Chapter 27

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TW// descriptions of blood, violence, death, disturbing scenes
Chapter recap will be at the end.

"How the hell-"

A scream came from another avian.
The officer waved his hand and a flood of soldiers all branding the Concorp vex logo rushed through the small entrance.

The avians froze before mass panic broke out and people were flying left right and centre. Shots were heard over the noise and Pesky grabbed Mumbo and Grian.

There was no point in flying as the soldiers were shooting avians out of the air. Pesky dragged his friends towards the middle of the crowd.

Yes he shouted. But only because there was no way Mumbo or Pesky would've possibly heard him if he didn't.

Shots followed by screams were non-stop. People shoving, flying low, flying high. Crashing in the air in the frenzy.

Children were as big as Mumbo were screaming and crying for their parents, but could hardly be heard over the rest.

Pesky continued to drag the two towards the scramble. His logic was that the more people the less likely it would be for any of them to get shot. God knows if it would work.

Mumbo ducked out of the way as an avian fell out of the air and almost landed on him. His face went pale as he caught sight of the hybrid, struggling to breath and barely whispering out cries of help.

The majority of those alive were fleeing straight towards the exit, the tiny mineshaft hallway. Those who made it out were being picked off one by one when they came out of the hallway. At the other end there was more soldiers, firing shots at anyone who left.

Of course the small hallway was much smaller to the avians as they were bigger in all senses than Mumbo and Grian. Ones who tried to fly down it were getting stuck on each other and shoved against the walls, beating and bruising them.

That was the ones who got past the army of Concorp inside the ravine.

Pesky realised his plan was failing. The soldiers were simply spraying anyone standing still.

Grian turned to see Pesky had taken off, not running anywhere in particular, just trying to move so there was less chance of getting, well, killed.

"MUMBO?" The human took his eyes off the squirming avian on the ground in front of him. His attention was given to Grian.

The panic and fear in the smaller's eyes was startling. Understandable, but startling.

And so he did. Everyone in the ravine was moving about, trying not to get hit. Desperately crying for their lives but knowing they couldn't give up or it'd be pointless.

The bodies kept falling, and there became less and less screams. Mumbo turned his head to look for Grian, he wasn't there.

The human stopped. Only for a second.

His eyes widened. Everything was gone, for a second. It was blissful. 

Mumbo looked down. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. That meant the bullet was still inside of him. Pain erupted out from where the entrance wound was and the white shirt he was wearing began to stain red. He stumbled forwards, his vision was going fuzzy and the pain made things unbearable.

He slumped forwards onto his knees, and then into a pile on the cold floor.

Neither Grian nor Pesky noticed, he was just another dropped body. 

Grian looked up to the stalls on the ravine walls. Avians were hiding under them for cover from the shooters. Particularly the wall that the shooters were standing in front of as they didn't bother to look up and check if anyone was there. 

With only a slight bit of hesitation Grian spread his wings and flew up to the stalls. The birds already on the one he landed on shuffled to give him room. No doubt they thought he was just a child. 

Fully grown adults were quivering in fear, pulling their wings in to be as small as possible. Grian craned his neck to look over the floor down to try and spot Pesky. He quickly did and watched as Pesky connected the same dots and flew up to a different market stall.

The stall Grian was on shook as another bird landed onto it. Grian placed on hand onto the ravine to stabilise himself, one wrong foot and he'd fall. 

The gunshots went on for who knows how long after that. 
"Check up there."
The avians on the stalls shared looks and pushed themselves as far back as possible to be out of view from the shooters. 

It worked for some people. Others not so much. 
The bird in front of Grian screamed and fell forwards, they missed the platform and landed on the ground. Grian pushed himself as far into the wall as he could and waited. He was going to be next, he was sure of it. Every single avian collectively held their breath and watched those around them tumble and fall, praying that they would not be next.

Gunshots followed by brief silences continued until Grian felt like his ears were going to bleed. His eyes were tight shut and his hands were nervously trying to grasp any part of the wall to stop himself from screaming. That would only get himself and the avians hiding beside him killed. 

During a moment of silence a radio beep could be heard. The voice from it echoed.
"Have you got them yet?"

"We can't tell, although we did get most of them."
Grian knew that voice. That was Cub. 

"I think we've made our point clear. But don't hesitate if you see them again."
The radio clicked off. Footsteps of the soldiers marching filled the ravine.

Nobody dared move. Not until everyone was completely sure all of the Concorp soldiers were gone. The first was a mother.
She spread her wings and floated down to the ground. Everybody watched in suspense as she waved to her children.

It was over. 

RECAP// Concorp committed what was basically a mass genocide on the avians. Luckily Grian was unharmed. Mumbo wasn't so lucky.

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