Chapter 17

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TW// Not sure what to label this as but if you can feel others people pain through the words intensely you might not want to read this. If anyone knows the label for this I'll gladly change it.

She stood in shock for a minute before Iskall spoke.

"You ok?"

"Am I ok? Are you ok? You've got- oh my god how did that happen? Who did that?" She ran forwards and started cautiously waving her hands around the scissors, unsure whether to pull them out or not.

There was red-stained around the area on his t-shirt, ever-growing by the second.
"We have to take you to a hospital. Wels?"

The blond looked up at the mention of his name.
"We have to leave. Where are the others?"
She looked between the two boys expectantly, automatically assuming the worst about what happened to the others.

"They're fine. Don't worry they stayed back to give Cub what he deserved."
Stress let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding and ran a hand through her hair. She slid it down the side of her face and let it cup her cheek.

Iskall tried to stand before immediately regretting the decision. Pain bursting out from where the scissors were. He slumped back down and Stress rushed to hold his shoulders down to stop him from moving.

"What are we going to do? Wait for them?"
Wels tried to shrug but it was a little difficult with a giant hanging off his shoulders. Stress huffed and sat on the floor beside Iskall.

The silence between them all wasn't awkward nor comfortable. It was more impatient. They all hated the ground they stood on more than anything and wanted to leave. But they couldn't. They couldn't abandon Cleo, Tango, Ren and Jevin. Not after they purposely stayed back in that horrid place.

The only noise, while they were waiting, was Wels taking Doc off his shoulders, sitting down, and leaning the creeper against his shoulder so he wouldn't fall.

"And did you see his face? Oh man, that was priceless."
Faint laughter came from inside the building and they all turned to look at where it came from. Stress leaned forwards in interest and could hardly contain her smile when she saw the others coming towards the door.

With a glance over her shoulder to make sure Iskall was still ok she scrambled up to see them.
"Are you ok? What did they do to you?"
Tango chuckled and explained why they stayed back to Stress.

"Holy shit!" "Oh my god, are you ok?"

Iskall gave the most convincing smile he could muster, and it wasn't very convincing. Ren hurried forwards and did the same thing Stress did when she saw it, Jevin's mouth fell open and he stared at the injury in shock, Cleo knew Iskall had got hurt in the room but didn't imagine it was nearly as bad as what sat in front of her.

Tango stood talking with Stress about what to do next. Obviously, Iskall had to go to the hospital but Concorp was difficult to find in the first place. With injured friends, mentally scarred Ren,  a traumatised Cleo, a non-functional Doc, a scared fronting Wels, a hiding Hels, an extremely stressful Stress, an anxious Jevin and a burned and blistering Tango it was only going to be so much more difficult.

However, there was one thing that could have been more helpful to them. One thing that would enable them to find a hospital in no time at all. An aerial view of the nearby area. There was only one person who could supply them with that at such short notice. Grian.

But for Grian to help them they needed to find him first. And they could hardly move with Iskall in this state. It was in an infinite loop of helplessness.

Or was it. Tango looked to Jevin and remembered the way he had held Cub back. The man had some serious strength and excellent control of his tentacles. Tango bit the inside of his mouth as he contemplated whether his idea would work or not.

"Could you, Jevin, maybe lift Iskall with your tentacles and carry him very still?" Jevin turned at the mention of his name and thought for a moment. He looked to Iskall who seemed very much in pain and gave a nervous smile. What the hell. It was worth a shot.

He approached Iskall, explaining Tango's plan and asking if he was ok with it because consent is important no matter what is going on. Iskall was hesitant at first but agreed. He braced himself for the outbursts of pain, but it wasn't enough.

The tentacles slipping under his shoulders caused his torso to be straightened out, therefore causing the scissors to hit against his rib and inside flesh. He screamed in pain and Stress bit her knuckled just watching him. Wels had to look away and bury his head into Doc. Hels was doing his best to distract Wels from thinking about it too much even though it deeply affected him too.

Ren clasped a hand over his mouth and had to step away to gather himself. Jevin winced and slowly readjusted his grip before lifting the swede into the air. As he straightened out even more the scissors started to cut the inside flesh causing the bleeding, which was starting to even out, to only get worse.

Cleo had to look away as the pool of red on the path got bigger and darker. Even Jevin found himself wanting to squeeze his eyes shut and just let his friend be out of pain but he knew the sooner they got him still the sooner they could get him the help he desperately needed.

Jevin looked to a sheet-pale Tango to see if what he was doing was what he had in mind. Iskall was suspended from the tentacles higher than everyone else, he looked like an extremely detailed Halloween prop. It made them all sick to see. Wels and Hels had to walk in front of them all, yes both of them.

Wels was still fronting but Hels wasn't too far off in case the situation got too much for him to handle, after all, they were still carrying Doc and Hels couldn't stand the thought of Wels retreating from control and leaving their body and Doc helpless.

Jevin was right at the back of the group carrying Iskall, nobody wanted to have that image in their field of view. But Jevin had to. He was far from ok with it. And yet the thought that he was the only one capable enough to help Iskall was enough to push him through.

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