Chapter 20

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When they left the shop Impulse climbed in his car and Grian got in the passenger seat. A horrible thought started overcoming Grian.

"Your not- not anti-hybrid. Are you?" The again squirmed uncomfortably at Impulse's hesitation.

"I'm not. Are you?" Grian let go of his breath and released the tension in his wings, letting them explode into the free space on either side of him. He positioned them so Impulse could still see through the mirror to behind them.

The human jumped and froze at the sudden, well wings. The 'human' beside him just erupted wings. Alright. That was normal.

He slowly focused back on the road.
"So... where did you say the cyborg was?" Grian opened his mouth to reply. And that's all he did. He'd flown through the air. He had no idea where to go from the ground. He huffed at this realisation.

"Hold on." He wound down the window and stuck his head out. Impulse rightfully started freaking out and slammed the brakes.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Grian pulled his head back inside and was completely calm in contrast to the driver. Although he was a little annoyed.

"Just keep going. We'll get there faster." Reluctantly Impulse pressed the accelerator down and started driving again. Grian stuck his head back out the window, then his shoulders.

He then placed one hand on Impulse's shoulder and another on the bottom of the window frame. Using Impulse to steady himself he used his other arm to push himself out of the window. He pulled his wings in until the scapulars of his wings were outside of the car.

He then extended them and softly flapped to take his body weight onto his wings. From there he manoeuvred his way out the window and flew to land on the roof. The noise of him landing startled Impulse who had to process all of this information very quickly while focusing on not crashing a car.

"Alright, I'm going up." A loud whooshing sound followed that. Then silence.

"Ok so go forwards until you reach the crossroad, go right." The voice came from beside him causing Impulse to look out his window. Grian was flying alongside the car, having plenty of practice of this with Mumbo and the boat.

He took back into the air to gather new information, Impulse following it every time he came back down. That's how the rest of the drive went. Until Impulse pulled into the parking lot of a familiar set of flats.

The blond man from earlier wasn't outside anymore. Grian led Impulse into the building, up the stairs and into his flat.

"Surely you can fix him, Mumbo?"

"I'm sorry Ren but that's a little out of my zone."

Just in time. He walked into the living room and was greeted with Doc draped over the sofa, Mumbo standing behind the open door, Ren sitting on the floor and the blond man from earlier but now he had red eyes and black hair.

"What's going on here? Who are you?" Grian looked at the raven-haired man who pointed to himself in question.

"I'm Hels. Although sometimes I'm Wels. I'm a human hybrid." Two people in one. Grian made a mental note to remember the different names and use them appropriately.

"Who's this guy?" Mumbo had stuck his head around the door and squinted in jealousy at the man beside Grian.

"This is Impool, he's a Redstoner." Grian gestured towards the awkward man. There was a half-dead half cyborg, a human hybrid, an 'extinct' avian and a dog hybrid in the same room.

"It's- its Impulse." Grian apologised and left the room to find Iskall. The horrified gasp revealed that Iskall was in a much worse shape than before.

"Does anyone else know Redstone?" Impulse really didn't want to dive into this alone. His tone was desperate.

"I know some. I've helped him patch up before but nothing like this." The abnormally tall man behind the door spoke up and Impulse turned to look at him.

"Do you have anything with you? I don't have any tools with me." Mumbo nodded and led Impulse out the room.

They walked past Grian's room. Inside was a concerned Cleo and Grian discussing how to get Iskall to the hospital. Mumbo swallowed the lump in his throat watching how pale Grian was. He hated seeing the man like this. Iskall had been moved to laying on Grians bed.

Mumbo's room was a mess. Quite literally. Shelves covered in knick-knacks were behind his door, his bedside table was full of comparators and repeaters. His bed sheets were stained red at the bottom from sitting on the floor fiddling with dust for hours. And the floor mirrored that, patched of red from spilt dust everywhere. Not that Mumbo seemed to mind.

He easily moved through the sea of stuff on his floor to get to his bed. Kneeling, he reached under it and pulled out a box. He lifted it to show Impulse and smiled giddily. He really liked Redstone and it showed. Luckily, Impulse matched his energy and seemed excited too.

The two raced back to the living room and kneeled on the floor in front of Doc. They carefully pulled him onto the floor. Impulse put him into the most accessible position while Mumbo shooed Hels and Ren out of the room.

Mumbo opened the box and pulled out the basics they might need, including other things like spanners and screwdrivers of different sizes. 

Impulse took hold of one and went to pry open Doc's metal half, but having been tested on and messed with by Concorp it flew open like nothing. Impulse caught himself before he fell on top of Doc with the force he put into the leverage.

"Ok, do you have any idea where to start?" Mumbo looked to Impulse, the expert, with hope.

"Impulse we need to use your car really quick."Jevin had a hold of Iskall again and was following behind Grian and Cleo.

"Yeah that's fine, I suppose we should start with his eye." The three left the building before Impulse could even process what they said. He and Mumbo had already adopted the engineer brain and tuned out everything but each other. It was rather beautiful, watching them work.

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