Chapter 3

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TW// blood later in the paragraph

Scar rolled down the corridor. The screams were still there but this time they were faint. This was a different corridor. A special one. To his right was Stress. His left, Iskall. Scar stopped.

He spun his wheels so he could face Stress.
"I'm so sorry for doing this. I didn't mean it."

His words were filled with care and empathy. It touched the girl's heart.

"You didn't..."

"Stress don't trust him."

Iskall's voice spoke for the first time since he was knocked out. He interrupted what Stress was saying and Scar looked to the floor.

"You think you so clever. You're the one who got your friends here in the first place." There was no care anymore. Scar was a brilliant liar.

"You thought you could come here and rescue the pretty avian and for what? Do the rest of you would be stuck here forever?" Scar looked up at Stress and chuckled.

"You thought that you would get away with it? Well, what if I do this?"

Scar's eyes went blue and Iskall's eye shut as he clutched his stomach. Stress ran to the bars of her cell and tried to reach out to Scar. To distract him. To stop him. To do anything to help Iskall. But it was no use.


Iskall's mind was full of interesting memories. Almost everything from his childhood had to do with hybrids and almost everything in his adult life had Stress in it. Scar smirked to himself as he walked along the endless hallways of memories. There were doors upon doors of months and even more of years. They were all different colours based on the main emotion of that day. Yellow for happiness, red for anger, pink for love and so on.

Scar opened one door. It was blue, for sadness.
Iskall was sitting on the floor of his parents living room, he was no older than eight or nine. The television had the news blaring. It was talking about hybrids. Scar walked into the room and stood at the side of the room. Behind Iskall were his parents.

"Look at the disgusting things. How dare they think they can take over our world."

It was in Swedish but Scar could easily translate it using Iskall's knowledge of English.

The small boy sitting on the carpet looked past the differences. They were still people, kind of. But they deserved kindness.

"They can't help being different. It's not their fault."

He was slapped.

"You don't get to talk back to us. Especially not when it comes to them. They're abominations and a disgrace to the world. Go to your room and think about what you just said."

His voice was not shouting but that somehow made it worse. Like he wasn't angry, just extremely disappointed in his son for thinking the way he did.

The memory ended and Scar walked back into the hallway. Most doors after that for a while were blue. Mainly consisting of hearing about the hybrids on television or getting made fun of for supporting them.

Scar walked down, still surrounded by blue doors. He started to run. Blue door after blue door after blue door came and went. Again and again and again. Getting darker in shade. Until there was a single yellow. It stood out like a sore thumb and Scar had to go through it.

He entered a school cafeteria and the noise pierced his ears, he hadn't heard this in years. He almost walked out of the memory right there and then when the noise suddenly went down to whisper. Curiosity got the better of him and he stayed to see what would happen.

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