Chapter 15

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TW// mentions of dismemberment, blood, strong language, stabbing

If they thought that the blood slowly crawling towards them, with the taunting sight of a severed arm was horrible. God, it was nothing compared to what the elevator doors opened up to. Three hybrids leaning over a terrified Iskall. His eyes were open as far as they could go and he was shaking from head to toe.

The hybrids had surgeon outfits on and were holding medical scissors and other assortments of tools. Iskall still looked terrified out of his mind but there was a small piece of hope when he caught sight of his friends. That was until Cub spoke up.

"How the fuck are you here." His voice was a growl and he seemed genuinely pissed off that the five were here, "What's your plan now?"

That stopped them. Ren, Jevin, Tango, Cleo and Wels all faltered at that question and none of them knew how to answer it. Iskall tugged on his arm restraints and caused Cub to laugh at him.

"That's how fucking pathetic you are. Come to rescue your friend with no plan, no formulation, no idea what you're getting into." Tango had just about enough of Cub. With a flick of his wrist, the jacket of Cub's suit had a small orange flame attached to the sleeve. At the sudden warmth, Cub looked down and panicked.

He started swatting his arm off the table Iskall lay on. Cleo rushed over, thanking Tango for the distraction, and began to undo Iskall's restraints. The three chimps were pushed away from their workplace by the zombie. Each was then wrapped in a tentacle by Jevin. He restrained their arms by their sides, just as Iskall was.

Wels, Tango and Ren rushed over to help Cleo. With one arm already undone, Iskall pulled off the oxygen mask to keep him awake during the surgery. It was inhumane, but then again it was Concorp. It wasn't exactly humane in any way, I mean it was run by hybrids. Proper air flowed into Iskall's lungs and the mask still felt like it was on his face due to how tight it was.

Tango undid a restraint, so did Ren. Wels' hands were shaking as he fiddled with Iskall's right arm restraint. Cub looked up and saw the human hybrid. He saw the other three undone restraints and turned to his left. Tango stood waiting to throw a punch.

Cub stumbled backwards at the impact and clutched his jaw. The nether demon got shoved from behind by one of the chimps. And soon a full-fledged battle was happening. Three medically trained doctors, one very angry vex, and five clumsy hybrids.

Iskall jumped off the table as soon as Wels got the restraints unlocked. Cub tried to grab the swede's wrist and shove it back in the arm lock. And he tugged too hard. Iskall felt a surging pain flow through his arm and he screamed.

But Cub didn't stop. He couldn't stop. Tango rushed to get the vex off his friend. But Cub was too caught up in the moment. He wasn't thinking straight. He reached for the scissors on the medical table.

Iskall threw Cub's hand away from him. He watched as the older man's eyes went wide with horror but wasn't looking long enough to register it. He pushed the vex backwards and turned to Tango. The nether demon had the same expression. Iskall held his arm steady and made sure he didn't hurt it too much as he realised no one was fighting anymore. This was his chance to get out.

He stumbled forwards and felt the pain go through his side. Instinctively Iskall reached to his side. As he dragged his fingers away slowly he realised what the others were horrified about. The pain of scissors sticking out of his waist.

Cub looked to one of his Chimps, "Will it have pierced?" She shook her head in return. And it kicked off again. Iskall couldn't move as much as he could earlier and every slight thing hurt. The initial rush of adrenaline was dying down and the pain was taking over.

Ren, Tango and Cleo tackled the Chimps and tried to get them restrained in any way shape or form. Jevin attacked Cub with all of his limbs and Hels rushed in to help Iskall get back in the lift. Cub slipped through Jevins tentacles, again and again, not daring to go into the mind-verse and leave his physical body helpless.

Every time he was caught and dragged back by a tentacle. Struggling for nothing in return. The very thing he needed to save his best friend, his lifelong partner, slowly making his way out of reach. Slow enough that if he kept struggling he would easily be able to catch up. And yet every time Jevin was right there with the blocking and the catching and the torment.

Cub reached out one last time with all of his strength. Pushing his shoulders forwards as to nearly break them. Tears streaming down his face. And yet Iskall kept going. Hels helping him back to the lift. And despite all the effort, his back lost faith and he fell. Cub landed on a tentacle, which was quickly pulled away and caught him under the arms. There he was lifted off the floor to be restrained and held against his will.

Hels pressed a button on the elevator and a soft ping could be heard. The doors shut and the humming began. It was over. Cub came back to his surroundings and saw two of his chimps already down. The other was cowering in the corner of the room, his own blood smeared across the mirror beside him in the shape of a handprint. A terrifying zombie stood in front of him, seeking revenge.

Tango and Ren happily let the woman do as she wanted with the Chimp as they made sure the others were still securely locked up.

Cub hung his head in defeat. Until a tentacle roughly grabbed his chin. His head was lifted, almost giving him whiplash, and an angry group of hybrids stood in front of him.

"Oh, there is no way you're getting off this easily."

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