Chapter 19

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"There's not much room inside but you can go in if you want to, first on the second floor. Xisuma is in and Mumbo will be home in about an hour."

Grian stumbled backwards and stretched out his wings. Ren's eyes held the same expression they did years ago when they first got sent to different camps. He didn't want Grian to leave. Not so soon.

But he nodded thanks and followed the others into the building. The strange blonde man carrying Doc cast another glance over his shoulder before going inside.

And Grian was alone again. For what, the third, fourth time recently? In the cell at AHA, in Cub's office at Concorp, in the forest after the incident with Mumbo. Was he forgetting anything? Only the fact that after he is left alone something goes wrong.

Getting found by Mumbo and leading the whole of AHA to their house, Getting the rest of his friends trapped in Concorp, having to face Mumbo again after the awkward encounter. And now look at him. Instead of finding the help Iskall desperately needs he'S lost in thought.

Grian let the thought that it was all his fault fill his mind. The door to the building closed and snapped him out of it. The same blonde man stood in front of him.

"Hi, I'm Wels." The roots of his hair started going black but then changed to blond just as quickly.

"Grian." The avian sighed and turned away from the man. The strange man. But he didn't think too much of it, hybrids can't be strange but there's nothing wrong with it. It was just a little unusual at first, nothing he couldn't adapt to if this guy was permanent.

He flapped his wings a single time and shot off. The speed was familiar now but not boring. The adrenaline rushed through him. But he had to stay focused. He got high enough so if anyone looked up they'd think he was just a bird at first glance.

The scout began for a hospital. Even if anything was his fault he could still make up for it with this. And Doc. Doc needed a mechanic. Or a coder? Or a roboticist. How are cyborgs made and who fixed them when they break.

Is there a dump that's only for broken down cyborgs who don't know who to go to to get fixed? If there is then where is it and why is it not talked about. Who takes them there? Do they just crawl until their battery runs out? And if they don't have batteries, are they immortal?

Although if cyborgs are mostly just Redstone could Mumbo fix him? Then all Grian would have to do is find a bunch of Redstone and a hospital for Iskall. It was flawless! Although he'd have to actually pay attention to where he was flying if he wanted to find a hospital.

Grian looked to the ground miles below him and noticed he was over nothing but green. The main town was in the opposite direction he'd been going.

He retraced his steps? Flaps? And started in the direction of the town, Boatem. The name comes from the very centre of town where a stack of boats stands over a bottomless pit. No one knows how it got there or who made it. Everyone just kind of accepted it and now it's an actual offence to touch it.

Grian landed on the outskirts of the town and folded his wings up into the backpack shape. It wasn't foolproof but it would do.

"Excuse me!" Grian flagged down a man who looked like a local. He had a blue shirt on with a big '@' on it with streaks of green through his hair.

"Do you know where the hospital is?" The man thought for a minute.

"Human or hybrid? I don't think human hospitals serve avians." Nothing left Grian's lips for a while. The backpack plan was definitely not foolproof at all.

"Uh- human." The man nodded and pointed down the street.

"Left at the boatem, then the second right, then go on until you see the big shop 'Sahara' it's down the road on the left of that. Or the shortcut route, look for the building with the helipad on the roof."

This man had just accepted that the only living again left was standing in front of him and just rolled with it.
"Thank you!" Grian was still baffled and decided it didn't matter if he flew up from here or hidden, the guy already knew. With a singular flap, he was in the air again and easily spotted the building with a helipad.

"You found it?" Grian looked down and saw the man had his hand wrapped around his mouth yelling up.

He placed his left hand to the side of his mouth and yelled back, "yeah thanks!"

A small, "no problem," came back and Grian chuckled to himself. What a peculiar man.

A robot shop. Or someone good with Redstone. That's what he needed now. He flew above the town until he found a shop with a flashy red sign.
What a terrible name. It was perfect.

He landed and walked into the shop. The bell rang above his head and a slightly dishevelled man came from the back room of the shop.

He had brown hair and brown eyes and a yellow exclamation mark on his shirt.
"Welcome to Boatech! How can I help you?"
The name tag on his badge said 'Impulse'.

"Can you fix cyborgs?" Impulse's face dropped from a smile.
"Look, man, if you can't take us seriously I'm gonna ask you to leave. Redstone is an extremely important skill and if you don't appreciate that-"

"I'm not joking. Can you fix cyborgs?" Impulse still seemed sceptical but was more willing to co-operate with the urgency in Grian's voice.

"I mean... it depends what type. Do they come from a human?" Grian let out a breath. He might be able to help Doc.

"No, he's a creeper." Impulse winced at that.

"Creepers are hard. They're extremely pernickety due to their ancestral explosive tendencies. Although what part of him is robotic?"

"His entire right arm and left side of his face." Impulse debated it for a moment and sighed.

"Alright, where is he?"

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