Chapter Forty Three: Teasing Hours

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Artist's Brush!
Chapter Forty Three: Teasing Hours

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CHERYL HAS BEEN LOOKING AT HER WEIRDLY. It's been making Toni self-conscious of everything about herself—from the way her pink hair was styled to her outfits and her behavior. Toni would be so wrapped up with the fact that Cheryl was staring at her that she would accidentally trip, causing the red-head to giggle.

Cheryl probably doesn't know how much she was making Toni flustered and red in the face—maybe she did and just wanted to tease the girl. Toni doesn't know. All the flirts coming out of Cheryl, who Toni thought was innocent, made her mind blurred.

Innocent wasn't Toni would describe Cheryl Blossom anymore—the words spoken by the red-head would be enough to make someone buried their head into their hands and stammered whenever they encountered Cheryl. Maybe that was what Cheryl was trying to do to her...

"Stop staring at Cheryl," Smirked Daisy, nudging Toni. "I get that you like her and everything—but it's creepy."

Toni blushed and took her gaze off Cheryl, who was talking to Kathleen. Cheryl glanced at her, and their eyes met. Toni quickly looked away, and she could hear Daisy laugh beside her.

"Why won't you just tell her that you like her?" Asked Daisy, raising an eyebrow. "It seems so easy to do with love lingering in the air."

Toni snorted at Daisy's words and looked around her. Valentine decorations—hearts shape balloons, banners, and strings—draped across the cafeteria as students ate their lunch.

"I hate these decorations and the holiday itself," Groaned Toni. "It just reminds me how lonely I am."

"Well, maybe not this year..." Said Daisy, smirking at her. "If you just ask Cheryl out—and you'll be in her bed, cuddling while watching movies..."

"Daisy, stop," Blushed Toni. "Please—if you're so keen in making that happen, how about you just ask her out?"

Daisy's eyes widened at the suggestion, and she just quickly shook her head. She said, "Oh, god, no—I don't like Cheryl anymore...I have someone now."

Toni was taken back from Daisy's words and raised an eyebrow at Daisy, who blushed and sheepishly smiled. Toni blinked, and a slow smile crept upon her face.

"Daisy, is there someone special that you haven't told me yet?" Said Toni, wiggling her eyebrows. "Hmm?"

"No," Answered Daisy, though a small smile formed on her face. "There's no one special in my life..."

"I smell lies, Dai," Laughed Toni, causing Daisy to chuckle. "So, who is it? Do I know her?"

"You might," Said Daisy, shrugging. "Her name is Irene—she's in orchestra and choir with me."

(STATUS: STILL PENDING) Social Casualty ━━ Choni AUWhere stories live. Discover now