Chapter 16

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TW// slight mention of dismemberment, strong language

Hels didn't let Wels have control. He couldn't. Wels didn't want to front. He knew Hels was a much better fighter and was much more capable of making sure Iskall got out safely. And as much as they hated each other, they put it aside to the side to make sure their friend was ok.

Iskall couldn't be more grateful. As the lift came to a stop he carefully stepped over the hand still laying on the floor. Now his shoes were covered in blood as well as half of his right leg. Every little movement still hurt but the hope of freedom was there and it made it a little more bearable.


Hels had forgotten about the Pythons. And honestly, he couldn't take anyone's shit right now. They were out of Iskall's way soon enough. Maybe there was more than one severed limb on the floor now. I don't want to get too much into it.

The exit was in sight. They could see the front door. It was right there. Hels wrapped an arm around Iskalls neck and started bearing most of his weight. This made them move almost twice as fast as Hels was practically just carrying Iskall.

The first breath of fresh air felt heavenly. The relief that washed over Iskall was amazing. Wels however stayed on alert in case they got jumped on at the last second. The rush of adrenaline had very much died down for Iskall and the pain came rushing as quickly as the pleasure did.

And yet Stress. Stress was still in the building. He started pushing against Hels attempts to bring him forwards.
"What are you doing?" Hels was concerned and annoyed. They'd just got out. Why was he trying to go back in?

"She's still in there."
"Who, the zombie? I'm sure she'll be fine. Come on now."
"No, Stress! We can't leave her!"
"Who the hell is-"

Hels huffed after looking down at Iskall's face. He genuinely wanted this girl back safely. Hels bit the side of his mouth while contemplating what to do.
"Alright, you sit here. I'll go get her. What does she look like?"

Iskall explained Stress in weirdly acute detail leaving Hels with more questions than answers given. Never the less he trekked back into the building in search of Stress.

"Oh and don't forget Doc!" Hels rolled his eyes at the last second remark.

The pythons that bothered them earlier were still laying on the floor not moving. Hels stepped over them and looked through the floors until he came upon the girl.

She was kneeled over crying, whispering to herself. Seeing the effect Wels had on people, Hels stayed in charge to talk to the girl.

"Are you Stress?" He whispered to her. He was going to check, he wasn't just going to bust some random girl out of Concorp. Breaking the bars was energy-consuming.

"You're the man from earlier. Who went to help Iskall. Where is he, is he ok?" She wiped her eyes and straightened her back.
Hels deadpanned before just breaking the bars. He threw her over his shoulder and looked a few cells in each direction for Doc.

"What... what's going on? Where's Iskall?" Hels rolled his eyes and ignored the girl's questions. He spotted Doc's cell and hesitated when he stepped in front of it.

"My god what have they done to you. Are you ok?" Stress was used to the view after staring at it for their whole time trapped. Doc didn't answer and Hels got impatient. Then he realised. The man was half cyborg. They'd powered off his robot half.

"Oh, you physically can't answer. Because of your... because they... yep. Alright. I'm sorry." Hels stood shifting his weight, he could practically feel the glare off of Doc. HE awkwardly placed Stress down before breaking the bars for Doc's cell.

"Can... can you walk? Hm. Blink once for yes and twice for no. Or I guess wink since you've got..."
Doc blinked twice and Hels began to lose his confidence. His hair and eyes changed back as he pushed Wels to the front. Wels was startled by this but took control of the body.

"Ok, so Stress can you walk?" The girl nodded eagerly, wanting to get out of this wretched place as quickly as possible. So Wels took the broken down creeper and hung him fireman style over his shoulders.

Stress held her head as she slowly followed Wels out of the building. And it really was slowly as Doc wasn't exactly light. But with Pythons littering the ground and Vexes out of the way after seeing what they're capable of it wasn't too hard.

Would you want to run in and fight these guys after they've taken out some of the best guards in your company? Especially if you've never been trained for fighting, only to get in peoples heads. Although if the Vexes had worked together they could've easily worked together to defeat the intruders. But none of them had any thoughts in their brains apart from 'I'm gonna die. Get out of here.'

An atmosphere of uncomfortable washed over them as Wels tried to carry Doc over his shoulder to the door without breaking. Doc's feet dragged off the floor due to the incorrect positioning and just how freakishly tall he was. Stress was going at about zero point five steps every second. Although it took everything in her not to just race to the door and leave Concorp forever.

All of that strength left her when the exit came in sight. Instantly she forgot about the others and ran out. Just as Iskall had felt, the fresh air was heavenly and incredible.

Speaking of Iskall, his face lit up at the first showing of Stress. She didn't exactly feel the same. After all, he was sitting with a pair of scissors sticking out his side.

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