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TW// strong language, main character death?

The steady heart beat had been the cause of deepest panic and highest relief in Cub's life.

Every day. Without fail. He wouldn't call it wasting time. Far from it, despite what every other vex seemed to think.

It had been weeks, maybe months, and Scar's already terrible condition was not leaving anyone hopeful.

Still, Cub came in at 2pm on the dot.

Today was no different.

The nurse, Zedaph, spoke through stuttered words and fabric movement explaining Scars state. They were trying everything they could to keep him alive. But sometimes no amount of help could save someone.

And yet Cub ignored him and walked past. Zedaph spun to see the vex and quickly stepped up to be waking at the same pace.

"Please understand that- that there's a very, very small chance and you can't just keep trying. Eventually there comes a point, a point that's-"

Cub swung the door for the ward open and was met with a familiar, frail body. The heart monitor still beeping and a breathing tube tucked under his nose. He sighed and walked carefully closer to the bed.

"As I was saying, he's- he's healing and his heartbeat is slower than usual but... we've tried everything and nothing is improving his health. Yes there was a previous condition but the burns worsened it to extreme lengths."

The sheets had been pulled back to reveal his whole body, something that didn't normally happen when Cub had come to visit.

The oxygen tank under the wheelchair had exploded with the fire and heat and left his legs and lower body particularly worsened. Third degree burns covered in bandages spread across his thighs, and most of his feet and lower leg was gone. Having been directly in front of the tank as it blew up.

His torso rose and fell unevenly. His breathing was tattered and every breath seemed as though it could easily be his last. The hospital gown covered the vast majority of his chest but if it could be seen it would again be bandages and creams to soothe the raw flesh.

His face looked almost unrecognisable. Facial scars heal faster than bodily scars. The bandages had been removed to show the healing skin. It was an unnatural shade of pink and purple.

But Cub still seen the same old Scar. Yes, he looked different. But he'd been to hospital before and left the place fine. This time would be like that.

Zedaph fidgeted with the hem of his coat while glancing between the two vexes.
"I'll just... I'll go."

He left the room and carefully shut the door behind himself, leaving Cub in the room alone with Scar. He placed his back against the door as it closed and breathed out slowly. Always the worst part of the day for him.

Inside the hospital room Cub sat in one of the visitor chairs and never took his eyes off of Scar.

Cub pursed his lips and rested his chin on his hand.
"I know you're going to wake up. Fuck what they say."
He whispered it. Almost trying to will it into happening.

The beeping of the machine could never annoy him. It was one of the last remaining signs that Scar was still alive. And that would never, ever annoy him.

It was when the beeping stopped he got concerned.

His head had rested in his hands and his blazer had been taken off. His hair was a mess from his hands running through it.

But he snapped his head up and seen the flatlining machine.  He stood up and pushed the chair back as he did. Tears pricked his eyes.

The door flew open and Dr Symmetry ran into the room followed by Zedaph and a flock of other nurses. They pushed past Cub, who stood in shock. They pulled out defibrillators and anything they could.

One nurse took a hold of Cubs arm and tried to guide him out of the room. He stood, stuck watching his business partner, friend, lover, as he lay dead on the table.

The aggressive tone of the heart machine rang out, slicing open Cubs eardrums and tearing his soul out. He stumbled backwards and leaned forwards to balance himself.

A nurse shook their head and the defibrillator was lifted from Scars chest for the final time.

The one hanging onto Cubs arm let go and stood back.

"I'm sorry. We'll give you some time."

They moved in his peripherals as they left the room in an organised crowd. The tears that pricked his eyes were streaming down his face silently.

Gently he moved forwards and leaned over Scar. Cub's hand slowly cupped his face and he moved in the place a soft kiss on Scar's lips. It didn't have the spark. It wasn't warm, or comforting, or relaxing.

Cub hung over him for a moment before pulling back upright and letting out a ragged breath. His face had streaks down it as the tears kept flowing.

But business had to move on.

It hurt.

Like hell.

But Cub took another gaze at his partner, both in Concorp and in other senses. He picked up his blazer from the visitor chair and put it back on. His hands struggled to button it up but he managed.

He couldn't look again, he simply wiped his eyes and left the room without saying a word to anyone. For all they had to know his work was going solo, nothing else was changing.

And they'd never know anything else.

Asylum - On the Run SequelWhere stories live. Discover now