Chapter 1

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Strong language and minor blood warning

They were almost at the exit when X snapped his head around to face the fighting. The rest did too and Stress shrieked with horror.

Iskall was lying on the floor, face splattered red and starting to bruise. Stress stopped following us and started sprinting back towards Iskall. She skidded to her knees beside him and put his head in her lap. Her tears were wiping the blood off his face.

Cub was looming over the two and his eyes were switching between brown and blue. He stared down at Stress with the evilest grin. The poor girl was helplessly screaming and cursing.


Mumbo looked away and pulled the two others behind him. Stress felt her knees sting as the skin started peeling away. Iskall's nose was gushing with blood as Cub stood over them menacingly.

Stress wiped the blood away and looked up to Cub.
"You're a fucking monster. Why would you do this?"

The tall man never responded. Tango stopped what he was doing, he was standing behind Cub and caught Stress' eye. She subtly nodded her head and Tango ran for Cub's back. The older was surprised when Tango latched onto him using the loose fabric of the suit.

Cub lurched forwards in an attempt to throw Tango off but the demon had other plans. He clung on for dear life as Cub tried to throw him off. The vex reached around to his back and grabbed onto Tango's hair, he pulled as hard as he could to get the demon off him. It worked. Tango fell off him and landed on his back on the floor.

He was winded and a grin crept its way onto Cub's face. The elder grabbed at the collar of Tangos shirt and started dragging him along the corridor. Stress wanted to go and stop him but she knew it was hopeless.

Jevin tried to reach out to a tentacle and grab Cub but was stopped by Scar. The blue man curled over and into a ball when Scar made invaded his mind. One of the guards grabbed onto Doc's creeper arm and locked it behind his back. As he was trying to get it back another guard took hold of his robot arm. It came off with a spark.

Wires littered the floor and Doc screamed in pain. It had been attached to his nerves, taking the electrical signal from them and making the robot hand do things. Both guards let go of his arms and grabbed hold of his lab coat. They started walking to where Cub went, dragging Doc behind them.

Scar's eyes were still blue as he made Jevin follow Cub. Cleo's legs had been taken hostage and she was being carried by her arms to where the rest were going. Ren had been shot with a Benadryl shot and slumped to the ground, only to be taken away as well.

Stress sat alone on the floor, still holding Iskall's head. A shadow fell over her as she looked down at Iskalls face. His eye was starting to swell up and the blood was drying in. Scar's voice rung out to a few guards who were still around.

"One of you. Go get the Warden back. We need him."

"Yes Sir."

One of them saluted and turned on his heel to go and find Xisuma.

"And will someone please escort this young lady and her boyfriend to the others?"

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