Chapter 21

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TW// descriptions of blood

The car ride to the hospital was deathly silent. No one dared to say a word. Thankfully Impulse had left his keys in when Grian had pulled him into the house. Grian sat in the passenger seat as Cleo drove.

She had no clue what she was doing but it was better than anything the avian, slime or human could do. The car swerved on the road and oncoming traffic jolted out of their way.

"We should've brought Stress," Grian muttered to himself as he clung onto the grab handle above the car window. Cleo tightened her lips and furrowed her eyebrows. She was trying her best.

Grian gave hazy directions and Jevin sunk further into his seat. Iskall groaned in pain at the suddenness of certain turns. Cleo held her breath for most of the journey.

Relief filled the car as they parked and carefully rushed to get Iskall out of the car. No one questioned the three hybrids as they raced into the building and started screaming but for a doctor. Instead, they directed Grian and Cleo to the reception desk to check-in.

"Please, we need someone to see our friend. He's extremely hurt and needs a doctor." The receptionist didn't speak, only nodding and breading a button on his desk to call for an emergency nurse.

A blonde man came through a set of double doors.
"Keralis, you called?" The man was wearing a pair of goggles and a long lab coat. One was not too far off from what the Concorp chimps were wearing. This made Cleo and Jevin uncomfortable.

"Yes, these three and their friend." The receptionist, Keralis, spoke with an accent. Grian couldn't place where he was from. But now was not the time for analysing people, Iskall was hurt. A strange feeling of deja vu washed over him.

"Oh my goodness, right you lot come this way." The nurse turned on his heel and led the hybrids through the set of doors he had entered not too long ago. They walked through a maze of corridors, doors lying open to view patients from outside their rooms.

Doctors and nurses turned their heads to watch the horrifying man hanging from tentacles, bleeding onto the floor.

The nurse threw open another set of doors dramatically and the surgeon at the table glared at him.
"Zedaph, what have I told you about- oh my goodness." She lifted the goggles down from her forehead over her eyes and motioned for Iskall to be set on the table.

"Human or hidden hybrid?" She wasted no time in getting to work. Grian was thankful she took her job so seriously.

"Human," Cleo spoke up and the surgeon visibly relaxed, just a little.

"Thank you. Zedaph, if you would?" The nurse nodded and ushered Grian, Cleo and Jevin out of the room into the waiting room.

"He'll be in safe hands with Doctor Symmetry and the others. You can either wait for an update here or input-"

"I think we'll wait." Grian interrupted. Zedaph closed his mouth and nodded. His eyes hung on the avian for a moment, almost questioning if he was genuine or a faker before he left the trio in the waiting room with only a few other people and hybrids in it. Some crying, some oddly pale, it made Grian's stomach churn.


"Screwdriver." Almost immediately it was placed in Impulse's hand. Mumbo sat over Doc's limp body in anticipation. Impulse was putting in the last few touches.

Stress shifted on the sofa, not a clue what was going on but feeling the tension in the air. Ren and Wels were in the kitchen, poking their heads around the doorframe every so often to check the progress.

Xisuma sat in his room with Tango for a while, but as soon as they realised what was going on in the living room they came straight through and waited, one watching one listening.

"And. That should be it." Doc stared at the ceiling for another second before slowly blinking, his red eye flickering on. Xisuma took from everyone's reactions that it worked.

Doc slowly sat up and clutched his head. He used one hand to hold himself up and the other rub his eye. The realisation he was working again took a minute to set in.

Impulse stared proudly at their eyes work as Doc marvelled at the job worked on himself.
"Thank you." Impulse waved off the thanks as no problem. Movement felt so good after being a lump of wires and immobility.

Tears pricked the edges of Doc's eyes. Ren looked in from the kitchen and his eyes shot open. The cyborg was alive again. Or as alive as he could be.

The creeper shakily stood up and couldn't keep his smile hidden. Mumbo and Impulse couldn't either as Doc clenched and unclenches his robotic hand.

And a lightbulb went off in Impulse's mind.
"I have no clue who any of you are. Sorry to ruin the moment."
The moment was indeed ruined. The excitement everyone felt a moment earlier was quickly draining.

"I'm Mumbo." The moustached man stuck his hand out for Impulse to shake.
"I'm Stress, me and Mumbo are both humans. Along with- with Iskall." Impulse took his hand away from Mumbo's and nodded.
"I'm Wels, and you heard Hels introduce himself to Grian."
"Ren, and I'm a dog hybrid since we're doing that."

The rest introduced themselves and their species. Impulse left the room silent with his lips pressed together. What are the chances a human hybrid, the only warden and the only avian in the world would meet?

Mumbo sensed the tension in the room.
"Doc, me and Impulse will leave you to do... stuff. Impulse I have to show you my Hypered Molecules Theory machine. Very redstoney."

Impulse scrunched his face up.
"That's not a real-"
"It is, now comes on I must show you at once."

Before anyone could say anything Mumbo had dragged Impulse to his bedroom to simply fangirl over Redstone. And that's all they did. It was better than sitting in the living room for who knows how long in awkward silence.

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