For those who are confused

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This is not plot-related at all it's purely for those who don't understand what happened in the last chapter.

Scar is a vex and therefore can go into peoples minds. To him, it appears as a long hallway with different coloured doors based on the memories inside them. They range from birth, which is black doors for forgotten memories, all the way to the present.

The long hallway is constantly growing due to the addition of memories and growth of a person. At the end of it is a single door in front of you that is labelled as the present. This lets you into the person's world and interact with them in the now while technically still being in the mental state.

This is why there were two Scars. The physical body and the mind.

Scar, being an experienced vex can easily swap between minds, as he does for Iskall and Stress, without going back into his physical state.

Cub knew that Scar was there because he too is a vex and can therefore detect the signs that someone is in the mind.

No time passes when going through the mind unless you are in the present. When entering the present you get placed a few seconds before you entered the mind, which is why Scar heard himself talking the Iskall.

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