Chapter 5

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Slight TW// strong language later in the chapter

Cub sat on his desk thinking. Scar had informed him of everything he saw in Iskalls mind.
"Well, what now." Cub had been sitting in silence for a few minutes and it was starting to irritate Scar.
"Don't we still have that thing here?" Scar thought for a moment, he couldn't remember as many hybrids as Cub could but surely he'd remember something as special as a human hybrid?

Cub jumped off the desk and walked out the door of his office, Scar sighed and followed him. The footsteps would have echoed around the long corridor if Cub were alone but it was replaced by the humming of the wheelchair.

Cub counted doors along until he got to one labelled,

'File room F

Scar knew what was coming, they had to search for the creatures file report to see what cell it was in. Or maybe Cub would just make an employee do it if he was lucky.

"You. Did you do the write up for the human hybrid?"
"No Sir."
"Did you do the write up for the human hybrid?"
"No Sir."
"Did you?"
"Yes Sir."

Though Scar couldn't see it's he was behind Cub, his eyes went blue and he went into the employee's mind to find where she had put the report for the human hybrid.
He opened doors and only explored more when the first key memory of the day was to do with her job.

Eventually after what seemed like hours but, again, was no time at all he came out of her mind with the file number for the human hybrid. Cub swiftly made his way along the rows of files to the specific one he was looking for.

A small hum escaped his mouth as he found the column. The file was away quite high up. Cub looked around and spotted a ladder. Yes, an employee was up on it already putting files away but this was more important.

He walked over to the ladder and started dragging it to where he needed it as the young boy at the top tried not to fall off while having both hands full of files that needed put away. He failed and dropped the files. Cub simply tutted at his behaviour.

The boy clambered down to pick up his work and Cub climbed up the ladder. He got to the drawer he wanted, opened it, and dragged his finger along the files until he found the one he wanted.

Wels Knight / Hels Knight
Human Hybrid
Room -211

Scar sat at the bottom of the ladder and watched Cub climb down it.
"Well? Are you going to tell me where we are going?"
Cub didn't answer and left to go to room -211.

It was a negative number because the cells were underground to minimise the amount of noise that the people outside concorp could hear. As far as the humans knew, concorp was a place that Hybrids went to learn to control their animal instincts. It's not like it wasn't a believable coverup or anything.

Scar didn't look back before turning around to follow Cub. He kept wheeling himself until Cub got in the elevator. The doors shut. Scars hands dragged along the wheels as he came to a stop. The little shit. He knew Scar couldn't follow him.

The stairs were out of bounds and going to the other elevator would be a waste of time because at the rate Cub was going, he would be finished by the time Scar got to the Human Hybrids cell.

But Cub didn't stop.

-206, -207, -208, -209,-210, -211.

There lay the human hybrid. Its vex was clearly doing some damage to it as it kept going in and out of its 'evil state'. Cub stood watching for some time before the vexes eyes went back to her normal colour and she regained herself in her physical body. She stepped backwards and let Cub do what he wanted to it. The man didn't move and she soon got the hint to walk away.

"Who are you, right now."

It wasn't a question. Cub was demanding to know. The hybrid just laughed.

"why should i tell you... anything.. about me."

Cub didn't like that. He didn't like it one bit. This thing had been at Concorp for quite some time now. Why was it still resisting? How was it still resisting? What would it take for it to break? For it to realise it couldn't be in charge. It was puny. It was worthless. It was nothing compared to Cub.


Surely after years of friendship, it had to have some emotional connection to his old best friends, right? Surely hurting the one thing that helped him when he was a global reject would affect him? It had to because it was the only thing Cub could think of in the moment.

The vex simply smiled before turning and walking back to the elevator to retrieve the swede. On his way there he encountered a very annoyed looking Scar. However, again, he walked past him. Head held high with no looking back. That's when Scar gave up on trying to follow Cub and ended up just going to the other elevator to go back to his daily routine.

But the walking man had a task. One that Scar wouldn't approve of. One that despite everything he had done to control and learn about hybrids he had never had the guts to try. Something that went against the moral views of the company.

But then again the Human hybrid was unique. Nothing like it had ever been in Concorp either. And that was enough logic for Cub as he made his way to Iskalls cell, a floor above Wels' .

The swede lay motionless on the floor, but a quick poke from Cub's mental self soon woke him up. He was exhausted and being greeted by blue eyes helped to get him awake.

"Get up. We're going for a little walk."

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