Chapter 28

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Sorry its been a while. For those who forgot, Concorp came and mass murdered the avians. Grian escaped by flying high, Mumbo was shot.

TW// descriptions of blood

Grian didn't get down from the market stall. Instead he opened his wings and flew straight to where Pesky was.

"Are you ok? Did they get you?"

Grian stared up to the taller with genuine concern.
"No, no I'm ok. Did you get hit?" 

Grian shook his head.
"We should pro-"
His breathing and heartrate got faster. He spun around to look at the scramble on the ground. 

Avians were dancing about trying not to step on any bodies on the floor. Most had fallen forwards onto their faces, leaving brightly coloured wings scattered. But sure enough, Grian caught sight of what used to be a neat suited man surrounded by his own blood. 

He was an idiot, Mumbo couldn't fly. Of course he was going to get hit. Grian raced down to where the presumably lifeless body lay. His eyes were stinging and Pesky was following close by. 

He didn't even bother to land properly, simply skidding to his knees right beside Mumbo. Grian gingerly reached out to his friend, his best friend. His saviour from AHA. A hand was placed on his shoulder. His whole body was shaking. 

He clasped a hand over his mouth to try and quiet himself down. It didn't work. 
"Mumbo, Mumbo this isn't funny."
His voice was quiet. 

"Grian, we have to go."
The smaller shook his head. The realisation was overwhelming. He was completely powerless, Mumbo was gone. The tears were streaming down his face and his head was running rampage with everything. 

"Mumbo, please get up. Your not- I know your not." 
He keeled over, his hair draping down over his face. 

Pesky shuffled to avoid the blood still seeping out of Mumbo's body. 
"Grian, we could still save him. Please come on."

There was no way that he could be saved. Pesky just needed to get Grian up and moving. Sobbing came from around them as more avians found lost loved ones bodies. Pesky lowered his voice.

"You have to come. Grian?"
The smaller lifted a hand to wipe his face, averting his eyes from the sight in front of him. Instead he saw two birds doing the exact same thing he was. It was strangely comforting, knowing that he wasn't the only one who could've done something but didn't. Still horrifying, but comforting. Like he wasn't alone.

Pesky helped him to his feet and guided him out of the ravine entrance. Around them were avians seeing the outside world for the first time, some in years, some in their whole life. Gasps and proclaims of beauty surrounded Pesky and Grian. It was underwhelming. 

Obviously it must've been magical for the others but it was just plain old outside, and Grian's stomach churned when he seen the tops of burnt trees and a too familiar Concorp building in the distance. 

"The hospital." It was merely a mutter. Pesky turned to look at the smaller.

"The hospital!" Grian spread his wings and started flying the directions he vaguely remembered. The others seen him and, with nothing else left to go off of, some started following. Others stayed, cautious about the new place. Some got distracted and flew in other directions, captured by things they seen or noticed. A good bunch followed Grian all the way to the hospital though. And this did not go unseen by the public. 

Grian landed, Pesky by his side, and an army of avians behind him. Every single person inside the hospital stopped purely by the power that what looked like a child had. Not only that but a supposedly extinct hybrid race was crowding around the doors of the hospital, the place of the frail and sick. 

"Up the mountain, inside the mineshaft entrance. There's been a massacre, please send as many people up as possible." Grian's voice was desperate and hoarse from crying. The crowd shuffled uncomfortably. A nurse pushed through the people. The same nurse who helped with Iskall. 

Grian's eyes darted to him. 
"Pearl Mountain?"

Grian and the rest of the avians nodded or hummed. The nurse turned to stood on his tip-toes to see over the crowd. 
"Keralis- get False."

The energy in the hospital picked back up and available doctors began swarming toward the avians. The next hour was a blur. 

Zedaph, the nurse, drove in the same ambulance as Grian and Pesky. Wounded avians were taken in and treated while safe ones flew back to Pearl Mountain to help. Police arrived at the mountain to seal it off from nosy townsfolk and passer-by's. Paramedics rushed in to help anyone seriously injured and remove anyone who didn't make it. 

Pesky stood beside Grian as they watched their kind being wheeled away under sheets. The wings poked out and they were almost too tall for the bed. Mumbo was rolled by and Pesky put a hand on Grian's shoulder. 

And Grian knew that a certain vex was standing watching ambulances soar to Pearl Mountain. Smiling wickedly to himself knowing that the avians were helpless to defend themselves. It made Grian sick. 

But Cub would always have the advantage. He had endless amounts off pythons and guards, nit to mention the power of the mind. 

The only real way to stop him would be if he was-

Grian lifted his head to look at Pesky. The huge bird was practically shaking. This was his family, his friends, his whole life. The two lost so much in a few hours. They had to be there for each other.

It wouldn't be worth it to go after Cub. The loss would be so much more. 

It wouldn't be worth it. But god would it feel good.

Yeah the ending is kind of shitty but I wanted to release something and not leave the ending as the previous chapter. I'm so sorry it took a while, I've just been so unmotivated with writing. If you made it this far thank you so much I cannot express how much I appreciate every single person who read this story.

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