I knew that red dress was going to fit you."

"Oh, thank you, Chanel," Blushed Cheryl. "You look so lovely too—I bet Sweet Pea is going to lose his mind when he sees you."

Chanel was dressed in a flowy pink dress and white flats with a gold bracelet. Her blonde hair was pinned up in a high bun with a few strands falling down her face.

"I already think he did," Snorted Freya, walking into the room. "Sweet Pea is so lovestruck for Chanel—it's cute."

"Hey, is that supposed to be an insult or compliment?" Scoffed Chanel dramatically. "Hm?"

"I mean, it could go either way," Shrugged Freya, taking a grape from the fruit bowl and popping it into her mouth. "He's so in love with you that he'll do anything for you."

Chanel blushed and looked away, causing Freya and Cheryl to laugh. Cheryl watched as Freya flopped onto Chanel's queen-size bed—Kathleen, Freya, Cheryl, and Daisy were at Chanel's house, getting ready for the movie date.

"Hey Frey, I like your outfit," Said Daisy, walking into Chanel's room. "I never saw that outfit before."

"Thanks," Smiled Freya sheepishly. "Kathleen helped pick it out for me."

Freya wore a violet high-rise skirt and a black shirt with her iconic leather jacket. Her dark brown hair fell down her shoulder and was tucked behind her ears, so her piercings were visible.

While Daisy suited a white blouse and skinny jeans with a pair of black boots. Daisy's red hair was in a side bun, and she wore a golden necklace.

(STATUS: STILL PENDING) Social Casualty ━━ Choni AUWhere stories live. Discover now